Posts Tagged ‘sequencing games’

Counting by 5s

Thursday, April 12th, 2012

countingMiss Pat noticed the “Can Dos” were getting tired of all the counting exercises she was giving them to do. She decided to make a few counting games they could do on the computer.

The counting games were not as easy to do as the “Can Dos” thought they would be but they were more fun than doing counting problems on paper.

The counting games are all about putting the numbers in the right order. It took some of the “Can Dos” longer than others to get the counting games right.

Guess who was first to finish the counting games and to get them right? Nope, not Orrie but Annie. She is really good at counting!

Why don’t you try? Go to The “Can Do” Club House and choose games, then choose…counting by 5s.

