Posts Tagged ‘teacher’

Miss Pat Didn’t Let the “Can Dos” Finish Reading

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017

PatTeacher Pat gathered the “Can Do” Kids around her for story time and asked “Class, what story shall we read today?”

Willie raised his hand. “Yes Willie,” said Teacher Pat. I’d like to read a Halloween story from the book my grandma gave me,” said Willie.

“Willie, you will need to pass the book around so the rest of the class can each read a little from your book,” said Miss Pat. “That’s fine  with me Miss Pat,” said Willie.Pat

“The name of my book is the Pumpkin Patch,” shared Willie. He began to read, “Long ago a farmer had a pumpkin patch, with rows and rows of bright orange pumpkins. There must have been a hundred of them.”

“Willie, time to pass the book to your right and let Wendy read a few lines,” said Teacher Pat. Wendy began to read, “The farmer promised the children of the town they could each pick out a pumpkin for Halloween to carve with their families and put in their living room windows.”

“It’s Arthur J’s  turn Wendy,” said Teacher Pat.

Arthur J began to read,”The f-f-f-farmer told the ch-ch-ch-children that the p-p-p-p-pumpkins were almost ready to p-p-p-pick.'”

Arthur J stopped reading because some of his classmates were laughing at him.

Miss Pat said, “Thank you Arthur J. Please return the book to Willie. Story time is over for today.”


Do you know why Miss Pat ended story time when she did?

Why were some of the kids laughing at Arthur J?

What do you think about them laughing?

What would you have done?


Why Does Willie Almost Always Win at Checkers?

Monday, January 9th, 2017

Why is Willie good at checkers?

There was a checkers contest at the community center and Willie beat everyone who played against him!

How did he beat every one of his friends at checkers? When asked by a group of the “Can Dos” who lost to him,  Willie told them that he played checkers often. That is why he is so good at it. Well, just as he was saying that, Grandpa Dooley walked by and heard what he said.

“Willie,” said Grandpa Dooley, “Why don’t you share how you really got so good at playing checkers”? “Oh, do I have to,” said Willie. ” No,” said Grandpa Dooley, “but it would be the fair thing to do.”

“Okay, ” said Willie, “Grandpa Dooley found me a computer game that lets me practice checkers any time I want to. I play against the computer and that can be tricky.”

The “Can Dos” all asked him to show them the game. Grandpa Dooley offered to install the game on the computers at the community center if Miss Sue agreed it was okay to do.

Why don’t you take a look at the game with the “Can Dos”? Why not play a game or so?

Just go to the “Can Do “Club House and choose the balloon that says more games, then click on draughts and checkers.

Have fun!



It’s That Time Again…School Time

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Can Do SchoolIt’s time to go shopping with your parents and grandparents  for new shoes, and clothes, and backpacks and school supplies.

The “Can Do” Kids were all sitting around the table in the community center recreation room talking about going back to school.

Kathy shared that she had gone to the doctor for a check up before going back to school. Willie asked, “Did you get a needle? Did it hurt? All the “Can Dos” looked at Kathy waiting for her to answer. “My doctor is really good at giving shots. Before I knew it, the needle was in and out and I hardly felt it,” said Kathy.

Bobby shared about his trip to the dentist. Eulyn looked scared and said, “I have to go to the dentist before school starts. What did he do to you? Bobby answered, “He checked out my teeth for cavities and then cleaned and polished them.”

The “Can Dos” were quiet for a few seconds then Eulyn asked,” Did it hurt? Did you have any cavities? Bobby looked all sorts of proud and answered, ” Nope, no cavities and it didn’t hurt a bit to get my teeth cleaned.”

Annie noticed that Hector, who always has something to say, hadn’t said anything at all.  Annie said,” Hector, you’re very quiet and you look nervous. Is something wrong?”

“Yeah, there’s something wrong alright. I’m in trouble already and school hasn’t even started,” said Hector. The “Can Dos” just stared at him. Then Annie said, “What kind of trouble could you be in before school even starts?”

Hector answered, “I only read one of the books on the summer reading list for school. I didn’t attend the weekly summer book club at day camp to discuss the books on the reading list. I don’t know what any of the other books are about.”

“Uh,oh,” said Orrie.” You are going to be in trouble when Miss Pat finds out you didn’t do your book assignment before school.” The other “Can Dos” nodded.

Hector thought for a moment and said, “Well I won’t get in trouble if you all tell me what each book was about.” The other “Can Dos” shook their heads no and Jay said,”Why should we help you? We did the work and you didn’t. Plus that would be cheating.”

Hector answered, “Ah, come on guys. I thought you were my friends. If you don’t help me out, I will have to stay in all next week and just read to get ready for school!”

The “Can Dos all answered at once, “We are your friends. Friend don’t help friends cheat. Do what we all did…read the books and be ready for school!”


Bobby Needs to Practice Speaking with Respect

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

respectBobby is excited about visiting another class in school. He asks his teacher if the are going to Mary’s class.

Miss Pat, his teacher,  reminds him that we do not call teachers by their first name. Out of respect, what does Bobby need to call Mary, the teacher his class is going to visit?

Miss Mary                    Teacher Mary

Bobby plays sports. He has a coach named Ned. What should he call him?

Coach                     Mr. Ned                      Ned                     Sir

What can Bobby call men he meets in and out of school?_____________

What can Bobby call women he meets in and out of school?_________

What you would call a nurse, a doctor, a fireman, a policeman, a school crossing guard, the librarian, and the check out person in the supermarket?________________________________________________


Can you think of an other adults you call by a special name like aunt?



Dinosaur Show and Tell Day

Monday, February 21st, 2011

The “Can Do” Kids were  excited to see that Miss Pat  decorated the classroom with dinosaurs for Dinosaur Show and Tell Day. They each took their seats and waited for Miss Pat to call on them for show and tell.

Miss Pat called the class to order and said, “Class here are the rules for winning today’s show and tell prize, a book about dinosaurs. Each of you will take a turn. When all of you have presented your show and tell we will have a silent vote. You may not vote for yourself. In case of a tie, we will vote for the students that are tied.”

Wendy went first. She wrote a story about a dinosaur she called Puff. The class all clapped. Then Willie showed the picture he drew. He didn’t get as much applause as Wendy. When it was Kathy’s turn, she showed the class how to make a dinosaur out of toilet paper rolls and construction paper. Wow…she got lots of applause. Orrie talked about what dinosaurs ate.

Soon everyone had a turn but Hector. He went to the front of the room and put a small and a big box on Miss Pat’s desk. First he opened the small box and took out a dinosaur he made from green play dough. Everyone wanted to know how he had made it. That’s when he opened the big box and said, “I made it the same way I made these cookies…with a cookie cutter I  bought in the gift shop at the museum.” Then he gave out a dinosaur cookie to each of his classmates and Miss Pat. Everyone agreed it was the best dinosaur they had ever eaten!

Guess who won the book for show and tell. That’s right…it was Hector. He was very nice about it though. He told everyone  that after he read it, he would lend it to anyone who wanted to read it as long as they promised to take good care of it and give it back after a few days.
