Posts Tagged ‘Miss Sue’

Annie Tunes Out Teasing

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

teasing Nellie stopped crying long enough to say, “Some girls were teasing me in the play area behind the center. They called me names and made fun of the way I dress and wear my hair.”

Annie said, “Tell me who they are. I’ll go talk to them and they’ll be sorry they teased you.”

Miss Sue shook her head, saying, “Annie, it is nice of you to want to stick up for your friend, but Nellie has to learn how to handle it when others start teasing her.” Nellie nodded her head in agreement.

Well,” said Miss Sue,”There is good teasing that your family and friends do just for fun. You probably do it too. Then there is the kind of teasing that hurts, that’s mean and makes you feel bad. That’s the kind of teasing you have to learn how to handle. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Remember that words cannot hurt you unless you let them.
  • Don’t stand around and let other kids tease or make fun of you; walk away.
  • If you can’t walk away, pretend you aren’t listening to what they say.
  • Don’t let them see that they are hurting your feelings or upsetting you. That is what they want.

Then Annie said, “Let me tell you what I do. This works every time.

You know that I like to shoot hoops whenever I can. Sometimes kids will come along and start making fun of my hearing aid. They’ll say, “Do you know you got a wire sticking out of your ear? Bet if you took that out of your ear you couldn’t play.”

I just stop, walk over to them and say, “This is my hearing aid. It helps me hear what I want to hear and I don’t want to hear what you have to say. With that I turn down my hearing aid, give the teasers a big smile and go back to shooting hoops.

The teasers don’t know what to do. All of a sudden I can’t hear the stupid things they are saying and teasing me just isn’t any fun anymore. “

Nellie and Miss Sue looked impressed. Nellie said, “What a cool idea!” She thought for a minute, then said, “But that won’t work for me; I don’t wear a hearing aid.”

Miss Sue smiled and said,”Annie’s point is …you don’t have to listen. You don’t have to let teasers hurt you. You can ignore them. They are just being mean and acting stupid. Why pay attention to kids who are being mean and stupid?

Boys and girls at home….What do you do when someone is teasing you in ways that are mean? What can you do?


The Field Trip

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

field trip

Sometimes you need to take the “Can Dos” on a field trip thought Miss Sue, the recreation center director.

The “Can Dos” were bored, bored, bored! It was the first day of winter recess; it was too cold to play outside. The snow and ice piles behind the recreation center were taller than them and were blocking them from riding their sleds down the best hill for sledding in all of “Can Do” Street. The ice skating rink was covered with snow and off limits.

They were tired of playing games in the recreation center gym. Even Annie was tired of shooting baskets! They had been having play dates with each other since Thursday, and they were starting to squabble with one another.

Miss Sue was running out of ideas on how to keep them busy. When she saw Grandpa Dooley in the music room, she went in and asked for his advice. “The Can Dos” are feeling all cooped up. They are not interested in any more board games, or playing basketball or volleyball in the gym tomorrow. How about a field trip, but where to go in winter?”

“Hmmm,” said Grandpa Dooley. “How much money do we have in the budget for a field trip?” Miss Sue answered,  “We canceled a trip because of the weather so far. We can afford a field trip. What do you have in mind?” Grandpa smiled, “Just leave it to me,” he said. “You call the parents and get their permission for the trip. Tell them we have a field trip planned for tomorrow, and it’s a surprise. Ask them to hide their Can Do’s bathing suit and a towel in his or her bag”.

The next day dawned cold and clear. It was perfect weather for a field trip. When the “Can Dos” arrived at the rec center they were told to keep their coats and hats on and line up outside for a surprise field trip. Hector wanted to know where they were going. Kathy called out, “What are we going to do?”

When the bus pulled out, and the rec center faded from view, Grandpa Dooley announced their destination. They were spending the day at the Boy Scout Camp in the next town. Some of their parents would meet the bus there to help with the day’s activities.

The “Can Dos” looked at each other and then exploded with questions. The first question Grandpa Dooley heard, over all the yelling, was from Hector. “What’s so good about going on a field trip where we have to be indoors at the Boy Scout Camp?”

