Posts Tagged ‘Nellie’

A Christmas Pageant to Remember

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

The Christmas Pageant was held on Christmas Eve Day, which was cold but clear.

When Willie and Nellie made their way down the stairs for breakfast, Grandma Hattie was already hard at work in the kitchen making the casserole she promised for the community center lunch following the pageant.

Grandpa Dooley was busy flipping pancakes for breakfast. He knew how Willie and Nellie loved them.

Willie and Nellie ate in silence. Grandma and grandpa gave each other knowing looks. Holidays were hard for Willie and Nellie with their mom in the military. She couldn’t always get leave on the holidays to be with them.

Grandma Hattie gently reminded them that it was time to change into their costumes for the pageant at the “Can Do” Street Community Center. This year the pageant performance was ” A Christmas Carol.” Nellie had a speaking part, and so did Willie. 

Willie and Nellie nodded and got up from the table to go up stairs and dress.

A few minutes later, they came down  in their costumes. Grandma Hattie could see Nellie had tears in her eyes. She gave her a hug and Nellie said, “I wish momma could see me in the play.” Grandma nodded and said, “I know child. Your mom will be home soon, but for now you need to think about the pageant. It is almost time to leave.”

Willie and Nellie played their parts well, so well that Miss Sue called them back on stage at the end of the show to take an extra bow. Then she told them she had a surprise for them. Just as she said that, their mom popped out from behind the stage curtain. She was still in her uniform. She came right from the airport to see them in the pageant!

Everyone in the audience stood up and cheered as Willie and Nellie hugged and kissed their mom over and over again.

At lunch, following the pageant, Willie and Nellie sat on either side of their mom. After supper, Willie and Nellie, their Mom and Grandpa Dooley and Grandma Hattie helped to pack treats for the local senior residents. When they got to the senior residence, they helped distribute the gifts and sang carols with all who lived there!

It was a pageant to remember!


When a Friend Moves Away

Thursday, July 7th, 2016

nellieGrandpa John is busy sweeping the sidewalk, in front of his store, when he sees Nellie coming down the street. He can see that Nellie is crying. She looks so sad!

When Nellie gets to where Grandpa John is sweeping, he asks softly, “Why Nellie, what’s wrong? Can I help in any way?”

Nellie stops in front of Grandpa John. She sniffles, wipes away her tears and says, “I’m so sad. My best friend, Minnie, is moving away today. She and her family are moving across the country because Minnie’s dad got a new job.” Then Nellie starts crying all over again.

Grandpa John says, “Nellie, let’s grab a bottle of juice and sit down and talk about this.”

They go into the store, and Grandpa John grabs two bottles of all-natural fruit juice. He opens them, and he gives one to Nellie. They sit down on two wicker chairs in the corner of the store, and Nellie begins to talk about Minne’s leaving.

“Minnie is my best friend. We play together every day, after school, and on weekends. What will I do without her? When will I see her again? Who will I tell all my important stuff to?” A big tear rolls down Nellie’s cheek and she starts sniffling again.

“Now just wait a minute, Nellie,” says Grandpa John. “This isn’t the end of your friendship with Minnie. If you have a computer, and I know you do, and if you have a webcam (a camera with your computer), you can see and talk to Minnie every day, for free.”

Nellie stops sniffling and says, “Do I need a special software program to do that? Does it cost money?”

Grandpa John smiles and answers, “You need Skype, which you can download for free.”

“Oh great,” answers Nellie. “Minnie’s dad works for a computer company, so no problem for her to get and use Skype, but me, who helps me?”

Grandpa John answers,”Well, it just so happens that my grandson, Orrie, uses Skype all the time. I’ll ask him to come over to your house tomorrow, and help you install and use Skype. ”

With that, Nellie gets up, thanks Grandpa John, and starts out the door. Grandpa John calls after her, “Where are you going?”

Nellie calls back, as she runs to catch Minnie before she leaves, “I’m going to make a Skype date with Minnie!”


Summer Fun…Summer Safety

Thursday, June 23rd, 2016

School is out and summer fun is in!

The “Can Do” Kids love  summer but some of them don’t always practice summer safety.

Nellie and Annie are going to the beach with their friends from the recreation center but they forgot something…sunscreen. Should they ask Miss Sue, the director of the rec center who is taking them on the trip, if they can have some of her sunscreen?

The beach doesn’t have any shade and the sun hurts Annie’s eyes. Circle what she can do…Put on sun glasses…wear a hat with a brim.

Annie wants to play ball in the sand, but it is very hot, Should she keep her sandals on?   Circle what Annie should do…Yes…No.

Nellie wants to go into the water, but there is no life guard on duty. Should she go into the water, or should she wait until the life guard comes on duty?

Willie and Yundi love to fool around in the water Sometimes they play too rough. They hold each others’  heads under the water. Is this practicing summer safety?

summerYundi and Willie eat their lunches very fast and want to go into the water right after eating. Is this OK?summer

After swimming, Willie, Yundi, Annie and Nellie head up to to the boardwalk, but they don’t tell Miss Sue where they are going. In fact, they don’t get her permission to go. Is this practicing summer safety?

