Posts Tagged ‘summer camp’

Brushing Up On Summer Safety

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

safetyEach year, every boy and girl attending camp at the Community Center has to take a summer safety course taught by Coach Campbell.

Some of the “Can Dos” don’t see the need to take the course again if they already took it before.

When Coach Campbell came into the room to begin the course, he saw some familiar faces and said, “I recognize some of you from last year’s class. You are probably wondering why you have to take the summer safety class again. Well, before I tell you why, let’s take a pop quiz on summer safety and see how much we remember from last year’s class.”

Coach Campbell handed out the summer safety quiz and the room got quiet while the boys and girls took the quiz. When it was over, Coach had each Can Do exchange his or her quiz with the person sitting next to them for grading.

Well, only one person got all the questions right. You guessed it…Orrie got all the questions right!

Then Coach asked, “Do you see why it is important to attend a summer safety class every year? We may forget an important safety fact from year to year; a safety fact that could save our lives or keep us from getting really sick.”

Here is the quiz. Let’s see how you do.Ask your parent to grade you on your summer safety knowledge.

1. Before going out in the sun, what should we put on?

2. Why should we wear long pants and inclosed shoes when walking in the woods?

3. When do we have to wear a life-jacket?

4. What is the best beverage to drink in the summer?

5. When is it not safe to go swimming?

6. If food has been out in the sun for over an hour, is it still okay to eat?

7. When riding your bike or scooter, what do you have to wear for protection?

8. To be safe around water, what should we learn how to do?

9. If you see or hear someone yelling for help in the water, what should you do?

10. Is holding a kid’s head underwater, just for fun, an okay idea?


The Last Week of Camp

Monday, August 10th, 2015


The last week of camp was fast approaching, and the “Can Dos” were sad to think it would soon be over. Miss Sue, the director of the “Can Do” Street Community Center, where the camp was being held, had promised them a surprise for the last week.

The Friday before the last week of camp, Miss Sue assembled all the campers in the auditorium. When everyone was seated, she asked, “Have you ever wanted to build a robot and tell it what to do? Well, during the last week of camp you will have a chance to do just that. Two science teachers from “Can Do” High School will help you to build a small robot, and program it to do simple tasks.

A cheer went up from most of the boys and some of the girls.

Annie looked very disappointed. She raised her hand, and when Miss Sue called on her she said, “What about those of us who don’t want to build a robot, what will we do next week?” Miss Sue smiled and answered, “Let me tell you about the other program you can participate in during your last week of camp this summer.

If you love animals and wonder how their bodies work, what they eat and how they grow, then this is a program for you! You will explore all kinds of animals and examine their structures, how they take care of themselves, spend their time and communicate with each other. There will be two field trips; you will be visiting an aquarium and a museum of natural history.

Annie beamed and said, “I want to do that. That’s the program for me!”

Then Miss Sue announced that on the last day of camp there would be a picnic on the back lawn. There would be games and contests and a prize for the best robot.

Walking out of the auditorium, after the assembly, Willie was heard to say, “Next week might be the last week of camp, but it sounds like it just might be the best week of camp.” All who heard him shook their heads in agreement.



The”Can Do”s Volunteer to Help with Crafts in Summer Camp

Wednesday, July 29th, 2015

picture of grandma hattie, the crafts teacher, with her hand on her hip Boys and girls,” said Miss  Hattie, ” I need volunteers to help me with my preschool crafts classes here, at the Community Center.

I need two volunteers for the morning crafts session from 10 until 11 am and two volunteers for the afternoon session from 1 to 2 pm.”

Everybody, except Hector looked up from their crafts projects and gave Miss Hattie their attention. Hector kept his head down and kept working on his crafts project. Willie poked Hector saying, “Hey Hector, that’s my grandma you’re ignoring!”

“Sorry Willie; sorry Grandma Hattie, I mean Miss Hattie, I am sorry for not paying attention,” said Hector. It’s just that I don’t want to help with little kids. I’ve got a little brother and I have to help him all the time and that’s enough helping to have to do”! Miss Hattie smiled and said, “I  understand how you feel, Hector, but maybe you could help in another way. How about you hand out crafts materials before class? Maybe you would rather collect the craft materials after class and put them away. I always need help with sweeping up after class.”

Hector thought for a moment and then said, “Put me down for sweeping up after the morning crafts  class. I like to sweep. It’s fun.”  Before Miss Hattie could thank Hector, Jay raised his hand and volunteered to sweep after the afternoon crafts class. Then Bobby volunteered to set up for the morning class and  the afternoon class. Miss Hattie said, “Thank you. That will be such a big help! Now, who wants to work with the preschoolers”?

Orrie, Nellie, Kathy and Arthur Jay raised their hands. “That’s wonderful,” said Miss Hattie.

“Okay, here’s the fun part,” said Miss Hattie, “Who has ideas for crafts that the preschoolers might like”? Orrie was first to raise his hand. When called on he said, ” I have a no mess paint craft.”  Miss Hattie nodded and said, “I’m all for that.” Nellie raised her hand and said, “I can make jewelry you can eat.”  That got everyone’s attention, but before they could ask how the crafts projects were done the bell rang signaling that crafts class was over.

As the “Can Dos” got up to go t0 their next activity, Miss Hattie called out, “Thank you all for being so generous with your time!”



Fishy Fun Food

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

The “Can Do” Kids Cooking Club made fishy fun food for the Pre-K and Kindergarten campers for the first day of summer camp.

Miss Sue asked them to fix something that would make campers, who were weepy about their first day in camp willing to eat something at lunch time. She also shared that some of the children were picky eaters.

Yundi, one of the members of the “Can Do” Kids Cooking Club came up with the idea of a fish theme, since most kids are interested in looking at and learning about fish.

The name of the lunch theme…Fishy Fun Food. The Yundi wearing a chef hat as a member of the can do kids cooking clubCooking Club members decorated the lunch room with picture of fish and undersea creatures.

They made tuna fish and served it on rolls shaped like a fish. They bought the rolls in the shaped roll filled with tuna salad

For dessert, they let the campers fish for their treat.  Each camper got a chance to use a fish net to scoop out vanilla and chocolate flavored whole grain  goldfish cookies. The sandwiches and the fish cookie treats were a great hit.

fish bowl with fish shaped cookies in itEven the picky eaters ate some of the fishy fun food.

Afterwards, Miss Sue thanked the Cooking Club for their fishy fun food and the campers applauded.


Just for Fun…Mazes

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Another rainy day at summer camp. The “Can Dos” were getting bored with indoor games and activities. Miss Sue, the camp director,  thought…time for a contest!

Miss Sue distributed mazes to each of the kids at camp, announcing that the first one to finish the mazes correctly would win a prize…free admission to the Friday night movie, popcorn and a soft drink. You could have heard a pibn drop as the “Can Dos” worked hard at solving the mazes.

Here are two of the mazes…let’s see how you do.



