Posts Tagged ‘vegetables’

The Vegetable Garden

Thursday, May 12th, 2016

Grandma Hattie is known all over “Can Do” Street for having the best vegetable garden.

Since the school was starting a vegetable garden, some of the “Can Dos” wanted to know just how Grandma Hattie takes care of her vegetable garden every year. They went to visit her after school to get some advice on what vegetables to plant and when to plant them. Most of all, they needed to know how to take care of the vegetable garden.

Grandma Hattie was pleased to see the boys and invited them into her kitchen. She had taken chocolate chip cookies out of the oven just before the boys arrived. They smelled so good!

vegetableWhile they all sat around the kitchen table eating cookies and drinking milk, Grandma Hattie shared the secrets of a  good vegetable garden.The boys listened carefully. They nodded, took notes, and asked questions.

Then Orrie asked, “What should we grow?” Grandma Hattie smiled and opened a folder next to her on the table. She took out a word jumble and said,”Whatever vegetables you can find in the jumble, I have seeds for and you may have them.”

The boys all began working on the jumble. When they finished, Grandma Hattie gave them the packages of seeds for the vegetables they found.

Why don’t you try the jumble and see if you can find a vegetable or two or three or more? Just print out the page and try to see how many vegetables you find.

Here is a list of some vegetables you may find in the jumble: corn, carrots, peas, lettuce, onions and tomatoes.



What Can I Make With…

Monday, May 25th, 2015

makeOn the bus ride home from a class trip to a working farm and farmer’s market, Miss Pat challenged the “Can Do”Kids with a game of what can I make with what I saw at the farmer’s market.

Miss Pat said, “Okay, who is going to go first?

Bobby raised his hand and said, “I saw apples and  I can make applesauce with apples.”

Kathy went next saying she saw peaches and she can make a peach pie with her mom’s help.

Hector shared that he saw cherries and he could make an ice cream sundae with a cherry on top.

Eulyn saw celery and she knows she can make a tuna salad with cut up celery in it.

Willie saw tomatoes and he can make a salad with them.

Now it is your turn. Name one thing you make with the following things that the “Can Do” Kids saw at the farmer’s market?

eggs                         milk

butter                    cheese

strawberries       blueberries

potatoes               corn


The Alphabet Food Quiz

Monday, April 13th, 2015

“Okay, class let’s see how well you know what letters of the alphabet begin some of your favorite foods,” said Miss Pat.

alphabet“Bobby, please pass out this alphabet quiz to each of the students,” asked Miss Pat. Bobby gave each of the “Can Do” Kids a sheet of paper with a alphabet board and questions on it.

Miss Pat explained that the class was to answer all the questions. They had 20 minutes to complete the alphabet quiz.

How about taking the quiz with them?

The Alphabet Food Quiz

What meat begins with the letter H ?

What vegetable begins with the letter C

What fruit begins with the letter B?

What fish begins with the letter T?

What breakfast food begins with the letter E?

What drink begins with the letter J?

What fruit begins with the letter M?

What dairy drink begins with the letter M?

What is in salad that begins with the letter L?

What dairy begins with the letter Y?

If you eat all your dinner, what do you have as a treat that begins with the letter P?

What treat is in a cone that begins with the letter I?

What fruit begins with the letter G?

What vegetable is good mashed that begins with the letter P?

What green vegetable begins with the letter S?

What fruit is often red in color and begins with the letter A?

Most of the “Can Do” Kids got all the alphabet questions right. How did you do with the Alphabet Food Quiz?


A Rainbow on my Plate

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

plateThe “Can Do” Kids Chefs Club hosted a camp session on making healthy food choices called …A Rainbow on my Plate.

The guest speaker was Miss Mary, a dietitian, who works for the “Can Do” Street Elementary and High Schools during the school year. Miss Mary’s job is to plan healthy meals for the children attending the schools. She makes sure that the children get foods that will help them feel good so they do well in school and after school activities, such as sports.

“Good Morning “Can Dos,” said Miss Mary. “Let’s play a game I call Rainbow on my Plate.”  With that, Miss Mary handed each “Can Do” a paper plate and said,”We are going to fill the plate with fruits and vegetables that are the colors of the rainbow.” Miss Mary had a box of paper vegetable and fruits and as each “Can Do”answered her questions, with the right answers, she added a picture of the fruit or vegetable to the plate.

Here are the questions. Choose the correct answers from the list of fruits and vegetables listed below the questions.

Let’s see how you do building a rainbow of fruits and vegetables on your plate.

1. Choose a green vegetable____________________

2. Choose a green fruit ________________________

3. Choose a red vegetable ______________________

4. Choose a red fruit__________________________

5. Choose a blue fruit_________________________

6. Choose an orange vegetable__________________

7. Choose an orange fruit______________________

8. Choose a yellow vegetable___________________

9. Choose a yellow fruit_______________________

10. Choose a white vegetable__________________

11  Choose a white fruit______________________

Be sure to ask a family member to review your answers with you.

Did you make a rainbow on your plate?

Answers: pear, cauliflower, pineapple, corn, cantaloupe, carrot, blueberry, apple, beet, pepper, grape.
