Archive for the ‘Kathy’ Category

Why Did Kathy Fall Asleep in Class?

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Why did Kathy do it again; why did she fall asleep in class?

To find out why Kathy fell asleep in class, read along with Grandma Jean at:


Kathy is asleep

Did you ever fall asleep in class?



Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

HabitsMiss Pat couldn’t help noticing that some of the “Can Do” kids were picking up habits that weren’t very nice. She decided it was time to say something about nice habits and not so nice habits.

Lately, Hector was picking his nose in class. Kathy was talking with her mouth full at snack time and snack crumbs were getting all over her and anyone sitting next to her. Just last week, Jay started to wipe his hands on his shirt.

Most of the class didn’t mind so much about Kathy talking with her mouth full, except the kids near her when stuff fell out of her mouth. Some of the kids were starting to call Jay Pig Pen after the character in Charlie Brown. Most of the girls avoided being seen with him unless he had his coat on. Hector’s nose picking was another story; it grossed everyone out who saw him doing it. No one wanted to shake his hand or touch his stuff after he picked his nose.

Miss Pat decided it was time for the good habits, not so good habits talk. She began, “Class, I can’t help noticing that some of you are doing some things that are considered habits that are not attractive or nice. These habits can lead to others not wanting to be around you.”

Jay took a big bite of an apple. The juice ran down his chin and he used the tail end of his shirt to wipe his face, saying as he wiped,”Like what , Miss Pat?” Miss Pat answered, “Like what you are doing right now, wiping your face with your shirt.” Bobby yelled out, “I can tell what you ate all day by looking at your shirt. Use a napkin, or a paper towel!” Jay turned bright red and asked if anyone had a tissue.

Miss Pat continued by talking about personal hygiene habits. All of a sudden everyone was staring at Hector, who said,” Why is everyone looking at me? What do I do that’s so gross?” before Miss Pat could answer, Bobby called out, “You pick your nose in public, yuck!” Hector shouted back, “Big deal!” Miss Pat said, “It is a big deal, Hector. Some of your classmates don’t want to sit next to you.  Others don’t want to take things from your hands after you pick your nose. I don’t blame them. Cleaning out your nose needs to be done with tissues, and is best done in private. When you sneeze or blow your nose, you also need to use a tissue.”

Kathy chimed in, ready to complain about Hector, when Nellie said, “Kathy, you shouldn’t say anything about Hector until you stop spraying everyone near you with food because you are talking with your mouth full. ” Kathy looked as if she were about to cry.

That’s when Miss Pat took over the conversation, saying,”Boys and girls, we all need to be aware of those habits that are not polite or may offend others. If you are not sure if you have any of those habits, ask your parents or ask me. If you have a not so good habit, give it up now.”

Hector raised his hand and said, “From now on I will clean out my nose in private, using a tissue and wash my hands when I am done. Kathy raised he hand and asked,”If you see me talking with my mouth full, please tell me.” Her classmates nodded that they would. Then it was Jay’s turn to raise his hand.  “I promise to carry tissue or paper towels and use them instead of my shirt.”

Miss Pat smiled. She was so glad the children saw the need to fix their not so good habits.



Kathy is Going to Have a Room Mate over Thanksgiving Holiday

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

KathyKathy has a cousin, Mimi, and she is coming all the way from Paris, France to spend Thanksgiving at Kathy’s house.

Her mom told Kathy and her younger sister, Annie and her brother, Orrie, at breakfast. Her mom said, “Kathy, since you have the largest bedroom, Mimi will stay in your room while she is here.” Kathy answered, “Orrie has a bigger room than I do. Why can’t she bunk with him?”

“Kathy, you know the answer to that,” said her mom. “Orrie uses a wheelchair and needs more space to turn and such.” Annie chimed in by saying. “Besides, Orrie’s a boy and Mimi’s a girl.”

Then Orrie joined the conversation by asking, “Kathy, why don’t you want Mimi in your room? She was here last year, for winter break and you two got along real well.”

Kathy answered, “I just  don’t want her touching my stuff. Do I have to share closet space and give one of my drawers for her clothes? If she messes up the room, do I have to clean up after her? Do I have to take her with me when I go out to play?”

“Just because you will share your room doesn’t mean you have to be responsible for Mimi while she is here.You weren’t last year. Why should this year be any different?” said her mom. Then she asked, “Orrie, Annie, how will you make your cousin feel welcome?” Orrie volunteered to take Mimi to the community center programs and to play computer games, and other board games with her. Annie offered to shoot hoops with her and be her partner when they went to cooking club.