Grandpa chuckled. How does a horse-drawn sleigh ride through the woods, followed by swimming in a heated pool, followed by lunch around the fireplace with storytelling sound to you?”

First there was silence and looks of amazement, and then the “Can Dos” broke out with a roar of cheering about the field trip.



Bus Manners

Saturday, August 27th, 2016

The “Can Dos were excited to be taking a bus from their town to a neighboring town on a field trip. The “Can Dos” rarely got to ride a city bus as they either walked to school or rode the school bus.

As the “Can Dos” got on the bus, Hector took the seat behind the driver and Bobby sat alongside of him.  When Miss Sue, the camp director, got on the bus she asked Hector and Bobby to give up their seats as they were sitting in a section reserved for riders with disabilities and senior citizens. “But there isn’t anyone sitting her, said Bobby. “That doesn’t mean you should sit there, said Miss Sue. “Read what the sign says, please. “

Hector read out loud so that everyone on the bus could hear. “These seats are reserved for persons with disabilities and the elderly.”

Hector and Bobby joined the other “Can Dos “ taking seats in the middle of the bus. Hector and Bobby made it their business to watch who got on at every stop and where they sat. A lady with a walker got on and sat in the section reserved for people with disabilities. Then an elderly woman with a cane got on and sat in the same reserved section.

At the next stop two teenage boys got on the bus and plopped themselves down in the reserved section. Hector and Bobby got all upset and pointed the two teenage boys out to Miss Sue saying, “Miss Sue, make them move. They don’t belong there!”

Miss Sue smiled and said, “Wait and see what happens.” Just then a man in a wheelchair got on the bus. There was nowhere for him to sit. The teenage boys were sitting on the seats usually lifted up to make room for a wheelchair. The bus driver got up, and in a voice that could be heard  all over the bus said, “Hey there you boys, you know better than to sit there. Get up, move to the back of the bus, and make room for the man and his chair.

The boys turned beet red as everyone on the bus stared at them. They found seats in the back of the bus.

A few stops later, a woman with a preschooler and a baby in her arms got on the bus. There were no seats left; she had to stand. There was a grown man sitting right by where she was standing.  He pretended he didn’t see her, so he would not have to give up his seat. The teens in the back of the bus pretended to be sleeping.

Hector looked at Bobby, they nodded to each other, got up and walked up to the lady. Hector said, ”We have two seats a few rows back you can have. She thanked them and followed them back to where they were sitting.

All the “Can Dos” clapped for Hector and Bobby. Miss Sue gave them a big smile and said, “I am very proud of you both. You practiced good bus manners!”

Hector and Bobby beamed. Hector said, “We learned a lot about bus rules today and about being kind to people who might need extra help when riding a bus.”


Summer Fun…Summer Safety

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

School is out and summer fun is in!

The “Can Do” Kids love  summer but some of them don’t always practice summer safety.

Nellie and Annie are going to the beach with their friends from the recreation center but they forgot something…sunscreen. Should they ask Miss Sue, the director of the rec center who is taking them on the trip, if they can have some of her sunscreen?

The beach doesn’t have any shade and the sun hurts Annie’s eyes. Circle what she can do…Put on sun glasses…wear a hat with a brim.

Annie wants to play ball in the sand, but it is very hot, Should she keep her sandals on?   Circle what Annie should do…Yes…No.

Nellie wants to go into the water, but there is no life guard on duty. Should she go into the water, or should she wait until the life guard comes on duty?

Willie and Yundi love to fool around in the water Sometimes they play too rough. They hold each others’  heads under the water. Is this practicing summer safety?

summerYundi and Willie eat their lunches very fast and want to go into the water right after eating. Is this OK?summer

After swimming, Willie, Yundi, Annie and Nellie head up to to the boardwalk, but they don’t tell Miss Sue where they are going. In fact, they don’t get her permission to go. Is this practicing summer safety?

What should they have done? What would you have done?

Do you do things to be safe at the beach during the summer?


