How Parents can Help the Nanny

Jack Meyer contributed the following guest post. While his post focuses on a nanny as a caregiver, much of what he says rings true for any child care provider that comes into your home to care for your child or children, be it a day worker or live-in nanny.

Mr. Meyer is a regular contributor to As a detective, he wants to share information about what can happen when people don’t fully verify the credentials of a caregiver or any employee. He also writes for various law enforcement blogs and sites.

nannyOften parents get so focused on how the nanny is going to help them out with the kids that they forget that when a new nanny is hired, she needs help adjusting too.

It takes time for everyone acclimate to a new situation, especially when you’re bringing someone new into your home and expecting them to watch, get along with, and sometimes even teach your children. There are a few ways you can help your new nanny ease into her position:

1.      Set down your rules

This sounds like an obvious one, but a lot of times parents don’t think of this until they find themselves getting frustrated with their nanny for doing something wrong or differently than they would do it themselves. If there are certain rules that your family adheres to then it would be helpful for you to clearly lay those out for your new nanny so that she doesn’t inadvertently step on any toes. It’s harder to change habits after getting accustomed to them being a certain way than it is for your nanny to start nannying the way you want her too from the get-go.

2.      Regularly schedule reviews and meetings

It’s a good idea to check in with your nanny frequently to make sure that everything is going well and to make sure that everyone is happy with the situation as is, that way adjustments can be made if necessary. It’s good to step back and openly communicate about what’s working and what isn’t, so try having a review every couple months to assess how things are going and take time to talk to one another at the end of each day to address any problems your child may be having or progress he may have made.

3.      Give credit where credit is due

Sometimes you don’t know a good thing until it’s gone – try to acknowledge and compliment your nanny when it’s deserved. Everyone needs to hear “job well done” on occasion; it helps to foster a good work environment.

4.      Include the nanny in family events

From time to time it’s a good idea to include your nanny in picnics at the park or trips to the beach. You’re bringing someone into your home and having her care for some of the most important people in your life – your children. The more included they feel, the more comfortable they’ll become. Having a good, open relationship with your nanny is crucial to the success of the hire.

Hiring a nanny can be a wonderful and rewarding experience for you, your children and the nanny. It truly is a job that requires a great deal of passion towards the profession and it’s not an easy profession to undertake.

When the family is as committed to making the nanny comfortable as the nanny is to caring for the children it fosters a dynamic and successful relationship.


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