Posts Tagged ‘school manners’

School Manners

Saturday, November 11th, 2017

Even in school we need to practice good manners. For example, the other day Wendy did  not practice good manners and her classmates, especially Nellie, got really mad at her. Here’s what happened.

It was time to go outside in the school yard for recess. Miss Pat told the class that when everyone had lined up single file, with no talking, she would lead them outside for free play in the school yard.

Miss Pat said, “Remember your manners, class, and we will all get out into the yard quickly and have the most time we can have during recess.”

manners The “Can Dos” lined up, just as Miss Pat asked them to do, when all of a sudden Wendy jumped out of line and cut in front of Nellie, who was at the head of the line.

Nellie  said,”Hey, Get back in your spot! You were behind me line. I was hear first! You’re not supposed to cut in line.”

Wendy answered,  “So what. We’re all going to get there at the same time anyway. Who cares if I cut in line?”

Hector yelled, “Go back. No cutting in line”!

Nellie said,”I care and the  rest of the class cares too. You cut in front of all of us. That’s not fair and it’s selfish.”

Wendy answered, “Is not selfish.”

Nellie said, –”Is too”!

“That’s enough class,” said Miss Pat. “Wendy get back where you were in line. Line cutting is not good manners and it causes problems.

I think you owe your classmates and apology. Your classmates lost recess time as a  result of your cutting in line and the fuss it caused.”

Wendy looked embarrassed. She said, “I’m sorry everyone. I didn’t mean to cause a problem. I just thought it would be fun to be at the front of the line. I promise from now on to practice  good school manners”





Changing Seats

Friday, October 20th, 2017

Image if Miss Pat changing where each child sitsThe “Can Do” kids were just getting used to their table mates in class when Miss Pat said she would be changing the seating arrangements.

Groans went up from a few of the kids and a few even said out loud, “Do we have to?”

“Yes, answered Miss Pat, “We have to!” Bobby raised his hand and asked, “Why, Miss Pat, why are you changing our seats? I like where I sit and who I am sitting with.”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “That’s just why I am changing seats.

Some of you like where you are sitting and who you are sitting with too much. There is a lot of unnecessary talking and sometimes I see some of you checking out the answers of the boy or girl sitting next to you.  All that has got to stop. It interferes with my teaching and it keeps all of you from doing your best in class.”

Miss Pat began calling out names and changing who would be sitting at each table. She said,”Please don’t think that just because I am changing your seat, that you were the one doing something wrong. I just need to form other table groups.”

When all the seat changing was done, Bobby raised his hand and asked, “How come all the tables got changed but one.

How come everyone at Arthur J’s table got to stay together?” Miss Pat was quiet for a moment and than answered, “Because there was no unnecessary talking at that table since school started and everyone at that table paid attention to their own work and didn’t try to see what the person next to them was doing.”

Bobby thought a minute and said, “Does that mean if we don’t talk and pay attention to our own work we can sit with the people we were sitting with before our seats were changed?”

Miss Pat looked at the class and said, “Yes, if you all show me that for the next six weeks you are able to choose to be quiet and pay attention to your own work and not look at the answers that your table mates have, then we can go back to the way it was. However, everyone must choose to be quiet and mind their own work or we will not be able to change back.”

“But what if some kids don’t do the right thing?” asked Eulyn. “It is all about the class agreeing to do the right thing,” said Miss Pat.  It is all about respecting each other and choosing to do what is best for everyone in class.”

The class grew quiet and then Hector stood up and said, “I choose not to talk  to the kids sitting at my table when I am supposed to be listening or doing an assignment. I promise to keep my eyes on my own work and not look at other kids work.”

One by one, each Can Do” kid got up and said pretty much the same thing. Soon the whole class was standing.

Miss Pat clapped and said, “You are all learning how to behave in class. I am proud of all of you. You are making good choices and soon there will be no changing of seats!”



Miss Pat Didn’t Let the “Can Dos” Finish Reading

Wednesday, October 11th, 2017

PatTeacher Pat gathered the “Can Do” Kids around her for story time and asked “Class, what story shall we read today?”

Willie raised his hand. “Yes Willie,” said Teacher Pat. I’d like to read a Halloween story from the book my grandma gave me,” said Willie.

“Willie, you will need to pass the book around so the rest of the class can each read a little from your book,” said Miss Pat. “That’s fine  with me Miss Pat,” said Willie.Pat

“The name of my book is the Pumpkin Patch,” shared Willie. He began to read, “Long ago a farmer had a pumpkin patch, with rows and rows of bright orange pumpkins. There must have been a hundred of them.”