Bathroom Behavior Show and Tell

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

 bathroomMiss Sue, director of the “Can Do” Recreation Center called an assembly shortly after the “Can Do” kids arrived for spring break camp. She didn’t look pleased as she stood on the stage, in front of the microphone stand. “It seems that many of you are not practicing good bathroom behaviors.

I need to speak with you about complaints I am receiving from the janitors responsible for keeping our center a clean and healthy place where all of you can enjoy spring break camp.

How do you feel when you have to use the bathroom and their is lots of toilet paper on the floor, or the toilet seat is wet and so is the floor? Doesn’t make you mad when the child using the toilet before you didn’t flush? And what about the kids who leave a dirty mess in the sink and on the floor around the sink, and then throw the paper towels they used on the floor?

Some of the “Can Dos” looked uncomfortable, but no one said anything.

“Let’s remember,” said Miss Sue, “public bathrooms, such as what we have at the camp, are used by many children every day. Each of you are responsible for keeping the bathrooms clean and tidy.”

Starting tomorrow, Nurse Diane, will hold bathroom behavior show and tell sessions. Each of you will be given a chance to see Nurse Diane demonstrate how you are to use the bathroom properly, including  flush a toilet, washing your hands with soap, dry your hands, and disposing of the paper towels correctly.”

After Miss Sue’s announcement, most of the “Can Dos” were quiet. Some were going over how they behave in the bathroom. Willie and Hector, and Bobby wanted to know who snitched on them about the water fight they had in the bathroom during recess yesterday. They did leave a watery mess. Someone coming in after the water fight could have slipped and fell. They all agreed that maybe the water fight wasn’t such a good idea after all.

The next day, Nurse Diane began calling five “Can Dos” at a time, and bringing them into a room set up just for the bathroom behavior show and tell  sessions. It had an operational sink and a dry toilet. Helping her demonstrate, and assisting the kids in practicing were two camp counselors, Molly and Tommy that the “Can Dos” really like and want to impress with their good bathroom behavior and manners.

Nurse Diane began each session by explaining to the “Can Dos” that she would speak about bathroom behaviors and Molly or Tommy would show proper bathroom behaviors and manners. The bathroom show and tell went like this:

  1. Check the bathroom floor, when you enter the bathroom, to make sure you know if and where there is water on the floor, so you don’t slip and fall.
  2. Find an empty toilet stall. Make sure it is clean: no water on the seat or wet toilet paper. If it isn’t, find another stall that is clean with a dry seat. If there are none, take a few pieces of toilet paper and wipe the seat before you sit down. Throw the toilet paper into the toilet. Using the non-working toilet, Tommy demonstrated lifting the seat. Molly demonstrated wiping the seat.
  3. If you are a boy, raise the toilet seat before using the toilet. Lower the seat when you are through. Tommy demonstrated lowering the seat and the lid.
  4. When you are ready to flush, take 2 squares of toilet paper and use it to handle the flush, then throw the paper in the toilet bowl. Molly showed how to flush the toilet using toilet paper.
  5. As you are leaving the toilet stall, take another 2 squares of toilet paper and use it when unlocking the stall.

The “Can Dos” were then invited to join Molly and Tommy at the sink to practice washing their hands as Nurse Diane talked them through proper hand washing:

  1. Turn on the water, make sure it is warm, rinse your hands, lather up your hands with soap, be sure to wash between your fingers and all over your hands.
  2. Continue to wash your hands until you have completed singing the Happy Birthday song twice.
  3. Rinse your hands until all the soap is gone and your hands feel clean.
  4. Use two paper towels to dry your hands. Wipe off the rim of the sink, if you have gotten water all over it.
  5. If the bathroom has a door with a knob, save one of the towels to open the door, then throw it out in the first waste paper basket you see after you leave the bathroom. If the bathroom doesn’t have a nob on the door, throw your paper towels in the waste basket before leaving the bathroom.

“Well done “said Nurse Diane. “Thank you Tommy and Molly for your assistance.

Remember “Can Dos” the bathroom is not a place to play. When you are finished using the bathroom, tell your friend you will meet him or her outside. Leave, and don’t take up space for those coming in after you that need to use the bathroom.”
