Posts Tagged ‘Seniors Christmas party’

Spreading Christmas Cheer

Monday, December 12th, 2016


Christmas was getting close; just 13 days away, Mr. Dooley, the community center music teacher and choral director, came into the crafts class at the center and asked Miss Sue if he could speak to the class about a Christmas activity at the center.

Miss Sue nodded and Mr. Dooley said, ” The “Can Do” Kids Chorus was just asked to sing for the Seniors Christmas Party on December 23rd at 4 pm. I have permission slips for you to take home with you today and have a parent sign. Is there anyone here who cannot sing for the seniors on the 23rd”?

Hector raised his hand and said, “I’m in a basketball game that afternoon. The team needs me.” Kathy raised her hand and shared,”My cousin is coming to visit for Christmas. I need to be home to greet her when she comes.”

Jay raised his hand and said,” My parents and I are flying home to be with our family on the reservation for Christmas. Our plane leaves at 4 pm.”

Mr. Dooley said, “I can understand that Jay cannot change his plans, but Hector, I need to ask if this is a league game or just for fun”? Hector answered, “Just for fun.” Mr. Dooley smiled and reminded him, saying, “Hector, your grandma is in charge of the party. What will she tell her friends when you are not there to sing for her and the other seniors”? Hector gulped and said, “I’ll be there, Mr. Dooley. The team will just have to get along without me. I’ve got to be there for my grandma.”  “Good choice,” answered Mr. Dooley.

Before Mr. Dooley had a chance to ask her, Kathy announced that she would call her cousin and explain about the Christmas party for the seniors and that she would see her when she got home.

Kathy added, “The seniors are mostly all our grandmas. They are always there for us. We need to be there for them this Christmas.”
