Posts Tagged ‘paper towels’

Bathroom Behavior Show and Tell

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

 bathroomMiss Sue, director of the “Can Do” Recreation Center called an assembly shortly after the “Can Do” kids arrived for spring break camp. She didn’t look pleased as she stood on the stage, in front of the microphone stand. “It seems that many of you are not practicing good bathroom behaviors.

I need to speak with you about complaints I am receiving from the janitors responsible for keeping our center a clean and healthy place where all of you can enjoy spring break camp.

How do you feel when you have to use the bathroom and their is lots of toilet paper on the floor, or the toilet seat is wet and so is the floor? Doesn’t make you mad when the child using the toilet before you didn’t flush? And what about the kids who leave a dirty mess in the sink and on the floor around the sink, and then throw the paper towels they used on the floor?

Some of the “Can Dos” looked uncomfortable, but no one said anything.

“Let’s remember,” said Miss Sue, “public bathrooms, such as what we have at the camp, are used by many children every day. Each of you are responsible for keeping the bathrooms clean and tidy.”

Starting tomorrow, Nurse Diane, will hold bathroom behavior show and tell sessions. Each of you will be given a chance to see Nurse Diane demonstrate how you are to use the bathroom properly, including  flush a toilet, washing your hands with soap, dry your hands, and disposing of the paper towels correctly.”

After Miss Sue’s announcement, most of the “Can Dos” were quiet. Some were going over how they behave in the bathroom. Willie and Hector, and Bobby wanted to know who snitched on them about the water fight they had in the bathroom during recess yesterday. They did leave a watery mess. Someone coming in after the water fight could have slipped and fell. They all agreed that maybe the water fight wasn’t such a good idea after all.

The next day, Nurse Diane began calling five “Can Dos” at a time, and bringing them into a room set up just for the bathroom behavior show and tell  sessions. It had an operational sink and a dry toilet. Helping her demonstrate, and assisting the kids in practicing were two camp counselors, Molly and Tommy that the “Can Dos” really like and want to impress with their good bathroom behavior and manners.

Nurse Diane began each session by explaining to the “Can Dos” that she would speak about bathroom behaviors and Molly or Tommy would show proper bathroom behaviors and manners. The bathroom show and tell went like this:

  1. Check the bathroom floor, when you enter the bathroom, to make sure you know if and where there is water on the floor, so you don’t slip and fall.
  2. Find an empty toilet stall. Make sure it is clean: no water on the seat or wet toilet paper. If it isn’t, find another stall that is clean with a dry seat. If there are none, take a few pieces of toilet paper and wipe the seat before you sit down. Throw the toilet paper into the toilet. Using the non-working toilet, Tommy demonstrated lifting the seat. Molly demonstrated wiping the seat.
  3. If you are a boy, raise the toilet seat before using the toilet. Lower the seat when you are through. Tommy demonstrated lowering the seat and the lid.
  4. When you are ready to flush, take 2 squares of toilet paper and use it to handle the flush, then throw the paper in the toilet bowl. Molly showed how to flush the toilet using toilet paper.
  5. As you are leaving the toilet stall, take another 2 squares of toilet paper and use it when unlocking the stall.

The “Can Dos” were then invited to join Molly and Tommy at the sink to practice washing their hands as Nurse Diane talked them through proper hand washing:

  1. Turn on the water, make sure it is warm, rinse your hands, lather up your hands with soap, be sure to wash between your fingers and all over your hands.
  2. Continue to wash your hands until you have completed singing the Happy Birthday song twice.
  3. Rinse your hands until all the soap is gone and your hands feel clean.
  4. Use two paper towels to dry your hands. Wipe off the rim of the sink, if you have gotten water all over it.
  5. If the bathroom has a door with a knob, save one of the towels to open the door, then throw it out in the first waste paper basket you see after you leave the bathroom. If the bathroom doesn’t have a nob on the door, throw your paper towels in the waste basket before leaving the bathroom.

“Well done “said Nurse Diane. “Thank you Tommy and Molly for your assistance.

Remember “Can Dos” the bathroom is not a place to play. When you are finished using the bathroom, tell your friend you will meet him or her outside. Leave, and don’t take up space for those coming in after you that need to use the bathroom.”