What should they have done? What would you have done?

Do you do things to be safe at the beach during the summer?


Flag Day!

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016


June 14-Flag Day!  Let’s celebrate our flag flying 239 years!

Our flag is one of our most important national symbols.

On June 14, 1777, the Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution, which said that the flag would be made up of thirteen alternating red and white stripes and thirteen white, five-pointed stars on a blue field. Stars have been added to the flag as new states join the Union.

The flag has 13 horizontal stripes that stand for the 13 original colonies; seven are red, and six are white. In the upper left corner there are 50 white stars on a blue background; these stand for the 50 states in our United States. The 50-star flag we use today dates from July 4, 1960, after Hawaii became the fiftieth state, but stars were added in the past as new states joined the Union.

Images of the United States flag can be seen in many places: flying from flagpoles of public buildings, flown from private homes during Flag Day and Federal holidays such as Independence Day, and worn as a lapel pin, among many others. The flag is also referred to by other names including the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and the Star-Spangled Banner.

Since 1916, Flag Day in the United States has been officially celebrated on June 14. Title 4, Section 6 of the United States Code (4 U.S.C. 6) has the official information on the flag, including the standard proportions, rules to observe when displaying the flag, and how to treat this national symbol properly.

American Flag Facts and Figures:

  • When Kentucky and Vermont were admitted to the Union, the flag expanded to 15 stars and 15 stripes, but was later changed back to 13 when it became clear that adding a stripe for each state would make the flag unmanageable.
  • The official first flag to have the present design with 50 stars was flown at Fort McHenry National Monument at 12:01 a.m in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 4, 1960.



Elves in the “Can Do” Diner Beat an Elf on a Shelf!

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015


Hector brought his skateboard to a quick stop. Did he see what he thought he saw? Was that an elf? Was there more than one elf? Were there elves eating breakfast in the “Can Do” Diner?

Hector got back on his skateboard and went as fast as he could back to the diner. He peered in the diner window. He didn’t imagine it; there they were, not just one elf, but 4 elves!

Hector yelled to the other “Can Do” kids walking with Grandpa Dooley and Grandpa John to the recreation center. “Come quick! Santa’s elves are having breakfast in the diner!”

The boys all began to run. Willie yelled out as they ran,”I’m going to ask the elves to remind Santa what I want for Christmas.”

The girls walked faster, but they didn’t run; they thought that Hector might just be playing a joke on them. Grandpa Dooley and Grandpa John also picked up their pace.

Orrie, who was wheeling his chair as fast as he could, spun it around and said, “Why are the elves here? I’m sure Santa didn’t send them just to have breakfast in the diner.”  Well that did it. All the “Can Dos” stopped running and started worrying.  Nellie added, “What if they’re here to check up on us, to find out if we deserve presents?”

Grandpa John had an idea, he said, “Since Hector was the one to spot the elves, Hector can go in to the diner and invite the elves out to speak with all of you. Kids aren’t allowed in the diner without an adult, so I’ll go in with Hector. And that is just what they did. The rest of the “Can Dos” watched through the window.

Grandpa introduced himself to the elves saying, “Hi, I’m Grandpa John. Hector, who was always the first one to talk in class, and just about anywhere, was speechless!  So, Grandpa John had to introduce him. The elves looked up from their breakfasts, smiled and each elf introduced himself in turn…

“I’m Nicky.”   “I’m Ricky.”  “I’m Micky.”  “I’m Picky.”

Before he could stopped himself, Hector found his voice and said, “Picky, how did you get that name!” The other elves chuckled and Picky’s face turn beet red. “Well,” he said, “When I was a little elf, I was a picky eater. The name just stuck. Besides it’s better than my real name, which is Percivile.” Hector nodded, saying, “Picky is definitely better.”

After breakfast, the elves met with the “Can Dos.” Orrie worked up the courage to ask why the elves were in the diner. “That’s easy said Elf Micky, we were hungry.” Everyone giggled. Annie couldn’t stand it anymore and called out, “No, why did you come to “Can Do” Street? Does Santa want you to check up on us?”

The elves looked at each other, and giggled. They could see that the “Can Dos’ were worried, so Elf Ricky answered, “No, Santa already knows whose been bad or good. We’re here to make sure of the new addresses that Santa got for kids who moved to “Can Do ” Street since last Christmas. He doesn’t want to miss any children on Christmas Eve.”

The “Can Dos” looked relieved. Then Elf Nicky said, We’ve got to run; we’ve got work to do here, and then it is back to Santa’s workshop to get the toys ready for Santa’s deliveries on Christmas Eve.”

“Merry Christmas,” shouted the “Can Do” Kids.  “Merry Christmas,” answered each elf as he walked away, turned the corner, and disappeared.

