Posts Tagged ‘raise hand’

The Right Way to Get Attention in Class

Friday, September 29th, 2017

attentionMaria and Eulyn were always yelling out answers to get attention in homeroom and in computer class. So, Miss Pat decided to review the right way to get attention in class.

Miss Pat asked the class what was their favorite breakfast. All of a sudden it wasn’t just Maria and Eulyn that were yelling out answers; Bobby, Jay, Willie and Kathy also were yelling out as well! There was so much noise that Miss Pat couldn’t hear what anyone was saying,

“OK, quiet down children,” said Miss Pat. “That really didn’t work did it?” That is why in class, when we want to ask a question or answer a question or get the teacher’s attention for other reasons, we must first raise our hand. Then when the teacher sees your hand up she will point to you or call your name or both. Then you can speak.”

Them Miss Pat asked the question again, just to see what the class would do. “What is your favorite breakfast food? Eulyn attentionstarted to shout out, but caught herself and raised her hand. The rest of the class all raised their hands.

“Good job,” said Miss Pat.”That’s the right way to get attention in class.” Then she called on Eulyn to hear about Eulyn’s favorite breakfast. Then she gave everyone in class the chance to talk about their favorite breakfasts.

Guess what was the most popular breakfast….toast and jam and chocolate milk!

Remember boys and girlsĀ there is a right way and a wrong way to getĀ attention.
