Posts Tagged ‘Good Choices’

Ice Skating Tips from the “Can Do Kids

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

The day after Christmas found several of the “Can Dos” ice skating on the new ice rink behind the community center.

Jay has his own skates and is a good skater. He learned to ice skate when he was three, before he and his family came to “Can Do” Street. Annie and Kathy are also good ice skaters, but Nellie and Willie and Arthur J. are beginner level skaters.They need to take lessons and get help from the other “Can Dos’ who know how to skate.

Here are some ice skating tips from Jay, Annie and Kathy to help you do your best when ice skating:



The Piggy Bank that Almost Wasn’t

Thursday, December 7th, 2017

piggy bank

As Willie reached for his piggy bank from off the shelf in his bedroom, he thought to himself, “It’s December 1st. I need to see how much money I have for Christmas gifts for Grandma Hattie, Grandpa Dooley, my mom and my sister, Nellie.”

The piggy bank wasn’t just a piggy bank for saving loose change made by helping with extra chores at home and for the neighbors. No, it was special because it was a gift!

Last year, for Christmas, Grandpa Dooley made Willie and Nellie each a piggy bank so the could save for Christmas, 2015. He made them in a pottery class at the recreation center. Grandpa Dooley was so proud of his work! He beamed with pride when Nellie and Willie opened the  piggy bank gifts and saw how pleased they were to receive them.

Willie shook the piggy bank; it sounded like there was a lot of money in there!. He turned the bank over and tried to turn the nob that would open the bank; nothing happened. It wouldn’t open. He tried and tried, but he couldn’t get it open. First Willie was mad, then he was scared. How was he going to get it open? He had seen lots of pictures of kids hitting their piggy banks open with a hammer, but how would he explain to his grandpa that he broke his piggy bank and could never use it again?

Just then, Nellie came into Willie’s room and said “You need someone stronger than you to open your piggy bank. I got Coach Campbell to open my bank.” Willie’s face brightened. “Good idea, Nellie, I’ll bring my bank to school tomorrow and ask Coach.”

The next day, after gym class, Willie asked Coach to open his bank for him. Coach tried and tried to open the bank, but no luck. Willie was really upset. He asked Coach Campbell, “What am I going to do? I’ve been saving all year. If I don’t get this bank open, I won’t have any money for Christmas presents.”

Coach could see Willie was fighting back tears. “Willie,” said Coach, “there is only one thing you can do. Go to your grandpa and show him how you can’t open the piggy bank. Be sure to tell him I tried and I couldn’t do it either. Be sure to tell him how much the bank means to you and you didn’t want to break it open to get the money out even though you need the money for Christmas gifts.”

When Willie got home, Grandpa Dooley was reading his paper in his favorite chair. He went up to his grandpa, cleared his throat, and told him about his problem with the piggy bank and how he needed the money. Grandpa listened quietly, then he got up, went into his tool box and got out the hammer.

“No Grandpa, don’t break it You made it!” Then Willie started to cry. “Willie boy, you did chores, and saved all year to be able to buy gifts for the family. I made you the bank so you could save, and you did just that! Now you deserve to get your money.

With that, Grandpa Dooley gave the hammer a swing and the pig broke in several pieces.

Willie couldn’t believe all the coins that fell out. Grandpa gave Willie a pat on the back and said,”I can always make you another piggy bank, and I will. This time, I’ll make sure you can open your piggy bank by yourself. “


What Causes Thunder and Lightening?

Friday, December 1st, 2017

image of thunder and lightening scaring the "Can Do Kids

The boys were having a great time coloring in Willie’s living room when the thunder and lightening started. Orrie jumped. Willie ducked, and Hector said, “Wow, I really hate thunder!”

Just then Grandma Hattie came into the living room and drew the curtains. She sat down in her favorite chair and asked, “OK, what do we know about thunder and lightening?” Orrie answered,”I know that thunder scares me.”Willie and nodded in agreement.

Grandma Hattie smiled, saying,”Let’s talk about thunder and lightening. I will share some facts, and maybe thunder and lightening won’t be so scary any more.

