Posts belonging to Category Sharing
The Gracious Pantry
Tiffany McCauley started The Gracious Pantry in August, 2008 as a means of keeping track of not only her recipes, but her attempts at losing weight. To her surprise, clean eating, as she calls it, did the trick when all other eating plans failed her.Tiffany describes cleaning eating as,”The consumption of simple foods in their natural states. The avoidance of processed, boxed or otherwise “tampered with” foods.”
Down 40 lbs. to date, Tiffany is committed to a clean eating lifestyle and to sharing clean eating recipes with her readers.
Tiffany’s recipes are not only healthy, they are kid friendly! She shares one such recipe, “Clean Eating Pizzadias” in our Recipes section of the navigation bar above. As Tiffany puts it, “Hands down, this is my son’s favorite recipe.”
Visit the Gracious Pantry for recipes that are healthier, yet flavorful adaptations of some favorite foods such as eggnog and chili to name just a few at
A Gift For Teaching
Is an organization in Florida that is making a substantial difference for teachers and their students in need. They accomplish this by transferring their community’s surplus materials and resources free to teachers for their students who cannot afford to buy needed school supplies.
More than half the students in Central Florida can’t afford lunch let alone school supplies. In many cases, teachers spend between $500-$1,000 of their own money to buy supplies for students and classrooms each year.
A Gift For Teaching’s concept is simple, but so practical: local businesses take unwanted supplies or surplus merchandise that would otherwise get thrown away and donate it for distribution through the Free Stores for teachers. More than 8,673 teachers from Central Florida’s 324 public schools can then “shop” for free to make sure the more than 155,051 students in the community have what they need to learn. (more…)
Crafty Ideas…
Molly Fisher describes her site as a place to find craft ideas, tutorials, and inspiration for creative people. Molly started Craft Ideas Weekly to find and share craft projects, art, things, people, and experiences that inspire her.
It is important to Molly’s to create and learn how others do too. Craft Ideas Weekly was created to find out about the beautiful arts and crafts people make and share that with other crafts people around the world. Artists of all kinds are invited to share a step by step project each week with readers of Craft Ideas weekly. A unique feature of the site …offering an email hotline to help on a project if you are stuck.
- Visit the site at
Craft Ideas For Kids – if you love to do crafts with your children, there are plenty on Molly’s site to choose from: just click on the underlined title and there you are!
Holiday Craft Ideas – You will never be at a loss for holiday crafts. There are ideas for every holiday including 4th Of July Crafts, Mothers and Fathers Day Crafts. Halloween, Christmas, and more…so… click on the underlined title and explore the holiday crafts.
Please check out Parent Exchange on this blog to learn more about Molly Fisher. “Can Do” Street will soon launch a resources center and feature a few crafts from Craft Ideas Weekly.
New Features
As creator of “Can Do” Street I want to tell you about some of the new features we are planning for this blog for parents and teachers.
In late October we will be adding the following sections to the blog:
- Teacher Stories – a place where teachers of children 3-7 years of age can share how they get positive results from using character/values curriculum or their own lesson plans to guide their students in making good choices about school behavior, manners, sharing, personal hygiene, personal safety, eating habits, playing fair, being a friend and disability sensitivity. This section is open to teachers from graded classes in public, private and parochial schools and teachers of special needs children in ungraded classes.
- Parent Exchange – An opportunity for parents to exchange information on what works for them in helping their young children make good choices about managing anger, doing chores, interacting with siblings, demonstrating caring behavior, getting up and going to bed on time, dressing, personal hygiene, telling the truth, pet care, speaking respectfully, and table manners
- Resource Center – links to programs, articles, camps and web sites for parents of children 3-7 years.
- Home School – Parents who home school can share what curriculum and activities they use to help their children practice making good choices
- After School – a forum for after school instructors, recreation staff, coaches, and camp counselors to share what is successful in helping young children make good choices when in their care.
- Grandparents Know – grandparents share how to help grands make good choices
Thanks for visiting! Please become a regular on “Can Do” Street by writing and sharing. Just send your stories, comments and resources to
By for now,