Posts Tagged ‘words’

The “Can Dos” Need Help with Spelling

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Do you need help with spelling? Well the “Can Dos” do!

Kathy wasn’t the only one who didn’t do well in the spelling bee. Most of the class missed words very early on in the spelling bee.

The only ones who lasted in the spelling bee were…Orrie, Yundi and Nellie. I know you could have guessed that Orrie would do well, but Nellie and Yundi were a surprise. What was more of a surprise was that Yundi, not Orrie won the spelling bee!

Miss Pat had a long talk with the “Can Dos” and all agreed that they would learn five new spelling words a night, from their vocabulary book. They promised to know how to use each new word in a sentence.

In exchange, Miss Pat would design more word jumbles to help them with their spelling.

So, here is the first one she gave them to do. Just print out the word jumble and see how you do.



Just for Fun

Saturday, January 18th, 2014

Miss Pat couldn’t help but notice that the “Can Do” Kids were not into vocabulary building today. They needed a fun break. How could she make vocabulary fun?

Hmmm…she thought. How about a word jumble and a word search? That ought to be more that a few minutes of fun. So she gave the “Can Dos” the following teacher printouts  to do.

Why don’t you print out these handouts and have a fun break? The fist jumble is about animals. The second images is about things we see in the spring.


