Posts Tagged ‘Yundi’

The Bobbin Girls

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

Yundi and Nellie ran towards Coach Campbell yelling, “Hey Coach!” Coach answered, “Hey – What’s up? How is everybody?” “Good Coach, said Yundi. “Yeah,good. Visit any more mines Coach?”

“Ha, ha – no, no – I am not going back down in those mines again,” said Coach. Nellie nodded her head and said, “Yeah, that was not a place I would want to go. So dark, and dirty. Scary.”

“Sure is,” shared Coach, “Coal mining is a dangerous job.”

Nellie asked,“Hey Coach, remember you said you would tell us about what the young girls did for work?”

“Sure do,” answered Coach. “They were nicknamed Bobbin Girls, and they worked at the local textile mill. They were called Bobbin Girls because their main job was to work with the bobbins of cotton thread.

image of thread bobbins



Bobbin Girls working in textile mill

The Bobbin Girls would run back and forth with the bobbins of thread to keep the looms working. The loom machines wove the threads together to make fabric for clothing.”

“Yundi and Nellie both looked amazed, and Yundi said,  “That looks like a lot of running!

I bet those Bobbin Girls were real tired after working. How long a day did they work Coach?”

image of one of the Bobbin Girls in the textile mill.

“The Bobbin Girls put in a long-long day,” answered Coach; “10 hours or so. Plus, the big room with the big looms had the windows closed to keep the wind from messing up the threads of cotton. A little breeze could get them mixed up and stuck. That stops the loom from working.”

“The windows were closed? It must have been so hot,” said Nellie.“Oh yes, very hot and very loud. The giant looms make an awful racket,” added Coach.

Coach pulls out his phone, and says, “I have a youtube movie of a working mill room at the Boott Mills in Lowell. Let’s look at it together. This video shows several machines working at the same time.”

Yundi shook his head and said, “Wow Coach, sure am glad my classroom at school is air conditioned. But, my classroom can kinda get just as loud – SOMETIMES!!”

Coach laughed and shook his head in agreement and Nellie just giggled. Then Nellie added, “I’m glad that, in this country, young girls like me don’t have to work in factories like the Bobbin Girls did.”

Story by:

image of Coach Campbell, author

Ned M Campbell is a West Point graduate and former U.S. Army Officer, who also teaches United States history at a public high school in Brooklyn, NY. He is a published writer, and a volunteer contributor to “Can Do” Street blog for kids and parents. In addition, he is the voice of Coach Campbell in the “Can Do” Street program.


Taking Turns Picking What to Play

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

image of kids at play using a soccer ball

Jay and Yundi went to the park to play.

Just then Jay saw some of their friends playing soccer and said, “Let’s go play soccer with our friends.”

“I don’t like soccer,” said Yundi. “I want to play tag.”Jay shook his head and said,”Our friends are playing soccer now. Maybe when they finish their soccer game they will play tag. I’m going to play soccer with them.”

Jay went off and played soccer and Yundi sat on the side of the field where his friends were playing and just looked grumpy.

When the game was over, Jay came over to Yundi with a big smile and said, “That was fun! You should have joined in. “

Yundi answered, “I told you I didn’t want to play soccer.”  Jay looked at Yundi and said,”Well, if you had been willing to play soccer today, than maybe tomorrow the others would be willing to play tag with you. If you look grumpy and don’t join in, then the other boys will think you don’t like any games and won’t ask you to play with them.”

Yundi thought about it for a minute and said,” So, if sometimes I play games I don’t really like so much, but others do, then they might play some of my favorite games?”

“Exactly,” said Jay. “It’s all about thinking of others, not just about what you want to play.” Then he added, “Most of all it’s about joining in and just having fun with friends, not what you play.”


Summer Fun…Summer Safety

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

School is out and summer fun is in!

The “Can Do” Kids love  summer but some of them don’t always practice summer safety.

Nellie and Annie are going to the beach with their friends from the recreation center but they forgot something…sunscreen. Should they ask Miss Sue, the director of the rec center who is taking them on the trip, if they can have some of her sunscreen?

The beach doesn’t have any shade and the sun hurts Annie’s eyes. Circle what she can do…Put on sun glasses…wear a hat with a brim.

