Archive for the ‘Arthur J’ Category

The 5Ws and 1H of a Bath for Scooter

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

the 5Ws and 1HMiss Pat called the class to order and said, “Everyone take out his or her copy of Arthur J’s story, ‘A Bath for Scooter’ and let’s review the 5Ws and 1H of the story.”

Hector looked confused. “Miss Pat,” said Hector, “Please remind me what the 5Ws and 1H are.”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Every story usually answers the following questions:

What happens in the story?

Who does it happen to?

Why does it happen?

When does it happen?

Where does it happen?


How does it happen?

“Hmmm,” said Hector as he picked up his pencil and began to read Arthur’s story again.

The class grew quiet as each “Can Do” made a list of the 5Ws and 1H. Then each “Can Do” wrote the answers after each one of the 5Ws and 1H.

Okay, ready for the answers to the 5Ws and 1H?

What is the story about? A bath

Who does it happen to? Scooter

Why does it happen? Scooter got in the trash and got sticky

When does it happen? Yesterday

Where does it happen? The bath happens in the bathroom sink

How does the bath happen?  Bobby puts him in the sink and washes him with soap and water

Boys and girls reading did you do with the 5Ws and 1H?


The Vase

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

Grandma Maureen had a special vase that she kept on a table in the hallway that lead from the living room to the bedroom. It was her mother’s. She loved that vase. it reminded her of her mother. Every few days she put fresh flowers in the vase.

Arthur J and Bobby were pushing each other as they went down the hall. They bumped into the table with the vase on it. Before either one of them could catch the vase, it fell to the floor and broke in too many pieces to ever be glued back together again.

For a minute Arthur J and Bobby just stared at the broken vase on the floor. They couldn’t believe what they had done. Then they looked at each other and Bobby said, ” What do we do? Grandma loves this vase. We can’t buy her a new one, it came from her mother. She is going to be so mad at us!”

Arthur J answered,”I know, we can say the dog did it. He ran by the table, very fast and his tail was wagging so fast it knocked the vase over.”

Bobby thought for a moment. He wasn’t so vasesure that lying about it was such a good idea. Grandma could always tell when they were lying. Besides, he liked the dog and didn’t want to get him in trouble.

Just then, grandma came down the hall and saw the vase broken on the floor. ” Oh, no,” she said, ” Not my mother’s vase!”

Before Bobby could say anything. Arthur J said, “The dog did it, grandma. He broke your vase.”

Grandma Maureen looked at Arthur J and said,”It is bad enough that you broke my vase, but now you are not telling me the truth about how it got broken. The dog isn’t even here. He is outside, where he has been for the past hour.”

Then grandma said, “Let’s go in the living room and sit down and talk about this.” When they sat down, grandma said,”Accidents happen, but blaming others, especially a pet that cannot defend himself is wrong.  Blaming the dog for my vase is telling a lie and no good comes of lying. At first, you may think it is an easy way to avoid being punished for doing something, but a lie often makes things harder for us as we keep telling it. Please tell me what really happened to my vase.

So that is what they did. Arthur J and Bobby told Grandma Maureen what happened. They said that were sorry and asked what they could do to make up for breaking the vase. Then Arthur J apologized for lying to his grandma and promised not to do it again.

Grandma hugged them both and reminded them it is always better to tell the truth. She told then they could make up for breaking the vase by helping her around the house for the rest of the day. Arthur J and Bobby were all to happy to help. They really felt bad about breaking her favorite vase.

vaseThen Arthur J got up and started for the back door. Grandma Maureen called after him, asking where he was going.

Arthur J answered,”I’m going to apologize to the dog for blaming him.”

Grandma smiled and said,”Do you think he will understand you?”Arthur J answered,” No , but I’ll feel better for saying I’m sorry.”


Ice Skates… Who Got New Ones…Who Got Their First Pair

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

The day after Christmas was cold and clear. It was a perfect day for trying out new ice skates at the ice rink.

Jay got new skates. He is a good skater. He learned to ice skate when he was three, before he and his family came to “Can Do” Street. Annie and Kathy are also good ice skaters, but Nellie and Willie and Arthur J. are just beginners at ice skating. They need to take lessons and get help from the other “Can Dos’ who know how to skate.

