Posts Tagged ‘Yundi’

The “Can Do” Chefs Club Does Asian for International Day

Tuesday, March 6th, 2012

The “Can Do” Chefs Club received an invitation from Miss Sue to make  lunch for the kindergarteners on International Day at the “Can Do” Street Community Center.

Miss Sue’s invitation read, “Please prepare a lunch that will be suitable for celebrating International Day.”

“Huh,” said Hector. “Wow, that’s hard, “said Nellie. Kathy just looked blank as she tried to think of something to make that would fit an International Day and that young kids would be willing to eat.

Then Yundi said,”I’ve got it,” said Yundi. “We make an Asian lunch. We serve sushi and teach the kids to use chopsticks.” The rest of the Chefs Club members just stared at him and Kathy said, “What little kid, that isn’t Asian, would eat raw fish?” everyone laughed, even Yundi.

Yundi said,”We won’t make sushi with fish. We’ll make peanut butter and jelly sushi rolls.” And that is just what they did!

Oh, the kindergarteners just loved it! Miss Sue was so pleased and all the parents were so impressed with what the “Can Do” Chefs Club members managed to do for International Day.

Why not be a “Can Do’ Chef and make your own peanut butter and jelly sushi rolls and serve them to your family?

chefs clubRecipe: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sushi Rolls

  • Prep Time: 3 min
  • Cook Time: 0 min
  • Yield: 1 serving (8 pieces)


  • 2 tablespoons Jif® Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 2 tablespoons Smucker’s® Strawberry Jelly, or any Smucker’s® Jam, Jelly or Preserves of your choice
  • 2 slices bread


  1. REMOVE crusts from bread. With a rolling pin or large soup can, completely flatten bread.
  2. SPREAD 1 tablespoon peanut butter and 1 tablespoon fruit spread on each slice of bread
  3. ROLL each slice into a tight spiral. Cut each spiral into 4 pieces.

Source: Smuckers/Jif  recipe


The Bike

Monday, February 20th, 2012

bikeYundi was riding his bike when Jay flagged him down. Jay told Yundi he needed to borrow his bike to get to the library before it closed in a half an hour.  He explained that he left his book there and he needed it to do his homework.

Yundi could see that Jay was upset, but he wasn’t so sure it was a good idea to lend him the bike. The bike was a birthday present form his grandma. His parents had been very clear about him not lending the bike to anyone.

“Please,” said Jay.”It is too far to walk. I’ll never get there before the library closes. If I don’t get that book I will be in big trouble with mom and dad and with Miss Pat.”

Yundi said,”I can get in big trouble with my parents if they find out I lent the bike to anyone. They’ll take it away from me and I won’t be able to ride it for weeks and I love this bike.”

Jay looked sad, then angry. “I thought you were my friend. Friends help each other out. Some friend you are!” Then Jay started to walk away.

“Wait, I have an idea, said Yundi,”I can help you and still not get in trouble for lending my bike.”

Jay looked confused, “How?”

Yundi smiled, “Tell me what your book looks like and where you think you left it and I’ll go get it for you. Keep your cell phone on so I can call you if there is a problem.”

Before Jay could answer, Yundi was off to the library. As it turned out, someone had found the book and turned it into the librarian at the front desk. Yundi called Jay and had him tell the librarian it was okay that he pick up the book for Jay.

When Yundi got the book back to Jay, Jay apologized for what he had said, saying,” You really are a good friend. I’m sorry I didn’t understand about your not being able to lend your bike to anyone.”

Yundi smiled, “I have to get home. See you tomorrow, Jay.”

Jay tucked his book under his arm and started to walk home. Well, he thought, I have my book and I am really lucky to have a good friend like Yundi.
