1 million in Acceleration Grants to be Awarded to Schools Across the US

I was asked to make my readers aware of the following grants program for schools.

grants ChildObesity180’s Active Schools Acceleration Project (ASAP www.activeschoolsasap.org) has announced it is awarding $1 million in Acceleration Grants to give schools across America everything they need to become active schools.

 Why is physical activity programming important? It’s simple. Active schools do better. ASAP’s Innovation Competition last year discovered incredibly innovative physical activity programs happening in schools all across the country spearheaded by grassroots champions – parents, teachers, and advocates passionate about children’s health.

 Now these fun, flexible, and creative programs are ready to share with the nation. ASAP is awarding 1,000 elementary schools each with $1,000 Acceleration Grants to kick start a new program and realize all the benefits of being an active school. That’s $1 million to get America’s kids moving again in school. You choose the best match for your school:

 BOKS – A 40-minute before-school physical activity program featuring structured group play with games and drills emphasizing aerobic exertion.

 100 Mile Club – A walk/run program where students run 100 miles over the course of the school year, logging miles and earning prizes along the way.

 Just Move – A classroom-based activity program featuring an academically integrated curriculum of in-class movement breaks.

 Winning schools will receive everything they need to get started: $1,000 in seed funding, a game plan to follow and a support network of champions across the country embarking on the same path.

 Are you ready to be a champion for this cause? Are you ready to make a difference in your school? Is your school ready to join the movement?

 Teachers, parents, coaches and all school wellness champions are encouraged to apply today! Head to www.ActiveSchoolsASAP.org to learn more and get started.

Active Schools Acceleration Project is an initiative of ChildObesity180,an organization that uses evidence-based research, multi-sector leadership and an integrated portfolio of initiatives that together accelerate systemic change to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic. Learn more at www.ChildObesity180.org.

More about ASAP:

 Active Schools Acceleration Project (ASAP) is part of a new breed of entrepreneurial non-profit that is increasing quality physical activity in schools. We do this by identifying grassroots champions, developing replicable models, and bringing the funding and resources to bring physical activity programs back to schools.

 ASAP programs are simple, unintimidating and flexible enough to accommodate the unique environment and challenges of each individual school. ASAP scoured the nation to find programs pioneered by everyday people who were inspired to say “Yes we can” and now the initiative is empowering and funding new schools to adopt these proven models that are fun, creative and can make a difference.

 ASAP gives schools everything they need to jump start new programs; seed money and simple programs in their schools to get kids moving. It makes it easy and accessible for teachers, parents and community partners to make a difference in schools across the country.  Recipients of ASAP grants are recognized within the region as innovative leaders. ASAP schools are trailblazers demonstrating that fun physical activity is a fundamental component of what defines a quality education and a great school.





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