Posts Tagged ‘recreation center’

The Field Trip

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

field trip

Sometimes you need to take the “Can Dos” on a field trip thought Miss Sue, the recreation center director.

The “Can Dos” were bored, bored, bored! It was the first day of winter recess; it was too cold to play outside. The snow and ice piles behind the recreation center were taller than them and were blocking them from riding their sleds down the best hill for sledding in all of “Can Do” Street. The ice skating rink was covered with snow and off limits.

They were tired of playing games in the recreation center gym. Even Annie was tired of shooting baskets! They had been having play dates with each other since Thursday, and they were starting to squabble with one another.

Miss Sue was running out of ideas on how to keep them busy. When she saw Grandpa Dooley in the music room, she went in and asked for his advice. “The Can Dos” are feeling all cooped up. They are not interested in any more board games, or playing basketball or volleyball in the gym tomorrow. How about a field trip, but where to go in winter?”

“Hmmm,” said Grandpa Dooley. “How much money do we have in the budget for a field trip?” Miss Sue answered,  “We canceled a trip because of the weather so far. We can afford a field trip. What do you have in mind?” Grandpa smiled, “Just leave it to me,” he said. “You call the parents and get their permission for the trip. Tell them we have a field trip planned for tomorrow, and it’s a surprise. Ask them to hide their Can Do’s bathing suit and a towel in his or her bag”.

The next day dawned cold and clear. It was perfect weather for a field trip. When the “Can Dos” arrived at the rec center they were told to keep their coats and hats on and line up outside for a surprise field trip. Hector wanted to know where they were going. Kathy called out, “What are we going to do?”

When the bus pulled out, and the rec center faded from view, Grandpa Dooley announced their destination. They were spending the day at the Boy Scout Camp in the next town. Some of their parents would meet the bus there to help with the day’s activities.

The “Can Dos” looked at each other and then exploded with questions. The first question Grandpa Dooley heard, over all the yelling, was from Hector. “What’s so good about going on a field trip where we have to be indoors at the Boy Scout Camp?”

Grandpa chuckled. How does a horse-drawn sleigh ride through the woods, followed by swimming in a heated pool, followed by lunch around the fireplace with storytelling sound to you?”

First there was silence and looks of amazement, and then the “Can Dos” broke out with a roar of cheering about the field trip.



A Halloween Happening

Monday, October 24th, 2016


Halloween is always a big event on “Can Do” Street!

Just about everyone participates in Halloween, even adults who don’t have kids or grandkids, because it is always so much fun.

The Halloween celebration starts at the recreation center, which is decorated both outside and inside to look like a haunted house. Everyone gathers around 2 PM. The “Can Do” kids carry and hang up their Halloween costumes in the storage room to be put on just before they go trick or treating.

They walk through a pumpkin patch and each “Can D0” picks out a pumpkin to paint in the crafts class. There’s a hall of funny mirrors maze where the “Can Dos” walk through and see themselves as all different shapes and sizes.

Then the “Can Do” Kids take a tour of the haunted house, stopping to look at the decorated rooms. If they want, they can paint a window pane on one of the windows of the house and the best window painter gets a prize.  Some of the “Can Dos”  make Halloween desserts that everyone can enjoy at supper before going trick or treating. The seniors club members help the kids make and decorate:

  • popcorn balls
  • eyeball in mud pudding ( marshmallow with a dried cranberry stuck in the middle and sitting in a small bowl of instant chocolate pudding )
  • pumpkin bread
  • ghost and witch cookies

Just before supper some of the “Can Dos”, who have been taking square dancing lessons put on a show of what they have learned. Then the choral group, directed by Grandpa Dooley, the music instructor, sing Halloween songs and the audience sings along.

At dinner, in the recreation center cafeteria, the “Can Dos” eat with all their parents and friends and other adults.

Then it is time…time to have faces painted to match costumes…time to get into costumes. Then the big event…the ragamuffin parade, when all the kids parade around in their costumes, parents and grandparents take pictures and there are prizes for the best costumes.

Just when the “Can Dos ‘ think they can’t possibly have any more fun…it is time to trick or treat up and down “Can Do” Street and all the side streets!

Some of the adults leave to get back home in time to give out Halloween treats to the kids as they go from door to door.

Parents and grandparents walk with the children and stay with them as they go from house to house tick or treating. The “Can Dos” all mind their manners, saying thank you when they are handed a treat.

After they visit the last house, it is time to go home. Once home, each “Can Do” spills out his or her bag of  Halloween treats to see what treats the bag holds.

The moms and dads usually say, “You can eat one treat now, then it is off to bed. Tomorrow is soon enough to portion out your treats over the next few weeks, so you don’t get a stomach ache”.

And that is how Halloween happens on “Can Do” Street!
