Posts Tagged ‘respecting the privacy of others’

Willie and the Grade Book

Tuesday, February 9th, 2016

grade bookWillie got back from recess early. There was no one else back yet. Just as Willie started to sit down in his chair, he noticed the grade book on Miss Pat’s desk.

Report cards were due out this week. Willie really wanted to know what he got in math, which was not his best subject.

Grandpa Dooley promised him a new bike if he got all A’s. Willie really wanted a new bike. He had already picked out the bike he wanted. It was in the window of the bike store on Can Do Street. It was a beauty!

Every night, since his last report card, Willie did extra math problems, hoping to get his grade up. He had worked so hard and his test scores were better, but were they good enough for an A?

Willie couldn’t help staring at the grade book. He just had to know if he had gotten an A in math. He thought to himself, “What would a little peak hurt? He wouldn’t look at anyone grades but his.

Willie got up, checked the hallway to see if anyone was coming, and went to Miss Pat’s desk. He took a deep breath and opened the grade book.

He was so busy finding his name and then searching for his math grade that he never heard Miss Pat come up behind him. “Can I help you find something, Willie?” Miss Pat sounded angry when she asked him that question. Willie dropped the book and turned to face Miss Pat who looked as angry as she sounded.

“I was just checking my grade in math. My grandpa promised me a new bike if I got all A’s. I just had to see if I got an A in math,” said Willie.

Miss Pat answered, “Does that give you the right to go through my private book?” What if I were to go through your school bag with out asking your permission? Would that be okay with you?”

Willie had to admit that he would not like that one bit.

Miss Pat and Willie sat down and had a talk about looking in her grade book, which was not respecting the property of others, the privacy of others, and most of all…the rights of others.

For his punishment, Willie had to write a composition about why what he did was wrong.

