Posts Tagged ‘Valentine’s Party’

A Special Valentine’s Celebration

Friday, February 14th, 2014

The “Can Dos” were reading when there was a knock on the door of their classroom. All heads came up from their books; all eyes were on the door. When the door opened there stood Grandma Jean. Now the “Can Dos” were really curious. The only time Grandma Jean ever came to their class was to read them a story, but that was usually on a Thursday, and this was a Tuesday.

“May I have your permission, Miss Pat,  to speak with your class about a Valentine’s party for the Seniors group ?”

Miss Pat nodded and turning to the class said,”Please close your books and give Grandma Jean your undivided attention.” Grandma Jean smiled and said, “As you all know, it is almost Valentine’s Day and I know the school has some special ways you are going to celebrate the day. I’m here to ask you to do something special for the ladies in the Seniors group at the recreation center.  Please be part of our Valentine’s party this Saturday from 1-3 PM.”

Well, some of the “Can Dos” nodded and others didn’t look as if they thought it was such a good idea. “Hector said,”Ive got plans. Besides, I can see my grandma on Saturday and give her the valentine I made for her.” A couple of the other “Can Dos” agreed with Hector.

Grandma Jean reminded the class of all that the seniors do for them year-round such as helping them decorate for their parties at the rec center, fixing the food for their annual picnic and the indoor camp sleepover. Why how would they be able to hold their meetings of the “Can Do” Kids Cooking Club? Who would cut up the fruits and vegetables for their recipes, and help them with cooking and baking? Who indeed.

Then Grandma Jean reminded them that many of their grandmas would be at the event, and would be expecting to see then there. ” Ok, Ok,” said Hector. I get the message. Its time for me, I mean us, to do something nice for them, because they do so many nice things for us.”

Grandma Jean handed a Valentine’s card to each “Can Do” with instructions to make the card out to his or her grandma. Just them Jay raised his hand, “I don’t have a grandma in the Senior group. Who will I make a Valentine’s card for?” Grandma Jean smiled and answered, “Just like you don’t have a grandma in the Senior group, not all the seniors have grandchildren, or they may have grandchildren who live far away. These ladies would love to share their Valentine’s party with one of you. “

Wendy and Yundi and Jay each agreed to be a Valentine’s Day partner for a lady who did didn’t have a grandchild to share with at the Senior party. Orrie raised his hand and said, ” My Grandma Maureen has so many grandchildren, I know she would be proud if I kept another lady company at the party.” Grandma Jean and Miss Pat told him that was a very kind thing to do. Grandma Jean handed them each a Valentine’s Day card and the name of a Senior who would be their partner.

As she got ready to leave, Grandma Jean handed out invitations to the party. A big whoop went up when the “Can Dos’ saw what was on the menu…strawberry smoothies  and individual chocolate heart cakes. They would be making heart shaped cookies to bring home as their Valentine’s Day gift for their moms. There would be prizes, and picture taking and games!

After Grandma Jean left the “Can Dos’ all agreed that being nice to others is not only a good thing to do, it  can be fun!
