Posts Tagged ‘word jumble’

Dogs Shouldn’t Eat…

Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

Your dog is your best friend, and friends share. But, some of the things you eat are not good for dogs. For example, chocolate can make a dog very sick.

So, be a real best friend. Don’t feed your dog human treats and watch what he eats outside.

Below is a word scramble of things, that if your dog eats them, will make him sick.



The Vegetable Garden

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Grandma Hattie is known all over “Can Do” Street for having the best vegetable garden.

Since the school was starting a vegetable garden, some of the “Can Dos” wanted to know just how Grandma Hattie takes care of her vegetable garden every year. They went to visit her after school to get some advice on what vegetables to plant and when to plant them. Most of all, they needed to know how to take care of the vegetable garden.

Grandma Hattie was pleased to see the boys and invited them into her kitchen. She had taken chocolate chip cookies out of the oven just before the boys arrived. They smelled so good!

vegetableWhile they all sat around the kitchen table eating cookies and drinking milk, Grandma Hattie shared the secrets of a  good vegetable garden.The boys listened carefully. They nodded, took notes, and asked questions.

Then Orrie asked, “What should we grow?” Grandma Hattie smiled and opened a folder next to her on the table. She took out a word jumble and said,”Whatever vegetables you can find in the jumble, I have seeds for and you may have them.”

The boys all began working on the jumble. When they finished, Grandma Hattie gave them the packages of seeds for the vegetables they found.

Why don’t you try the jumble and see if you can find a vegetable or two or three or more? Just print out the page and try to see how many vegetables you find.

Here is a list of some vegetables you may find in the jumble: corn, carrots, peas, lettuce, onions and tomatoes.



The “Can Dos” Need Help with Spelling

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Do you need help with spelling? Well the “Can Dos” do!

Kathy wasn’t the only one who didn’t do well in the spelling bee. Most of the class missed words very early on in the spelling bee.

The only ones who lasted in the spelling bee were…Orrie, Yundi and Nellie. I know you could have guessed that Orrie would do well, but Nellie and Yundi were a surprise. What was more of a surprise was that Yundi, not Orrie won the spelling bee!

Miss Pat had a long talk with the “Can Dos” and all agreed that they would learn five new spelling words a night, from their vocabulary book. They promised to know how to use each new word in a sentence.

In exchange, Miss Pat would design more word jumbles to help them with their spelling.

So, here is the first one she gave them to do. Just print out the word jumble and see how you do.



Just for Fun…Thanksgiving Maze and Word Jumble

Saturday, November 15th, 2014

Miss Pat looked around the room. While the “Can Do” kids were quiet, they didn’t look very energetic. In the morning they had a math test. Right after lunch they took a spelling quiz. They were tested out. Time for something just for fun.

” Class,” said Miss Pat,” time to start thinking about Thanksgiving.”  With that Miss Pat handed out a maze and a word jumble with a Thanksgiving theme.

The “Can Dos” got right to work figuring out the maze and finding the words in the jumble.

Just for fun,  print out the maze and jumble and see how you do.

word search



Just for Fun

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

Let’s see how well you do with Word Jumbles…just for fun.


