Posts Tagged ‘Quiz’

Orrie is the Quiz Kid!

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

It was a rainy, cold Monday and the “Can Do” Kids  were just sitting in their seats looking bored when Miss Pat announced, “Time for a quiz!”

Hector groaned, Bobby rolled his eyes, Eulyn looked nervous and Kathy said out loud, “I hate when we have a quiz!”

Miss Pat said, “Hate is a strong word, Kathy, and not a nice one. How about saying I really don’t like having to take a quiz.”

Miss Pat began to hand out clickers and said, “It is going to be an oral quiz, a game with teams. Tables one and three will complete against tables two and four. Tables one and three are the blue team and tables two and four are the green team. When you think you know the answer click your clicker. Whoever clicks first gets to answer first. If it is the right answer the team gets a point. Whoever gets 20 points first wins the game.

image of Orrie. the quiz kid in his wheel chair“No fair,” said Hector. “Orrie is the smartest kid in the class and he is on the green team. The blue team can’t win against the green team as long as Orrie is on the green team.” The rest of the class just looked at Miss Pat, wondering how she would solve this problem. How could she make it a fair quiz? Would she keep Orrie out of the quiz? That wouldn’t be fair to Orrie.

Miss Pat thought a minute and said,”Let’s ask Orrie what he thinks is fair.” Orrie cleared his throat and said, “How about I play for the blue team for half the quiz and then play for the green team for the second half of the quiz.?”

The class all clapped and Orrie smiled. It wasn’t so often that he got to be an important part of a team with his classmates. At the rec center he was a member of the chess team and the junior scrabble team, but here, in class, with his friends, well, it was really neat to be wanted on both teams!

The quiz was about nutrition.

There were questions about fruits and vegetables and what you could make with them. Some of the questions were hard, all the “Can Do’s” participated and with Orrie’s help, the teams were tied. Then they went into overtime and the blue team won!

Later, Bobby was sitting with Orrie at recess and he said, “You were great in the quiz! How did you get to be so smart?” Orrie smiled and said, “Bobby, it is not that I am so smart, I just like to learn and I spend lots of time researching things on the computer that interest me. I read a lot and that’s why I am a quiz kid.”


Riddle, Riddle, Who Has a Good Riddle?

Thursday, February 16th, 2017

riddleIt was riddle contest day at “Can Do” Street school. The “Can Do” Kids were bursting with riddles to share with each other.

Miss Pat called the class to order and announced that the riddle contest would we held right after lunch. The”Can Dos” could hardly wait!

Wendy was the first to say a riddle: I keep things safe. I have a hole in my middle. A key will open me. What am I?

Then Bobby went: I know the numbers 1 through 12. I have two hands. My hands move all day long. What am I?

It was Orrie’s turn next: My name is the same as what I do. People try to swat me. What am I?

Annie shared a riddle that went like this: I lay around all the time. People step on me, but it doesn’t hurt. Dogs like to sleep on me. What am I?

Hector had a good one too: I’m round. I’m made of metal. I have a picture of George Washington on me. Kids save me in a piggy bank. What am I?

 Nellie shared her riddle: I am made out of wood or plastic. I am straight. Kids use me to measure things. What am I?

Which riddle do you like the best? Which riddle was the hardest? Did yo get all the riddles right?


School Things

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Miss Pat wanted to see if the class could name objects that can be seen around and in school.

So, she created a matching game called school things for the children to play on their computers.

All things school

How about playing along and see how you do with School Things?

Just go to the “Can Do” Street Club House and choose games. Then choose School Things and you are ready to play the two new matching games.

Good Luck with School Things!



Good Habits…Yucky Habits

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

Miss pat and good habitsMiss Pat came up with a quiz about good habits.

As she handed out the quiz she said, “I am handing out a quiz about good habits. In the left column there is a list of yucky habits and in the right column there is a list of good habits. Draw a line between the yucky habit to the good habit in the right column. Anyone who gets 10 or more answers correct will win a coloring book. I just got a shipment of brand new coloring books in yesterday “

The thought of winning a new coloring book caught everyone’s attention.

Eulyn raised her hand and when Miss Pat called on her she asked,”Miss Pat what are habits?”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Good question. Can anyone tell Eulyn what a habit is?” Arthur J raised his hand and said, “I think it is something you do so often that sometimes you don’t even know your doing it, like drumming on the table with your fingers, or picking your nose.”

Miss Pat answered, “Good explanation, Arthur J. I will just add that some habits are good habits that we need to keep, like brushing our teeth after meals and before bedtime and other habits are yucky, like picking our noses, and we need to change those habits.”

Why don’t you see how you do in taking the habits quiz along with the “Can Dos”.  Ask a parent or other adult to check your answers.

Good luck on making good choices!

Picking your nose                                   clip them

Belching out loud                                   flush

Picking food up with hands             throw in trash

Biting nails                                             blow into tissue

Drinking milk from frig.                    put in garbage

Wiping nose on  sleeve                        use utensils

Coughing at someone                          cover mouth

Spitting in street                                     wash hands

Throwing food wrappers                   use a tissue

Not flushing the toilet                         use a glass

Throwing  paper on floor                   use a tissue

Not washing hands                           cough in sleeve


Math …Math…Math

Friday, September 21st, 2012

The “Can Dos” have been having a hard time with math according to their math teacher.

Once again, Miss Pat was asked to make up computer games for math. The math teacher was hoping that some math games might make learning the 6x table easier.

Their math teacher also hoping that a math game about the 4x table might help too.

When the “Can Dos” came to computer class, Miss Pat announced that she made some math games for them. At first, the “Can Dos” were not so thrilled to play games about math, but when they say how it made remembering the times tables easier, they were happy about it!

Why not try the games out? Go to the Club House, choose games, then choose times tables.

Have fun with the math games!


