Posts Tagged ‘ice skates’

Ice Skating Tips from the “Can Do Kids

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

The day after Christmas found several of the “Can Dos” ice skating on the new ice rink behind the community center.

Jay has his own skates and is a good skater. He learned to ice skate when he was three, before he and his family came to “Can Do” Street. Annie and Kathy are also good ice skaters, but Nellie and Willie and Arthur J. are beginner level skaters.They need to take lessons and get help from the other “Can Dos’ who know how to skate.

Here are some ice skating tips from Jay, Annie and Kathy to help you do your best when ice skating:



Ice Skates… Who Got New Ones…Who Got Their First Pair

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

The day after Christmas was cold and clear. It was a perfect day for trying out new ice skates at the ice rink.

Jay got new skates. He is a good skater. He learned to ice skate when he was three, before he and his family came to “Can Do” Street. Annie and Kathy are also good ice skaters, but Nellie and Willie and Arthur J. are just beginners at ice skating. They need to take lessons and get help from the other “Can Dos’ who know how to skate.

Here are some ice skating tips from Jay, Annie and Kathy to help you if you are new at ice skating:

  • Don’t push. If you are not doing well, wait a while and try again.
  • Bring a pocketful of small stuffed animals and if the rink’s not crowded practice bending over to pick them up.
  • Play Red Light, Green Light to practice starting and stopping.
  • Make sure to lace or cinch your boots tightly. If your foot wobbles in its skate boot, you won’t have any stability on the ice.
  • Unless you are playing ice hockey, don’t wear knee pads. Instructors say they restrict moving too much.
  • To improve your balance, don’t look at your feet and hold your arms out in front, as if putting them on a table.
  •  Grab your knees if you feel a fall coming on. This will lower your center of gravity and may prevent the fall.

Keep practicing and you will get good at ice skating. It is great fun and good exercise.

Happy Skating!



The Surprise

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

Every Saturday, when the “Can Dos” came to the Community Center, they would hear lots of construction noise coming from behind the building. Sometimes they would peer out the window but all they could see was an 8 foot high fence all around a very big field that had never been used for anything before.

Every time they asked Miss Sue, the Community Center Director, what was going on she would smile and answer, “It’s a surprise. You will see it soon enough.

The “Can Dos” would spend their lunch hour trying to guess what it might be. They would ask the other teachers, but nobody would give away the surprise.

Then the invitations arrives at their homes. Everyone in the family was invited to the grand unveiling of the surprise. Wow! It was to happen in the evening, at 7:30 PM and afterwards there would be cocoa and cookies. The “Can Dos” could hardly contain themselves. They were so excited!

Finally the big night arrived. Everyone gathered around the big fence and waited for the surprise to appear. All of a sudden the sides of the fence came down and there was the most beautiful ice skating rink they had ever seen! Wow…what a surprise!

Everyone who wanted to got to go inside and put on brand new rental skates and try out the rink.

Later, when having refreshments, Miss Sue announced that everyone who was a member of the community center could skate for free. There would be lessons for those who wanted to learn how to skate and special sessions for kids of all ages and for adults.

On the walk home Annie asked Grandma Maureen if it was too late to change what she wanted for Christmas. Was there still time for Santa to pack some skates for her?  Grandma Maureen winked at Grandpa John and suggested that Annie write the letter that very night!

All the “Can Dos” agreed…it was just about the best surprise ever!

