Posts Tagged ‘Veterans Day’

Willie and Nellie Explain Veterans Day

Monday, November 7th, 2016


“Class, this week  we have a holiday. Does anyone know what it is” asked Miss Pat. Orrie raised his hand and Miss Pat called on him. “It’s called Veterans’ Day.”

“Do you know why it is called that, ” asked Miss Pat. Orrie answered no.

Miss Pat asked if anyone else might know why the holiday is called Veterans Day.

Willie raised his hand and when Miss Pat called on him he said, “May Nellie and I share about Veterans Day?”  “Of course,” answered Miss Pat. “You and Nellie come to the front of the room where we can all see and hear you better.”

Willie and Nellie went to the front of the class and Miss Pat sat down in her chair. Willie began talking. “My mom is in the Army, so I know about Veterans Day.” Nellie said,”We live with are grandma and grandpa while mom is overseas serving our country.”  Willie added, “Yeah, my mom is a veteran cause she serves in our military and keeps are country safe!”

Hector  raised his hand and asked, “So, what’s that got to do with Veterans Day?” Willie sighed and said, “A long time ago, after a big war that our soldiers fought in, our Congress voted to have a special day to honor the men and women who fight for our country. So, each year, on November 11, we honor the service of all the men and women of our Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. We have parades and ceremonies and other activities to thank them for their courage and for keeping us safe.”

“Thank you Willie and Nellie. That was a great way to describe Veterans Day. Class, who can think of a way we can honor our men and women in the military, on Veterans Day,” asked Miss Pat.

Hector started bouncing around in his seat, too excited to wait for Miss Pat to call on him and shouted out, “I  know, I know, let’s all write them a thank you card.”

“Hector, that’s a great idea, but I need to remind you that you know you are supposed to raise your hand when you want to speak in class,” said Miss Pat.  Hector looked embarrassed, forgot to raise his hand again and called out,”Sorry Miss Pat.”

“Okay,” said Miss Pat, “everyone who wants to write a thank you card to our service men and women, raise your hand.” All the “Can Do” kids raised their hands. Miss Pat smiled and said,”Tomorrow we will work on the cards for our veterans. I will get the address of where we can send our cards.”