  •  Lighting causes the sound of  thunder
  • The intense heat from lightning causes the surrounding air to rapidly expand and create a sonic wave that you hear as thunder.
  • The sound of thunder can be anything from a loud crack to a low rumble.
  •  We see lightning before we hear thunder because light travels faster than sound.
  • The closer you are, the shorter the gap between the lightning and thunder.
  • Thunder is difficult to hear at distances over 12 miles.
  • Thousands of years ago people believed that thunder was caused by the collision of clouds.

Willie looked surprised at all Grandma Hattie new about thunder and lightening. He asked,”How do you know so much about thunder and lightening?”

Grandma said, “I learned about thunder and lightening from visiting Science Kids at and you boys should too!”


The Thanksgiving Bus Surprise

Saturday, November 18th, 2017

The “Can Dos” all gathered at the bus stop waiting for the Greyhound bus to arrive on Thanksgiving morning. They had all gotten up early to meet the bus. Mickey and his service dog, Muggins, were coming home for Thanksgiving on the Greyhound bus and they were all anxious to see their friend.

Mickey’s mom and dad were there, and his grandma, Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley.”We haven’t seen Mickey and Muggins since August when he went back to school,” said Willie, Mickey’s cousin. The rest of the “Can Dos” nodded in agreement. It had been months since they saw Mickey. They all understood that Mickey had to go to a special school for children who have visual disabilities, but that didn’t stop them from missing him.

When the bus came in sight, the “Can Dos’ all started jumping up and down and waving at the bus. When the bus came to a stop, they strained to see Mickey through the Thanksgiving tinted glass of the bus windows. Then the door opened and some people got out. And…there he was! Muggins led the way and Mickey followed.

A cheer went up. After Mickey’s mom and dad, and grandma and grandpa kissed and hugged Mickey and greeted Muggins, the “Can Dos” gathered round Mickey. The girls hugged him and the boys thumped him on the back. Grandma Hattie said, “Come on everyone, back to my house for a welcome home Thanksgiving Day breakfast for Mickey.”

Everyone started walking, but Mickey and Muggins just stood there, not moving. Mickey’s mom asked,”What’s wrong with you child? We are all waiting on you.” Mickey grinned and answered, “I have a surprise for Willie and Nellie and Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley. With that Willie and Nellie’s mom got off the bus!

Willie yelled, Nellie started crying and Grandma Hattie said,”Daughter, I didn’t think you could get leave from the army to be home for Thanksgiving.”

It’s a good thing Muggins got Mickey out of the way in time, or Willie and Nellie would have run him over getting to their mama to hug her! What a wonderful surprise that bus held..their mama home for Thanksgiving!

After all the hugs, everyone headed to Grandma Hattie’s for a double celebration, Mickey and Muggins, and Willie and Nellie’s mom were home for Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving from “Can Do” Street!


School Manners

Saturday, November 11th, 2017

Even in school we need to practice good manners. For example, the other day Wendy did  not practice good manners and her classmates, especially Nellie, got really mad at her. Here’s what happened.

It was time to go outside in the school yard for recess. Miss Pat told the class that when everyone had lined up single file, with no talking, she would lead them outside for free play in the school yard.

Miss Pat said, “Remember your manners, class, and we will all get out into the yard quickly and have the most time we can have during recess.”

manners The “Can Dos” lined up, just as Miss Pat asked them to do, when all of a sudden Wendy jumped out of line and cut in front of Nellie, who was at the head of the line.

Nellie  said,”Hey, Get back in your spot! You were behind me line. I was hear first! You’re not supposed to cut in line.”

Wendy answered,  “So what. We’re all going to get there at the same time anyway. Who cares if I cut in line?”

Hector yelled, “Go back. No cutting in line”!

Nellie said,”I care and the  rest of the class cares too. You cut in front of all of us. That’s not fair and it’s selfish.”

Wendy answered, “Is not selfish.”

Nellie said, –”Is too”!

“That’s enough class,” said Miss Pat. “Wendy get back where you were in line. Line cutting is not good manners and it causes problems.

I think you owe your classmates and apology. Your classmates lost recess time as a  result of your cutting in line and the fuss it caused.”

Wendy looked embarrassed. She said, “I’m sorry everyone. I didn’t mean to cause a problem. I just thought it would be fun to be at the front of the line. I promise from now on to practice  good school manners”