‘Kathy,” said mom, “next year, when we visit with her family in France, what if she doesn’t want you in her room or touching her things; how will you feel?” Kathy thought a moment and said,  “I’ll feel like she doesn’t want me around. OK, I will clear out a a part of my closet where she can hang her clothes and store her shoes.”

Mom said, “Thank you Kathy, I know sharing space is hard to do when you are used to having a room to yourself, but it is only for a short time. So, Kathy what will make you feel better about Mimi staying in your room?” Kathy answered, “Can I put my new doll away for safekeeping? Can I ask Mimi to ask before she starts playing with my toys? “Can I ask her to put them back when she is finished playing?”

“Hmmm,” said Kathy’s mom. “I think it would be okay to put your new doll away for safekeeping. I also think it is also okay to ask Mimi to put toys away when she is finished playing with them, but, it doesn’t sound very sharing of you to make Mimi ask for permission every time she wants to play with one of your toys.”

What do you think boys and girls? What would you want to do if you had to share your room for a couple of days?


Ice Skates… Who Got New Ones…Who Got Their First Pair

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

The day after Christmas was cold and clear. It was a perfect day for trying out new ice skates at the ice rink.

Jay got new skates. He is a good skater. He learned to ice skate when he was three, before he and his family came to “Can Do” Street. Annie and Kathy are also good ice skaters, but Nellie and Willie and Arthur J. are just beginners at ice skating. They need to take lessons and get help from the other “Can Dos’ who know how to skate.

Here are some ice skating tips from Jay, Annie and Kathy to help you if you are new at ice skating:

  • Don’t push. If you are not doing well, wait a while and try again.
  • Bring a pocketful of small stuffed animals and if the rink’s not crowded practice bending over to pick them up.
  • Play Red Light, Green Light to practice starting and stopping.
  • Make sure to lace or cinch your boots tightly. If your foot wobbles in its skate boot, you won’t have any stability on the ice.
  • Unless you are playing ice hockey, don’t wear knee pads. Instructors say they restrict moving too much.
  • To improve your balance, don’t look at your feet and hold your arms out in front, as if putting them on a table.
  •  Grab your knees if you feel a fall coming on. This will lower your center of gravity and may prevent the fall.

Keep practicing and you will get good at ice skating. It is great fun and good exercise.

Happy Skating!



The Nearly New Toy Drive

Saturday, December 8th, 2012

The “Can Do” Kids were helping their parents and grandparents decorate the party room at the community center for the Holiday party. Just then Miss Sue, the center director, came in and asked to talk to everyone. Parents, grandparents and “Can Dos” all sat down to listen to Miss Sue.

“Good morning everyone,” said Miss Sue.” While I’m happy parents and grandparents are here, what I have to say is mostly for the “Can Do” Kids.” The “Can Dos” looked at each other, worried that they did something wrong but not able to remember what it could be.

Miss Sue smiled. She knew what they were thinking. “You are not in trouble, children. I want to talk with you about what we can do for all the children who lost their toys and books during the hurricane that hit the next town from us. The “Can Dos” looked sad at just the thought of losing all one’s toys and books in a flood from a hurricane.

Orrie asked,”How can we help?” Annie said, “What can we do?” Hector added, “We’re only kids, how can we help them get toys?”

“Well,” answered Miss Sue, “The holidays are coming and you will all be getting gifts of new toys and books. What about going through all the toys and books you have now and giving toys you don’t play with anymore and books you have read to children who lost all the toys and books they had?”

Hector wasn’t so sure. He loved all his toys, even the ones he didn’t play with much. Kathy and Annie were having a hard time with the idea of parting with some of their old toys too.

Orrie was the first to offer a toy and some books. Then Willie and Nellie agreed to go through their toys and books and find some that would make good nearly new play things. Pretty soon all the “Can Dos” agreed to give away a toy and a book to children who lost all their toys and books. Even Hector, Annie and Kathy said they would chip in a toy and a book.

Miss Sue told the “Can Dos” she was very proud of them. “Let’s call our project the Nearly New Toy Drive.”

Miss Sue added, “Be sure that the toy and book you decide to give to the toy drive are in good condition. They need to be clean and have all their pieces if they are games, parts if they are toys, and pages if they are books. Don’t give away anything you wouldn’t want to get yourself.”

The “Can Dos” all nodded. The parents agreed to help them pack up what they were giving to the toy drive. The grandparents offered to help the “Can Dos”write notes to go with the toys and books they were giving away.

Boys and girls reading this, here is a question for you…Do you have a toy or book that is in good condition that you could give to a nearly new toy drive near where you live?
