Posts Tagged ‘teacher pat’

Getting A Shot

Tuesday, April 19th, 2016

 Miss Pat called the class to attention after the first bell rang. Just as the “Can Dos” were coming to attention the door opened and in walked Nurse Diane.

Nurse Diane“Good morning, Miss Pat. Good morning children,” said Nurse Diane. Miss Pat greeted Nurse Diane and the “Can Dos’ all called out, “Good morning, Nurse Diane.”

Hector wasn’t really so happy to see Nurse Diane. He whispered in Willie’s ear, saying, “When Nurse Diane comes it means we have to hear medical stuff and do healthy activities like coughing in our elbows.” Willie smiled and whispered back,”Hector , you think you are so strong, but you are a baby sometimes!”

“Am not”, said Hector, “Are too” said Willie. Miss Pat called on them to share what they were talking about. “Nothing, answered Hector. Miss Pat answered. “Then talk about nothing quietly. The class laughed, and Nurse Diane began to talk about why she had come to their classroom..

 “It’s that time of year again; time to get a flu shot,” said Nurse Diane. A groan went up in the classroom. Some kids called out about how they hated getting a shot. Others shared that they were afraid of needles. Hector looked as if he didn’t feel well.

 Nurse Diane smiled and said, “Going to the doctor to get a shot doesn’t have to be scary. Here’s what you need to know about getting a shot so you can be brave at the doctor’s.

  1. Shots are just a way to make sure your body has what it needs to fight off disease and keep you healthy. The small needle puts the medicine under your skin so your body can build up strength against diseases.
  2. When the doctor or nurse sticks you with the needle it will hurt a little bit, but only for a minute and then the pain will go away.
  3. If you’re nervous about getting your shot, talk to your parents about something else. It will help keep you calm and take your mind off the shot.
  4. Smile. It’s hard to be scared or nervous if you’re smiling. So even if you’re really scared about getting the shot, just keep smiling and it will help you be brave.

The next time you go to the doctor to get a shot, you can surprise your parents and the nurses by staying calm and being brave.”

Nurse Diane  asked “Does anyone have any questions?” No one raised their hands. Hector was thinking about being brave when he got his flu shot. It sounded good when Nurse Diane said it, and after all, it would only take a minute. Hmm…it is worth a try he thought. I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was a big baby.

Source information:



The Coin Game

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016

Miss Pat noticed that some of the “Can Dos” were having trouble figuring out their coin change when they bought snacks at the skating rink the other day.

She decided to put up a game on their computers that would help with coin counting.

The next day she directed the class to go to their computers and play the coin game.

Why don’t you play along? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose the balloon that says more games and start playing

After you play the game, try writing a sentence about each coin.


The Sorting Game

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

countingMiss Pat wasn’t so sure how good some of the “Can Do” kids were at sorting, so she made a computer game about sorting.

She called the sorting game “What’s What.”

Why don’t you play the sorting game along with the “Can Do” kids?

Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, then choose “What’s What.”


The “Can Dos” Need Help with Spelling

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

Do you need help with spelling? Well the “Can Dos” do!

Kathy wasn’t the only one who didn’t do well in the spelling bee. Most of the class missed words very early on in the spelling bee.

The only ones who lasted in the spelling bee were…Orrie, Yundi and Nellie. I know you could have guessed that Orrie would do well, but Nellie and Yundi were a surprise. What was more of a surprise was that Yundi, not Orrie won the spelling bee!

Miss Pat had a long talk with the “Can Dos” and all agreed that they would learn five new spelling words a night, from their vocabulary book. They promised to know how to use each new word in a sentence.

In exchange, Miss Pat would design more word jumbles to help them with their spelling.

So, here is the first one she gave them to do. Just print out the word jumble and see how you do.



Just for Fun

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

funMiss Pat wanted to give the “Can Dos” something to do that was fun. 

She had been working the class hard in preparation for exams in a few weeks.

She had an idea…why not a computer game that was pure fun?

So that is what Miss Pat did. She put up a new game called Drive Thru 101.

The “Can Do’ kids love it! They get to play it after they do well with their lessons as a reward.

Just for fun…go to the “Can Do” Club House and choose more games. Then choose Drive Thru 101.

Have fun!