Here are some ice skating tips from Jay, Annie and Kathy to help you if you are new at ice skating:

  • Don’t push. If you are not doing well, wait a while and try again.
  • Bring a pocketful of small stuffed animals and if the rink’s not crowded practice bending over to pick them up.
  • Play Red Light, Green Light to practice starting and stopping.
  • Make sure to lace or cinch your boots tightly. If your foot wobbles in its skate boot, you won’t have any stability on the ice.
  • Unless you are playing ice hockey, don’t wear knee pads. Instructors say they restrict moving too much.
  • To improve your balance, don’t look at your feet and hold your arms out in front, as if putting them on a table.
  •  Grab your knees if you feel a fall coming on. This will lower your center of gravity and may prevent the fall.

Keep practicing and you will get good at ice skating. It is great fun and good exercise.

Happy Skating!



A Hurricane Happening and Delmar’s First Halloween

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

School is reopening after being closed for a week due to Hurricane Sandy. Coach Campbell is out front, taking big bags of garbage out to the dumpster as some of the “Can Do” Kids walk up and call out…

“Hey Coach! Whatch’ya doing?

“Hey guys,” answers Coach. “I am just about finished cleaning up the yard out back, lots of tree branches came down during the hurricane. The yard had to be cleared, and made safe, before we can go back there and play.

How are you guys? Did you make it through Hurricane Sandy OK?”

Hector answered first, saying, “Yeah, I’m OK. We lost electricity for a while, that was horrible. No computer, no TV. Ugh!

Arthur J. added, “My grandmother’s basement flooded, but she is OK.”

Then Katie chimed in, “The hurricane ruined our Halloween trick or treating!!”

Coach smiled and said, “Well now, I am glad you all made it through OK, and if missing Halloween trick or treating is the worst of it, then you were lucky. Lots of folks lost everything.”

HalloweenAnnie asked, “What about you Coach? WHAT ABOUT DELMAR?!? Was he OK?”

“Delmar was fine, said Coach. “He didn’t like the big winds too much, but once he was back inside, he settled down and was his normal self.

Orrie asked, “Did Delmar have Halloween?”

Coached chuckled and said, “As a matter of fact, he sort of did. No trick or treating, but he went to a local kids Halloween parade. He wore his special pumpkin sweater too.”

Bobby butted in asking, “Did he have fun? Did he get any treats?”

Coach answered, “Oh sure, tons of fun, but no treats. Candy is no good for puppies, and chocolate is a huge NO-NO. Dogs are allergic to chocolate, so no Halloween treats for Delmar.

But, that’s OK, I think he enjoyed sniffing all of the downed tree branches a lot more than the parade. I mean, when else can you sniff the top of a tree without having to climb the tree?”

“Ha, ha…good one Coach,” said Bobby. “Did you take any pictures?”

Coach nodded saying, “Oh boy, you bet I did.”

Bobby looked at Coach’s pictures and said, “Wow, that’s a lot of kids at the Halloween parade. Sure wish parts of my Halloween weren’t cancelled.”

Coach nodded and answered, “Well, that is tough. Halloween is a real fun holiday, but sometimes we don’t get to do what we want. Sometimes, we lose…and I don’t just mean losing as in playing a game.

You lost part of Halloween, but there will be next year, and many years after that of Halloween. Try to remember how lucky you are that you did not lose your home, your toys, or even you entire neighborhood.”

Hector nodded saying, “Yeah, I saw some pictures on TV. It looks real bad.”

Coach agreed, “It is, and in the coming months there will be lots of chances for you to help. Next week we are collecting clothes to send to those who lost their homes. Also, starting next week, you may see some new faces around here. Some kids that lost their schools will be coming to schools near here.”

The “Can Dos” all looked at each other and then seemed to all say at once, “Really, new kids?”

“Yup, and they will need new friends to help them out,” answered Coach.

Annie added, “Maybe we could have a Hurricane-Halloween Party?”

“You know, that might not be such a bad idea,” said Coach.

Coach left them with something to think about, asking, “What other ideas do you guys have about what we can do to help out the new kids coming to our school next week?”

