Posts Tagged ‘surprise’

The Thanksgiving Bus Surprise

Saturday, November 18th, 2017

The “Can Dos” all gathered at the bus stop waiting for the Greyhound bus to arrive on Thanksgiving morning. They had all gotten up early to meet the bus. Mickey and his service dog, Muggins, were coming home for Thanksgiving on the Greyhound bus and they were all anxious to see their friend.

Mickey’s mom and dad were there, and his grandma, Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley.”We haven’t seen Mickey and Muggins since August when he went back to school,” said Willie, Mickey’s cousin. The rest of the “Can Dos” nodded in agreement. It had been months since they saw Mickey. They all understood that Mickey had to go to a special school for children who have visual disabilities, but that didn’t stop them from missing him.

When the bus came in sight, the “Can Dos’ all started jumping up and down and waving at the bus. When the bus came to a stop, they strained to see Mickey through the Thanksgiving tinted glass of the bus windows. Then the door opened and some people got out. And…there he was! Muggins led the way and Mickey followed.

A cheer went up. After Mickey’s mom and dad, and grandma and grandpa kissed and hugged Mickey and greeted Muggins, the “Can Dos” gathered round Mickey. The girls hugged him and the boys thumped him on the back. Grandma Hattie said, “Come on everyone, back to my house for a welcome home Thanksgiving Day breakfast for Mickey.”

Everyone started walking, but Mickey and Muggins just stood there, not moving. Mickey’s mom asked,”What’s wrong with you child? We are all waiting on you.” Mickey grinned and answered, “I have a surprise for Willie and Nellie and Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley. With that Willie and Nellie’s mom got off the bus!

Willie yelled, Nellie started crying and Grandma Hattie said,”Daughter, I didn’t think you could get leave from the army to be home for Thanksgiving.”

It’s a good thing Muggins got Mickey out of the way in time, or Willie and Nellie would have run him over getting to their mama to hug her! What a wonderful surprise that bus held..their mama home for Thanksgiving!

After all the hugs, everyone headed to Grandma Hattie’s for a double celebration, Mickey and Muggins, and Willie and Nellie’s mom were home for Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving from “Can Do” Street!


Harbour Hopper and Theodore Tugboat

Sunday, July 3rd, 2011

As Kathy, Annie and Arthur J skipped along the dock in Halifax, Grandma Maureen said, “I have a surprise or two for you today. Let’s walk along the harbor until we reach our first surprise.”

Arthur J. saw Theodore Tugboat first. Running up to he yelled for his sisters to follow him.

Theodore Tugboat“You found my first surprise of the day,” said Grandma. “We are taking a cruise and listen to stories on Theodore Tugboat,” she added. With that, grandma purchased their tickets and they got on board.

What a fun-filled ride; what a great surprise!

After the ride, Arthur J, Kathy and Annie were sad to say good-bye to Theodore Tugboat. Annie turned to grandma saying, “That was so much fun can we go again”?

Grandma smiled and said, “I am glad you enjoyed your time with Theodore Tugboat, but you don’t want to miss my next surprise. I think you will find to be just as much fun. It might be even more fun than Theodore Tugboat.”

Arthur J, Kathy and Annie looked at one another, then at grandma. Kathy said, “What could be more fun than a tugboat ride”?

With that they turned a corner and found themselves staring at ‘Halifax Harbour Hopper’, which looked like part bus and part boat! They had never seen anything like it before!The Halifax Harbour Hopper photo

“What’s that, asked Arthur J. “That is your next surprise. The Halifax Harbour Hopper will take us on a tour of the city and all its historic places; then it’s into the water for a harbor cruise”, said grandma.

Annie, Kathy and Arthur J rushed to get on board. Once seated, a man got on a microphone and introduced himself as their tour guide. He said he would be telling stories about landmarks and historic sites in Halifax, but first he wanted to tell them about this strange vehicle they were riding in, called Halifax Harbour Hopper. He described Hoppers as refitted vehicles originally built for US Military use to carry men and supplies from ship to shore and through jungles.

It was so exciting to go from the streets of town into the harbor!

As they made their way back to the ship, Annie, Kathy and Arthur J talked about all they could share with family and friends at home.

“What’s our next surprise,” asked Arthur J”?

Grandma Maureen smiled saying, “This is our last port of call. We sail back tonight, docking in New York City. From there we catch a plane back to “Can Do” Street.”
