I am a Ghostwriter

Image of Ghostwriter, I am a ghostwriter


I am a Ghostwriter. If you have a story or a message that needs writing, I can write it for you. 

You know me as the creator of and content writer for Can Do Street, but I am a Ghostwriter as well. Can Do Street is one of the programs of my company, Campbell Development Group(CDG), www.campbelldevelopmentgroup.com. CDG is a digital and print media company.  For over 25 years, I’ve ghostwritten for individuals, and for profit and nonprofit corporations. When the digital world became a reality, my ghostwriting expanded from print media to include digital media products.

Campbell Development Group, LLC is a New York City Certified Woman Business Enterprise (52872-82010). It is also a New York State Certified Woman Business Enterprise (54222). As such, I am vetted by these agencies.  While my company is certified in New York, I can and do have clients throughout the U.S.

I ghostwrite for individuals, organizations, and corporations with a message they want to share in digital or print media. However, they don’t have the time or inclination to write it themselves. In addition to writing children’s content, such as books and short stories, I ghostwrite for adults on a variety of topic areas.  One area of specialization include families caring for children with special needs. As a cancer survivor, I also specialize in  ghostwriting for women and men wanting to share their cancer stories.

My ghostwriting services are confidential. I sign a confidentiality agreement assuring that I will not identify a client or reference his or her work. On my CDG website, there are samples of my freelance work, not my ghostwriting work. Samples of my freelance work are on the CDG home page. The digital portfolio references additional samples of my work.

My ghostwriting products and pricing can be seen on campbelldevelopmentgroup.com/writing-services-and-pricing.

If you need a ghostwriter, please call me for more information about my services.

Jean Campbell


Cursive Writing…To Teach or Not to Teach…That is the Question

boy writing in scriptHear that…it’s the sound of teachers from long ago crying out in horror at the thought of cursive writing, or penmanship as it was called when I was learning script, being dropped from the curriculum in elementary schools.

We adults spent all those hours, long ago, practicing to perfect our writing skills.  First we wrote with a pencil, then on to a fountain pen and then a ballpoint pen. Is the coveted penmanship award to be another dust catcher on the memorabilia shelf displaying things that mattered in a bygone educational era?

Those in favor of doing away with educating our children in cursive writing claim those classroom hours will be better spent teaching other subjects. They claim that the computer and other digital devices are now the communications devices of choice and will only continue to be so in the future.

Still more support the idea of digital writing over cursive writing because it easier for most children to use and less frustrating for those children with physical disabilities. Yes, learning to use a keyboard can be easier than learning to write in script with no worries about illegible handwriting.  As a former educator of children with disabilities, I know and applaud what a great equalizer digital communication is for children with disabilities.

However, if we eliminate cursive writing instruction in school how do future adults sign their names to a check or a legal document? How do they demonstrate that they are the rightful holders of credit cards? How can they prove that they are who they say they are when victims of credit card or identity theft?

Will we return to those days of yesteryear when we made our mark when we didn’t know how to sign our name?

Maybe I am being sentimental about cursive writing, but I hate to think that future adults will only have printing to fall back on if they don’t have a digital device handy.


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