Posts Tagged ‘miss pat’

Time Talk

Monday, March 13th, 2017

timeMiss Pat was going around the classroom asking each of the “Can Dos” to look at the clocks in the front of the room and tell her the time.

She soon knew that the class need help learning how to time talk…that is to say what time they see on the clock.

For instance, when the small hand is on the 3 and the big hand is on the 5 what do you say? Do you say twenty-five minutes after three or do you say three twenty-five?

Good thing Miss Pat had made some telling time games on the computer.

So, why not join the “Can Do” kids on the computer and see how you do with telling time?

Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games and choose telling time.

Good Luck!


School Things

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Miss Pat wanted to see if the class could name objects that can be seen around and in school.

So, she created a matching game called school things for the children to play on their computers.

All things school

How about playing along and see how you do with School Things?

Just go to the “Can Do” Street Club House and choose games. Then choose School Things and you are ready to play the two new matching games.

Good Luck with School Things!



You Know What You Want for Christmas; What Are You Giving ?

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016

During recess, Miss Pat overheard the “Can Dos” talking about what they want for Christmas.

When recess was over, Miss Pat said, “I overheard some of your conversation about what you all want for Christmas, but I didn’t hear any thing about what you are giving anyone at Christmas. Let’s talk about the spirit of Christmas for a few minutes. Can anyone tell me what the spirit of Christmas is?”

Yundi raised his hand and said, “It’s about giving, not getting.” The class all looked at him funny. Hector said,”That can’t be right!  It’s about kids getting stuff they want.” Kathy shook her head slowly and said, “I think it is about giving. My grandma starts talking to us in August about doing chores to earn money to buy presents for my mom and dad.” Miss Pat smiled and said,” Yundi and Kathy are right. It is about giving, that is why you get presents because the people who love you want to give to you.”

Miss Pat asked, “Who wants to share with the class what they are giving to their parents for Christmas”?

Nellie raised her hand and said, “Grandpa Dooley took a picture of us and we made a frame for it in crafts class at the community center. We sent it to our mom. She can’t come home for Christmas, cause she’s in the Army, far away.” Everyone was silent for a minute or so. Then Miss Pat said, “That is very thoughtful of you and Willie. I know your mom will be so happy when she gets your gift.”

Bobby raised his hand and said, “I earned enough money from doing chores to buy my mom a fancy key chain and my dad soap on a rope”!

“Those are wonderful gifts children, but some of the best Christmas gifts don’t cost any money at all.

Can anyone think of gifts that don’t cost money, but your parents will love to receive,” asked Miss Pat. Jay raised his hand and said,”I am going to give my parents the gift of a month of sweeping the floor after dinner, emptying the trash and reading a bedtime story to my little brother.” Arthur J smiled and said,”I know what I’m going to give them …a report card with all A’s. They’ve been asking for one of those for a long time!”


Willie and Nellie Explain Veterans Day

Monday, November 7th, 2016


“Class, this week  we have a holiday. Does anyone know what it is” asked Miss Pat. Orrie raised his hand and Miss Pat called on him. “It’s called Veterans’ Day.”

“Do you know why it is called that, ” asked Miss Pat. Orrie answered no.

Miss Pat asked if anyone else might know why the holiday is called Veterans Day.

Willie raised his hand and when Miss Pat called on him he said, “May Nellie and I share about Veterans Day?”  “Of course,” answered Miss Pat. “You and Nellie come to the front of the room where we can all see and hear you better.”

Willie and Nellie went to the front of the class and Miss Pat sat down in her chair. Willie began talking. “My mom is in the Army, so I know about Veterans Day.” Nellie said,”We live with are grandma and grandpa while mom is overseas serving our country.”  Willie added, “Yeah, my mom is a veteran cause she serves in our military and keeps are country safe!”

Hector  raised his hand and asked, “So, what’s that got to do with Veterans Day?” Willie sighed and said, “A long time ago, after a big war that our soldiers fought in, our Congress voted to have a special day to honor the men and women who fight for our country. So, each year, on November 11, we honor the service of all the men and women of our Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. We have parades and ceremonies and other activities to thank them for their courage and for keeping us safe.”

“Thank you Willie and Nellie. That was a great way to describe Veterans Day. Class, who can think of a way we can honor our men and women in the military, on Veterans Day,” asked Miss Pat.

Hector started bouncing around in his seat, too excited to wait for Miss Pat to call on him and shouted out, “I  know, I know, let’s all write them a thank you card.”

“Hector, that’s a great idea, but I need to remind you that you know you are supposed to raise your hand when you want to speak in class,” said Miss Pat.  Hector looked embarrassed, forgot to raise his hand again and called out,”Sorry Miss Pat.”

“Okay,” said Miss Pat, “everyone who wants to write a thank you card to our service men and women, raise your hand.” All the “Can Do” kids raised their hands. Miss Pat smiled and said,”Tomorrow we will work on the cards for our veterans. I will get the address of where we can send our cards.”


A New School Year

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

schoolThe first day of school was warm and sunny.

For those “Can Dos” who live close enough to school to walk, it was great fun walking with friends and talking about what school was going to be like in a new grade. Of course, the moms all walked to school with the “Can Dos” but they all walked together talking about the stuff that moms talk about.

Most of the “Can Dos” carried knapsacks, which were mostly empty, except for pencils, paper, and other school supplies. On the trip home the knapsacks were sure to be heavier because they would be full of new books for Social Studies, Language Arts, Math and Computer Skills.

As they got near the school, they saw the school bus pull up, stop, and let off those “Can Dos” who live too far away from school schoolto walk. They ran up to meet their friends and then they all walked into school together.

The principal was just inside the school door; she was meeting and greeting each of the “Can Dos” and directing them to the auditorium. Once the “Can Dos” were in the auditorium, Coach Campbell gave them a big hello and led them to their seats.

The “Can Dos” listened carefully as each class was called to stand, meet their home room teacher, and walk to their new classroom. Soon it was their turn.

They were so happy to hear that Miss Pat would be their home room teacher and their computer instructor even though they would have different teachers for their other subjects.

The “Can Dos” followed Miss Pat to a sun-filled classroom with tables and chairs that were just the right size for them. There were rows of computers in the back of the room and coat closets with lots of room for boots and rain and snow gear come winter.

Then came the fun part. Miss Pat said,”When I call your name, please take the seat I assign you.” The “Can Dos” all hoped to sit next to their best friends, but Miss Pat knew better than that. Sitting next to your best friend would be too much of a temptation to talk.

Soon, everyone had his or her seat. Miss Pat welcomed everyone back to school, took attendance and gave the “Can Dos” their daily schedule of classes and the teachers who would teach them in each class. The class did not have to change rooms for each class, the teachers would come to them.

The day went by fast and soon they were on their way home talking a mile a minute about their new teachers and all the new things they would be learning.

The “Can Dos all agreed that the school year was off to a very good start!
