Posts Tagged ‘summer safety’

Brushing Up On Summer Safety

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

safetyEach year, every boy and girl attending camp at the Community Center has to take a summer safety course taught by Coach Campbell.

Some of the “Can Dos” don’t see the need to take the course again if they already took it before.

When Coach Campbell came into the room to begin the course, he saw some familiar faces and said, “I recognize some of you from last year’s class. You are probably wondering why you have to take the summer safety class again. Well, before I tell you why, let’s take a pop quiz on summer safety and see how much we remember from last year’s class.”

Coach Campbell handed out the summer safety quiz and the room got quiet while the boys and girls took the quiz. When it was over, Coach had each Can Do exchange his or her quiz with the person sitting next to them for grading.

Well, only one person got all the questions right. You guessed it…Orrie got all the questions right!

Then Coach asked, “Do you see why it is important to attend a summer safety class every year? We may forget an important safety fact from year to year; a safety fact that could save our lives or keep us from getting really sick.”

Here is the quiz. Let’s see how you do.Ask your parent to grade you on your summer safety knowledge.

1. Before going out in the sun, what should we put on?

2. Why should we wear long pants and inclosed shoes when walking in the woods?

3. When do we have to wear a life-jacket?

4. What is the best beverage to drink in the summer?

5. When is it not safe to go swimming?

6. If food has been out in the sun for over an hour, is it still okay to eat?

7. When riding your bike or scooter, what do you have to wear for protection?

8. To be safe around water, what should we learn how to do?

9. If you see or hear someone yelling for help in the water, what should you do?

10. Is holding a kid’s head underwater, just for fun, an okay idea?


Summer Fun…Summer Safety

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

School is out and summer fun is in!

The “Can Do” Kids love  summer but some of them don’t always practice summer safety.

Nellie and Annie are going to the beach with their friends from the recreation center but they forgot something…sunscreen. Should they ask Miss Sue, the director of the rec center who is taking them on the trip, if they can have some of her sunscreen?

The beach doesn’t have any shade and the sun hurts Annie’s eyes. Circle what she can do…Put on sun glasses…wear a hat with a brim.

Annie wants to play ball in the sand, but it is very hot, Should she keep her sandals on?   Circle what Annie should do…Yes…No.

Nellie wants to go into the water, but there is no life guard on duty. Should she go into the water, or should she wait until the life guard comes on duty?

Willie and Yundi love to fool around in the water Sometimes they play too rough. They hold each others’  heads under the water. Is this practicing summer safety?

summerYundi and Willie eat their lunches very fast and want to go into the water right after eating. Is this OK?summer

After swimming, Willie, Yundi, Annie and Nellie head up to to the boardwalk, but they don’t tell Miss Sue where they are going. In fact, they don’t get her permission to go. Is this practicing summer safety?

What should they have done? What would you have done?

Do you do things to be safe at the beach during the summer?


Summer Fun…Summer Safety

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Coach Campbell was already in the classroom when the “Can Do:” Kids arrived for the start of the school day. He greeted the students and asked that they take their seats so he could begin talking to them about summer safetpicture of coach campbell golding a clipboard and wearing a whistley.

“Summer is a wonderful time of the year,” said Coach Campbell. “A time for summer fun playing games, going swimming, riding bikes and skateboards, playing sports like baseball, going to camp and visiting friends and family. Summer is also a time when children who don’t practice summer safety rules can have accidents and wind up not having so much fun. So, let’s review some summer safety rules to be sure all of you have a great summer.”

The class all nodded. Coach began by reviewing water safety. He reminded the class to:

  • Learn to swim
  • Never swim alone
  • At the beach, pool or lake, never swim or even go into the water unless there is a life guard on duty
  • If you have a home pool, don’t go into the pool unless there is an adult there to watch over you
  • Don’t play rough in the water by holding someone’s head under water, or grabbing his or her legs
  • Wear a life jacket in a boat
  • Don’t use an inner tube or other inflatable device without an adult being near you

The “Can Do” Kids all nodded their heads to let Coach know they understood and would practice the water safety rules he shared with them.

Coach then moved onto safety rules for games, sports,  riding bikes, skateboards and scooters by reminding the class to:

  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bike, a scooter and a skateboard to prevent a head injury in case of a fall.
  • Don’t throw equipment around for others to trip on or get hit with during and after a game
  • Don’t ride your bike, skateboard, or scooter after dark
  • Don’t ride your bike, scooter or skateboard in street traffic, ride it in areas reserved for these biking, skateboarding and scooter riding.
  • When playing sports, use proper equipment, play safe and play fair

Coach ended his summer safety talk by wishing everyone a safe and fun summer.
