Posts Tagged ‘teacher pat’

The Flashlight

Saturday, April 27th, 2013

Kathy took the flashlight from its hook in the kitchen closet and slipped it under her robe. She took the back staircase from the kitchen upstairs to her bedroom.

She slipped the flashlight under her bed.  Then she took the book she had been reading, Anne of Green Gables, and slipped it under her pillow.

She smiled to herself, thinking  about how she could read by flashlight after bedtime. She went downstairs and joined her family in the living room to watch a TV show together.

When it was time for bed , she kissed her parents and made her way up to bed. Kathy shared a bedroom with Annie, her sister, so she had to wait until Annie fell asleep before trying to read by flashlight.

Once Annie was asleep, Kathy reached down and took the flashlight from under her bed and the book from under her pillow. She pulled the covers over her head so that the light from the flashlight could not be seen, is anyone passed by her bedroom door. She was also worried that the light from the flashlight might wake Annie and then Kathy would get in trouble for sure.

Kathy lost all track of time. When she heard her parents coming up to bed she quickly turned off the flashlight and tucked the book under her pillow. She pretended to be asleep. Just then her mom opened the door to her room and thinking that Kathy was asleep, said to Kathy’s dad, “I’m happy to see that Kathy is getting a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow is the big spelling bee and Kathy is such a good speller.I think she really has a good chance at winning.”

Oh no thought Kathy, I forgot about the spelling bee. I better get to sleep. When the alarm rang the next morning she had such a hard time waking up. She forgot to return the flashlight to the closet and left the book under her pillow. She was running late for school, so her mom told her to skip making her bed, that she would make it for her.

flashlightWell, the bad news is Kathy fell asleep during the spelling bee and missed her turn. So, she was out of the spelling bee.

The other bad news…she had a lot of explaining to do when she got home. Kathy took the flashlight from its hook in the kitchen closet and slipped it under her robe.


The Main Idea

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

ideaMiss Pat was concerned that the “Can Dos” were having problems with identifying the main idea in stories. Here is a story she gave the “Can Dos” to help them recognize the main idea.

She also asked them to find misspelled word or words that need to be capitalized. Why not try the activity and see how well you do?

The story:

Mark trys to be friendes with Jim, the new boi in school. First, Mark smiles at Jim in the lunch room. Mark has a dog. Then, he plays with Jim after lunch. Finally, he shares a seat with Jim on the school bus.

By the end of the day…


Put a star(*) next to the sentence in the beginning that tells the main idea.

Underline sentences in the middle that have details that say more about the main idea.

Cross out the sentence in the middle that does not belong to the main idea.

Circle the words that are misspelled or need to begin with a capital letter.

Write an ending for the end of the story.

Be sure and have your parent or older brother or sister check your work to see how you did.


The First Day Back to School After the Holidays

Thursday, January 3rd, 2013

The first day back to school after the holiday was cold and rainy. The “Can Dos” were having a hard time concentrating on school work.

Luckily, Miss Pat knew the “Can Dos”needed some help getting back in the school grove. So, she made two computer games to ease them back into their computer lessons.

She made two matching games about the toys the children got.

Why don’t you play along with the “Can Dos”? Go to the Club House on “Can Do” Street, click on it, then click on games. Look for the games called Show and Tell, click on them and play!


Halloween Computer Matching Games

Friday, October 19th, 2012

The “Can Do” Kids, burst into the computer lab just as Miss Pat was putting the finishing touches on the Halloween games she promised them in home room that morning.

“Take your seats at your computer stations and beginning playing the Halloween matching games,” said Miss Pat.

The “Can Dos” scrambled to get to their seats and followed Miss Pat’s directions to find the Halloween games.

Why not play along? Just go to the “Can Do”: Club House, choose games and choose Halloween games.

Have fun with the Halloween Games!



Time to Get Ready for Halloween!

Monday, October 15th, 2012

“It’s that time again,” announced Miss Pat. “It’s time to talk about all things Halloween!”

The “Can Do” Kids all came alive in their seats. They all love Halloween and look forward to it as soon as they get back to school following summer vacation.

Miss Pat continued with what she was saying,” It’s time to think about decorating our homeroom and the bulletin board outside our homeroom. This year we are going to do something different. We are going to find Halloween graphics on the Internet, print them out and display them on the bulletin board along with the proper spelling of their names.”

Miss Pat could see by the looks on the “Can Dos” faces that they weren’t so sure this was a good idea.  Just then Willie raised his hand and when Miss pat called on him he said, ” That sounds hard. How will that work?”

Miss Pat smiled and answered,”It just so happens that I made computer matching games that contain things we see on Halloween and the correct spelling of each thing.”

Miss Pat saw a look of relief come over the face of each “Can Do” Kid.

Just them, the bell rang for the first class of the day. The “Can Dos” gathered up their books and started for the door and their first class.

Miss Pat called after them,”See you in computer class when we will find ideas for our Halloween decorations in the matching games I made!
