Posts Tagged ‘spelling’

Things we See…

Monday, May 21st, 2012

seeMiss Pat decided it was time for some new computer games about vocabulary words. She made up two games on put them on every “Can Do” Kid’s computer.

Why not join the “Can Dos” and play the vocabulary games. Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, Choose games and then choose, “Things we See.”


Name Those Flowers!

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

During school break, some of the “Can Dos” went on a day trip to the Botanical Gardens to view the spring flowers on display and learn their names. 

The trip was sponsored by the “Can Do” Street Community Center. Some of the members of the Seniors Club went along as chaperons. Since some of the members of the Seniors Club kept flower gardens, they made excellent tour guides.

Once at the Botanical Gardens, the “Can Dos” were broken up into small groups of four. Each group had a senior tour guide.

They made there way through the beautiful displays of flowers, stopping to smell the flowers, learn their names and how to take care of them.

When they got back to school after the break, Miss Pat asked the “Can Dos” that went on the trip to share with the rest of the class about what they saw and what they learned.

That evening, Miss Pat decided to make a matching game about spring flowers. Well, it was tough, because not all the class was familiar with the names of the flowers and how to spell their names. Miss Pat had to help out more than usual with this matching game.

Guess who did the best. Nope, not Orrie. It was Willie. How come? Well, he helps his grandpa, Grandpa Dooley, plant and care for his flower garden, so he knew the names of all the flowers.

Okay, your turn. Go to the “Can Do”Club House…choose games and choose “Spring Flowers.”


Those Pesky Punctuation Marks!

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Miss Pat decided to make a matching game using punctuation marks after teaching punctuation for the past few weeks.

Most of the class knew the names of at least two of the marks, but were still having trouble with the names of the other punctuation marks.

Why don’t you go to the “Can Do” club house, choose games, choose punctuation game and see how you do matching the names of the punctuation marks to the marks?


The Homophones Quiz

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

homophones quizWell, just as she promised, Miss Pat gave the class a quiz on homophones.

Why not print out this page and take the homophones quiz that the “Can Do” kids took and see how you do.

If you played the Homophones Matching Games found in the games section of the “Can Do” Club House you will know what words to use in each sentence of the homophones quiz.

The Homophones Quiz.

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the right words.

1. Use way or weigh in the following sentences.

Mary needs to …………….. the fruit before she pays for it.

Jimmy takes the same …………..home from school every day.

2. Use be or bee in the following sentences.

Hector needs to ……..quiet.

Orrie loves to be part of a spelling…………..

3. Use see or sea in the following sentences.

Mickey cannot………..

The ……….is rough today.

4. Use hear or here in the following sentences.

Sit …………!

Annie wears something in her ear to help her……………..

5. Use no or know in the following sentences.

I said…………!

Do you…………where you are going?

6. Use stare or stair in the following sentences.

It is not polite to ……………at people.

The library …………is chipped.

7. Use right or write in the following sentences.

Doing the ……….thing is always a good idea.

Did you ……… your cousin today?

8. Use meat and meet in the following sentences.

Not everyone eats………

We said we would……… in the library.

9. Use weak or week in the following sentences.

When you are sick, you may feel……………

Next…………I am going to visit my grandma.

10. Use whole or hole in the following sentences.

Hector got a stomach ache after he ate the……………candy bar and didn’t share.

Bobby threw the ball and made a ……… his neighbor’s window.


Homophones Matching Games

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

homophonesMiss Pat was getting ready to teach the class about homophones, those words that sound alike, but have different meanings and different spellings.

She asked the class, “Can anyone tell me what homophones are?” The whole class stared at her with blank looks on their faces. Even Orrie was stumped!

Miss Pat continued, “Can anyone tell me what homonyms are?” Orrie’s hand went up like a shot. When called on, he answered, “Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings.” Miss Pat smiled and said, “Very good, Orrie.

Homophones are a type of homonyms that also sound alike and have different meanings, but they also have different spellings.”

“Huh,” said Hector, ” Can you give us a few examples of homophones?” The class nodded their agreement.

“Okay,” said Miss Pat here are two examples of homophones. I will even use them in a sentence.

Witch and Which

I am going to be a witch on Halloween.

Which one of you wants to write on the blackboard?

Break and Brake

Don’t break that glass, or you will have to pay for it.

Is the brake on your bike working properly?”

Miss Pat waited for her examples to sink in and then she announced, “Now we are going to play some computer matching games that use homophones. Be sure to pay close attention as tomorrow  I will give you a quiz on some of the homophones you match today.”

Then Miss Pat had the class go to their computers and play the Words that sound alike games.

Want to play along with the “Can Do”Kids? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, then choose words That Sound Alike.
