Posts Tagged ‘white board’

The Skyping Reading Tutor Visits The “Can Do’ Kids in Class

Friday, November 12th, 2010

If your classroom has a computer with Skype software and a whiteboard, Miss Joanne, the Skype Reading Tutor,  can visit your classroom! This is a poem Miss Joanne wrote and read in her daughter’s class. You can see her in the photo with her daughter.

I Can Read a Ton, by: Joanne Kaminski

I can read for pleasure
I can read for fun
I know that when my 20 minutes is up
That I am not done.

There are so many things to learn
and places to explore
I love to learn, I love to learn
It opens up a new door

There are many, many genres
Including fiction and non-fiction
My favorite thing to do
Is to make a prediction

When I get stuck on a word
There are many things to do
I can make a guess, look at the word
or just do a review

I love to read, I love to read
I read just for fun
No more timers, just great books
I can read a ton

To learn more about the Skype Reading Tutor, visit the “Can Do” Parent Teacher Blog