“Willie, time to pass the book to your right and let Wendy read a few lines,” said Teacher Pat. Wendy began to read, “The farmer promised the children of the town they could each pick out a pumpkin for Halloween to carve with their families and put in their living room windows.”

“It’s Arthur J’s  turn Wendy,” said Teacher Pat.

Arthur J began to read,”The f-f-f-farmer told the ch-ch-ch-children that the p-p-p-p-pumpkins were almost ready to p-p-p-pick.'”

Arthur J stopped reading because some of his classmates were laughing at him.

Miss Pat said, “Thank you Arthur J. Please return the book to Willie. Story time is over for today.”


Do you know why Miss Pat ended story time when she did?

Why were some of the kids laughing at Arthur J?

What do you think about them laughing?

What would you have done?


Willie and the Grade Book

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

grade bookWillie got back from recess early. There was no one else back yet. Just as Willie started to sit down in his chair, he noticed the grade book on Miss Pat’s desk.

Report cards were due out this week. Willie really wanted to know what he got in math, which was not his best subject.

Grandpa Dooley promised him a new bike if he got all A’s. Willie really wanted a new bike. He had already picked out the bike he wanted. It was in the window of the bike store on Can Do Street. It was a beauty!

Every night, since his last report card, Willie did extra math problems, hoping to get his grade up. He had worked so hard and his test scores were better, but were they good enough for an A?

Willie couldn’t help staring at the grade book. He just had to know if he had gotten an A in math. He thought to himself, “What would a little peak hurt? He wouldn’t look at anyone grades but his.

Willie got up, checked the hallway to see if anyone was coming, and went to Miss Pat’s desk. He took a deep breath and opened the grade book.

He was so busy finding his name and then searching for his math grade that he never heard Miss Pat come up behind him. “Can I help you find something, Willie?” Miss Pat sounded angry when she asked him that question. Willie dropped the book and turned to face Miss Pat who looked as angry as she sounded.

“I was just checking my grade in math. My grandpa promised me a new bike if I got all A’s. I just had to see if I got an A in math,” said Willie.

Miss Pat answered, “Does that give you the right to go through my private book?” What if I were to go through your school bag with out asking your permission? Would that be okay with you?”

Willie had to admit that he would not like that one bit.

Miss Pat and Willie sat down and had a talk about looking in her grade book, which was not respecting the property of others, the privacy of others, and most of all…the rights of others.

For his punishment, Willie had to write a composition about why what he did was wrong.



The Pumpkin Surprise

Monday, September 28th, 2015

pumpkin“Class, I have a pumpkin surprise for you,” said Miss Pat. “I love surprises,” said Kathy, but what kind of surprise is a pumpkin surprise?”

“Yeah, a surprise,” shouted Hector.

“Settle down children so I can introduce Mr. Dooley, Willlie and Nellie’s grandpa who is bringing the pumpkin  surprise,” said Miss Pat.

Just then Mr. Dooley rolled a big cart full of pumpkins into the room. All the “Can Do” Kids were jumping around in their seats and yelling,” I want a pumpkin.” Miss Pat said,”No one gets a pumpkin until there is quiet in the room so Mr. Dooley can tell you what we are going to do and how we are going to do it.”

Mr. Dooley smiled and waved to his grandchildren Willie and Nellie. “Hello boys and girls,” he said,  “I brought some pumpkins for us to decorate and some decorations. I  have markers to draw a nose and mouth and eyes right on the pumpkin or you can use these paints to decorate the pumpkin. Another way we can decorate is to draw eyes, a nose, a  mouth and hair and color them, cut them out and  glue them to the pumpkin.”

“I want to carve my pumpkin,” yelled Hector. Mr Dooley answered, “Your too young to use a knife by yourself to cut out a pumpkin and I can’t help everyone who would want to carve out a pumpkin. Besides, your pumpkin will last longer if you don’t carve it, but decorate it instead.”

“Alright children, form a line, no pushing or cutting in front of one another and go up to the cart and pick out your pumpkin and your decorations. When you get back to your seat you can start decorating your pumpkin. If you get started right away, you will be finished in time to take your pumpkin home with you today,” said Miss Pat.

The children were working on their pumpkins and Mr. Dooley was starting to leave. What did they need to do? That’s right they needed to all say,”Thank you Mr. Dooley for the wonderful pumpkin surprise!”pumpkin
