Posts Tagged ‘vocabulary’

The Word Jumble

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

Well, the second day back to school was not much better than the first. So, Miss Pat decided it was another day for making a game out of learning, this time for spelling and vocabulary using a word jumble.

She chose a word jumble for them to do, hoping this would get their attention and they would learn and have fun while learning.

“The first three of you to finish the jumble correctly will not have any homework tonight.” Don’t shout out when you are finished the jumble, just raise your hand and I will come over and check your work,” said Miss Pat

Miss Pat handed out the jumble and the room got quiet. Soon Orrie’s hand went up. Then Maria raised her hand and then Yundi. Sure enough, they all had the jumble right! No homework for them.

Why don’t you see how you do with the jumble?

word jumble


Christmas Matching Games

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

WChristmas matching gamesith only 10 days until Christmas, the “Can Do”s were not very interested in regular school work.

So, Miss Pat decided to make two Christmas matching games to use in the vocabulary and spelling lessons for the day.

Miss Pat announced that it was vocabulary time. After the class stopped moaning and groaning she said, “Class I have  a surprise for you. Today’s vocabulary building and spelling is going to be about Christmas words and Christmas things.”

Hector raised his hand and said, “This ought to be easy. I know all about Christmas stuff.” Miss Pat smiled and said,” We’ll see about that Hector.”

Then she asked everyone to go to their computers because the games were interactive matching games that could only be played on the computer.

Boys and Girls, why don’t you see how you would do playing the Christmas matching games? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House  choose games  and then choose Christmas games. The games are called. What is Santa Up To and Christmas Things.


Interactive Matching Games Make Vocabulary Fun

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Miss Pat and vocabularyMiss Pat knows that many of the “Can Dos” are not fans of vocabulary lessons. She also knows that learning learning new vocabulary words is important. The big question for her…how to get the “Can Dos interested and excited about learning the names of people places and things and to spell them correctly.

Miss Pat  tried using flash cards and other word games and some of the class liked learning vocabulary that way, but it wasn’t enough. So, she thought and thought and then it came to her. She would create matching games on the computers and let each “Can Do” match the name of an object with the object. The game would tell each “Can Do” if they got it right or wrong.

That afternoon, when the class  usually had vocabulary time, Miss Pat asked all the children to go to their computers and turn them on. The class was thrilled because they thought…computer time instead of vocabulary time.

They were so surprised when she had them go to their computers and go to the  “Can Do” Club House  where they found two new games. The first was called vegetables and the second was called fruits.

“Class,” said Miss Pat,”Today we are having today’s vocabulary lesson by playing two interactive matching games.  You may recognize some of the names for some of the objects. Do the best you can and then choose the button that says correct and see how you did.”

The class grew quiet as they played the games and checked their answers. Miss Pat waited until everyone was finished the games and asked, “How did everyone do?”  Hector raised his hand and said, “I have to play this game a lot.  I didn’t do so well.”Some of the other “Can Dos” shook their heads in agreement.

Of course Orrie did well, not perfect, but well, but then again he always does.

Miss Pat asked the class to come back to their seats and take out a piece of paper. “Class, write a sentence about each of the fruits you matched in the game. Remember to start each sentence with a capital letter and end each sentence with a period. Let’s see what you remember from the matching game you just played and how well you spelled the names of the fruits.”

Boys and girls reading this post, why don’t you see how you can do? Go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, look for the games called fruits/vegetables and start playing. When you are finished playing both games and check how many right answers you got, why don’t you use each of the objects you matched correctly in a sentence?

