Posts Tagged ‘proofreading’

The Main Idea

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

ideaMiss Pat was concerned that the “Can Dos” were having problems with identifying the main idea in stories. Here is a story she gave the “Can Dos” to help them recognize the main idea.

She also asked them to find misspelled word or words that need to be capitalized. Why not try the activity and see how well you do?

The story:

Mark trys to be friendes with Jim, the new boi in school. First, Mark smiles at Jim in the lunch room. Mark has a dog. Then, he plays with Jim after lunch. Finally, he shares a seat with Jim on the school bus.

By the end of the day…


Put a star(*) next to the sentence in the beginning that tells the main idea.

Underline sentences in the middle that have details that say more about the main idea.

Cross out the sentence in the middle that does not belong to the main idea.

Circle the words that are misspelled or need to begin with a capital letter.

Write an ending for the end of the story.

Be sure and have your parent or older brother or sister check your work to see how you did.
