“Can Do” Street Launches Program Showcases!

showcases theater

Showcases is now open in the “Can Do” Street Mall featuring unique programs, activities and services for parents and their young children.

The first three programs of many to be featured on Showcases in the months to come are:

  • A Pinch of Salt -a demonstration of a dessert that parents can make with their children
  • Kids Are Heroes –about kids making a difference by helping others
  • Canine Companions –a service dog making a difference for a boy with a physical disability

You are Invited to be a Part of Showcases!

If you have a program, curriculum, activity, sport, game, software,  camp or resources for young children, now is the time to showcase it in the mall on “Can Do Street.”

There is no Fee to Participate in Showcases.

It is a free feature designed to give parents, teachers and other adults involved in child development the opportunity to see what is available for young children and to replicate what is suitable for their child, school or community. Every submission will credit the person responsible for the submission and include an active link to that person’s website, blog, or social media site.

Eligible Materials for Showcases Include but are not Limited to:

Programs: recreation, education, arts, music, computer, cooking, gardening, martial arts, knitting, sewing, quilting

Curriculum: academics, recreation, the arts, life skills, character and values education

Sports: all age-appropriate sports and intro to sports appropriate for elementary school

Showcases formats: Video or UTube movie        showcases camera

Submissions to showcases are reviewed for suitability of content. They will be posted as received and reviewed. We welcome submissions from  individuals, schools and organizations. For more information, or to get your questions answered, please email jeanc@candostreet.com.

Showcases is about sharing what enriches the lives of young children. So, please showcase  and share!


You’re Invited to Showcase

The “Can Do” Street Mall Showcase is about sharing! It’s about adults sharing with one another about what young children enjoy and what can boost their enthusiasm for learning.

If you have a program, curriculum, activity, sport, game, software,  camp or resources for children 3-7 years, including children with special needs, now is the time to showcase it in the mall on “Can Do Street.”

There is no fee to showcase.

It is a free feature designed to give parents, teachers and other adults involved in child development the opportunity to see what is available for young children and to replicate what is suitable for their child, school or community. Every submission will credit the person responsible for the submission and include an active link to that person’s website, blog, or social media site.

Eligible showcase  materials include but are not limited to:

Programs: recreation, education, sports,  arts, music, computer, cooking, gardening, martial arts, knitting, sewing, quilting

Curriculum: academics, recreation, the arts, life skills, character and values education

Sports: all age-appropriate sports, intro to sports appropriate for elementary school upper grades

Resources for children with special needs

Showcase formats: Video, UTube, PowerPoint presentation, pictorial display with written narrative,  interactive programs, games, audio/graphic presentations

Submissions to the showcase are reviewed for suitability of content. They will be posted as received and reviewed. We welcome submissions from  individuals, schools and organizations. For more information, or to get your questions answered, please email jeanc@candostreet.com.

The Showcase is about adults sharing what enriches the lives of young children. So…please showcase  and share!


More of What’s Being Said About “Can Do’ Street


Thanks to reader Joe M for this suggestion! “Can Do” Street is designed for youngsters (3-7) maneuver through a street where they learn valuable lessons in life and learning. The animation is extremely attractive and age appropriate. It’s easy to see how youngsters would get lost in the content and learning while having fun. The content seems wonderful.


“Can Do” Street is a discovery learning website that offers 3-7 year old children fun ways to develop decision making skills about personal safety, friendship, sharing, appropriate behavior and other life skills. The site provides interactive activities for children through creative cartoon programs and educational games as well as downloads that include coloring and activity sheets, follow-up exercises, and instructional materials for parents and teachers.

Note: Both these organizations  and dozens of others expressed hope that our site could be made free so all could enjoy it.  “Can Do” Street is now free for all who want to use it and will  be supported through advertising.


What’s Being Said About “Can Do” Street…

By: http://ilearntechnology.com

What it is: Can Do Street is a website that has games, lessons, and videos focused on character development for young students.  The site is membership based but does have some free content. Hector’s Being Selfish is a free video on the site that teaches students what it means to be selfish.  The cartoon is easy to understand and helps kids recognize selfishness and what it means to be a good friend.  Throughout the video, students are given the chance to interact by answering questions.

How to integrate Hector’s Being Selfish into the classroom: This videos helps children recognize selfishness and offers ways that they can be a good friend.  Character education needs to be taught, we can’t expect that all children will naturally pick it up.  Kids come from different backgrounds and differing expectations at home.  Hector’s Being Selfish is a good video to begin the school year with, and would be a great reminder mid-year.  Watch the video as a whole class and invite students to vote on their answers throughout the video.


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