Raising Awareness About Kids, Cars, and Heatstroke

July 31 Is National Heatstroke Prevention Day.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and SafeKids.org are asking you to help raise awareness about the dangers of kids and cars through a concerted day-long social media conversation on July 31.

heatstrokeHere’s what NHTSA and SafeKids.org have to say, “As summer temperatures rise, the dangers for kids left in hot vehicles increases exponentially. NHTSA and SafeKids are reaching out to state and local safety partners and to parents, as well as other caregivers asking all, if possible,  to tweet and post on Facebook every hour on the hour from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Eastern Time. @NHTSA.gov will be using the hash tag *#heatstroke *on all its social media posts and asks you to do the same.”

Sample posts for Facebook

>> No child should die of #heatstroke from being left alone in a hot car!

>> If you see a child alone in a hot vehicle, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. If the child is in distress due to heat, get that child out as quickly as possible. Cool the child rapidly by spraying the child with cool water or with water from a garden hose (an ice bath isn’t necessary nordesirable). Visit www.safercar.gov/heatstroke http://www.safercar.gov/heatstroke ] for more information.

Sample tweets for Twitter

>> A child’s body absorbs more heat on a hot day than an adult’s does. Where’s Baby? Look before you lock! #heatstroke

>> High body temperatures can cause a child permanent injury or even death. Where’s Baby? Look before you lock! #heatstroke

>> 10 minutes is all it takes for a car to reach deadly temperatures w/ a child locked inside. www.safekids.org/heatstroke [ http://www.safercar.gov/heatstroke

>> Remember to never leave your child alone in a car – even for a minute! Please RT www.safekids.org/heatstroke [ http://www.safercar.gov/heatstroke ] #heatstroke

>> San Francisco State Univ.: In 52% of cases, a child was “forgotten” by the caregiver.Where’s Baby? Look before you lock! #heatstroke

>> Did u know? In more than 29% of cases, kids got into vehicles on their own. Where’s Baby? Look before you lock! #heatstroke

>> Want to help us prevent #heatstroke deaths of children in hot vehicle? Visitwww.safercar.gov/heatstroke [ http://www.safercar.gov/heatstroke ]

Forward this email to your followers/readers and encourage anyone interested in child passenger safety to join our conversation on Facebook

http://www.facebook.com/NHTSA ] and Twitter [ http://www.twitter.com/@nhtsagov .



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