 Story by: Ned Campbell


Arthur J. Loses His Way

Friday, August 17th, 2012

Arthur JArthur J. felt so grown up walking the one block to Hector’s house all by himself.

Hector lived three blocks from a playground with a ping pong table.  Arthur J.  was looking forward to beating Hector in a game or two.

Arthur J. was staying with Grandma Maureen and Grandpa John over the weekend. They only lived one block from Hector.

When Grandma Maureen agreed that he could walk to Hector’s alone, Arthur J had to promise to go directly to Hector’s and not stop anywhere else or talk to strangers along the way. When he got to Hector’s, he was to call Grandma Maureen from the cell phone she gave him to use.

Arthur J. got to Hector’s house and rang the bell. Hector’s mom answered the door, saying,” Hi Arthur J. How are you today?” Arthur smiled and answered, “I’m fine, thank you Miss Maria. I came to ask Hector to go to the playground with me.”

Miss Maria shook her head no and said, “Hector can’t go anywhere today. In fact, he won’t be going anywhere until he finishes the books on his summer reading list. Did you read all the books on the reading list”?

Arthur J shook his head yes and answered, “I finished reading all the books last week.”

“Good for you,” said Hector’s mom. “I am sorry you came over here only to find out Hector can’t play with you today.” Arthur J nodded. Hector’s mom closed the door. Arthur J stood there a minute wondering what to do next.

Arthur J really wanted to go to the playground. He knew there would be other kids there willing to play a game of ping pong with him. Besides, he thought to himself, the playground was only three blocks from where he was. He could walk that distance in no time. He would be careful crossing the streets.

Arthur J  forgot about his promise to call his grandma when he got to Hector’s. He also forgot that grandma only gave him permission to walk by himself as far as Hector’s house.

He started walking in the direction he thought he would find the playground. After three blocks, he new he was going the wrong way. He came to a street with heavy traffic and wasn’t so sure he should cross the street. He turned around and started walking back, but the street didn’t look familiar to him. He thought he must have taken a wrong turn somehow.

Now Arthur J was scared. He thought he was lost. He was afraid to ask a stranger for help. There were no police around, or school crossing guards, or even a mailman that he could ask for help. Then he remembered the cell phone. He dialed grandma’s number. She answered right away. She sounded so worried. “Where are you? When you didn’t call, we called Hector’s mom. She said you had already left. Grandpa John is out looking for you right now.”

Grandma was talking so fast, Arthur couldn’t even say anything. When grandma stopped talking, Arthur J said,”I’m lost. I don’t know where I am.” Grandma said, “Arthur J, look at the street sign what does it say?” Arthur looked around and said the name of the street he was on. “Oak Street,” said Arthur J. “OK said grandma. “Follow the street to the next corner and read me the sign of the street that crosses Oak street.” Arthur hurried down the street, feeling safer with every step he took, knowing that his grandpa would be coming for him soon.

When he got to the next corner, he told grandma the name of the street, Elm Street. Grandma answered, “Stay there and grandpa will come and get you.” A few minutes went by and Grandpa John pulled up in the car. Arthur J got in the car. Grandpa didn’t say much on the way home.

When they got in the house, grandpa told Arthur J to go into the living room and wait for him and grandma there. That’s when Arthur J knew he was in trouble.

Grandma came in and hugged him and told him she was so glad he was okay. Grandpa cleared his throat and said, “Arthur J you gave us quite a scare. You didn’t keep your promise to call and you walked far more than one block on your own.  You didn’t behave like a boy who should be allowed to go out on his own. It will be a long time before we let you go out alone again.”

Arthur J said, ” I’m sorry I broke my promise. I’m sorry I made you worry.”

Grandpa said, “I know you are. Then he looked at grandma and asked, “What should Arthur’s punishment be?” Grandma thought a minute and answered, “I think Arthur needs some quiet time to think about what he did. An afternoon in his room and no TV tonight will give him that time.”

Arthur J wasn’t happy about the punishment, but he knew what he did was wrong. He worried his grandparents and didn’t keep his promise. So, maybe he did need to think about making better choices in the future.
