New Features


As creator of “Can Do” Street I want to tell you about some of the new features we are planning for this blog for parents and teachers.

In late October we will be adding the following sections to the blog:

  • Teacher Stories – a place where teachers of children  3-7 years of age can share how they get positive results from using character/values curriculum or their own lesson plans to guide their students in making good choices about school behavior, manners, sharing, personal hygiene, personal safety, eating habits, playing fair, being a friend and disability sensitivity. This section is open to teachers from graded classes in public, private and parochial schools and teachers of special needs children in ungraded classes.
  • Parent Exchange – An opportunity for parents to exchange information on what works for them in helping their young children make good choices about managing anger, doing chores, interacting with siblings, demonstrating caring behavior, getting up and going to bed on time, dressing, personal hygiene, telling the truth, pet care, speaking respectfully, and table manners
  • Resource Center – links to programs, articles, camps and web sites for parents of children 3-7 years.
  • Home School – Parents who home school can share what curriculum and activities they use to help their children practice making good choices
  • After School – a forum for after school instructors, recreation staff, coaches, and camp counselors to share what is successful in helping young children make good choices when in their care.
  • Grandparents Know – grandparents share how to help grands make good choices

Thanks for visiting!  Please become a regular on “Can Do” Street by writing and sharing. Just send your stories, comments and resources to

By for now,



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