Annie wants to play ball in the sand, but it is very hot, Should she keep her sandals on?   Circle what Annie should do…Yes…No.

Nellie wants to go into the water, but there is no life guard on duty. Should she go into the water, or should she wait until the life guard comes on duty?

Willie and Yundi love to fool around in the water Sometimes they play too rough. They hold each others’  heads under the water. Is this practicing summer safety?

summerYundi and Willie eat their lunches very fast and want to go into the water right after eating. Is this OK?summer

After swimming, Willie, Yundi, Annie and Nellie head up to to the boardwalk, but they don’t tell Miss Sue where they are going. In fact, they don’t get her permission to go. Is this practicing summer safety?

What should they have done? What would you have done?

Do you do things to be safe at the beach during the summer?



Monday, February 1st, 2016

cheatingYundi caught up with Bobby on the walk to school. By the look on Bobby’s face, Yundi could tell there was something wrong. “What’s wrong Bobby,” asked Yundi.

Bobby answered, “I didn’t study for the math test today and now I will probably fail.”

Yundi asked Bobby why he didn’t study. “Well,” said Bobby, “There was a show I wanted to see and when it was over my mom said it was time for bed.”

Yundi just looked at Bobby and shook his head.”What are you going to do?”

Bobby thought a minute, then said, “I know, I sit next to you. I’ll just copy your answers if I can’t do the problems.

Yundi got read in the face and said, “That’s cheating!”

Bobby said,”No it’s not. You’re just helping me out. You’re my friend aren’t you?”

Yundi sputtered, “Yeah, I’m your friend, but friends don’t ask friends to help them with cheating on a test. Besides, why should I let you take my answers? I studied hard and didn’t get to watch any TV last night so I could do well on this test. Now I’m supposed to let you cheat by taking my answers…no fair, Bobby. No fair!”

Bobby got all upset and said, “What am I going to do? if I fail, my mom will make me stay in for a week and I won’t get to go to the skating party on Saturday.”

Yundi was so mad at Bobby for asking him to help him with cheating on the test that he had no sympathy for Bobby. He said, “You should have thought about that last night!”

Bobby said,”You can’t stop me. I sit next to you. When Miss Pat isn’t looking, I’ll just peak at your paper.”cheating

Yundi was so mad! “You do and I’ll raise my hand and tell Miss Pat.”

“You wouldn’t,” said Bobby. “Oh yes I would,” said Yundi. Then Yundi walked away from Bobby and walked the rest of the way to school by himself.


Was Bobby being fair to Yundi? Was Yundi being a friend to Bobby?

Would you ever ask a friend to help you with cheating on a test? Would you ask a friend to let you copy his or her homework?

Is copying someone’s homework cheating?


Do You Have Safety Smarts

Monday, May 18th, 2015

It’s time for a safety smarts check!

Ask an adult to hear your answers and tell you if you have safety smarts.

safety smartsWhen Nellie got home from school, Grandma Hattie was sitting in her chair. She told Nellie she wasn’t feeling well and to call for help. What should Nellie do? Who can she call? What number should she dial? What should she say to the person on the phone?

Bobby’s apartment building with an elevator. Should he get on the elevator with a stranger?

Arthur J is playing in his fenced-in yard when a man he didn’t know leans on the fence and invites Arthur J to come over and see his new puppy. What should he do?

Annie is playing basketball in her driveway when a boy much older than her comes over and asks if he can shoot hoops with her. What can she say? What can she do?

Hector is hungry; his mom is napping in the living room. he goes onto the kitchen for a snack. He thinks about making popcorn in the microwave, or cutting an apple into slices to dip in peanut safety smartsbutter, or getting a yogurt from the refrigerator. Which choice shows good safety smarts?

Yundi’s helmet is tight on his head. Is it okay for him to go bike riding without his helmet?

Kathy is going to be in a jump rope competition. She is trying to decide what shoes to wear. Her sandals look nice with her dress. Her school shoes are sturdy. Her sneakers have good support. Which shoes do you think Kathy should wear and why?

Mickey and Muggins are taking a walk when a little boy breaks free of his mom’s safety smartshand and runs up in front of them. Mickey needs to practice safety smarts by telling the little boy not to pet Muggins as he is a service dog. Why does Mickey need to do this? What might happen if the little boy starts petting Muggins?
