Posts Tagged ‘Miss Sue’

Volunteering: A Time to Help

Tuesday, April 5th, 2016

volunteeringGrandma Sue visited the “Can Do”Kids in their classroom the other day. Miss Pat invited her to come and speak about volunteering.

“Good Morning, boys and girls,” said Grandma Sue, “Most of you know me as Miss Sue, the Director of the “Can Do” Community Center. I am here today to ask you to think about volunteering with senior citizens in our neighborhood.”

Before she could continue speaking, Eulyn raised her hand. Miss Sue called on her and Eulyn said, “What’s volunteering?” Miss Sue could see by the looks on some of the other children’s faces that she needed to explain volunteering. Eulyn was not the only one who wasn’t sure what volunteering was all about.

“Volunteering is when you offer to do something for someone that needs help. You don’t have to do it, you choose to help because you want to help. You don’t get paid to help. You help during your free time,” said Miss Sue.

Willie raised his hand and said,”My grandma is a senior citizen and I help her all the time. Does that count?” Miss Sue smiled, ” It is nice that you help your grandma, and I am sure she appreciates it, but I am talking about helping those seniors who are not your relatives, you may or may not know them. “

Anne raised her hand next,”I don’t think my mom will let me go to a stranger’s house to help them out.” Miss Sue nodded, “Yes, we need to be safe. That is why we have come up with ways for children to be safe while volunteering.

Here are some of the volunteering activities you can do as a group, with a staff person from the Center as your group leader or at the Center with senior citizens:

  • You can be part of a group that visits seniors at the local senior residence. You can do friendly visiting. Seniors get lonely and would love a visit from a young person for an hour or so once a month.
  • There are seniors who want to learn the computer, but don’t have family to teach them and can’t afford to take lessons. If you can spare 45 minutes, once a week, you can sit with at senior at one of the Center computers and teach him or her computer basics, maybe even how to email and use the Internet.
  • You can join a yard work group, led by Mr. Dooley. Once a month you will go as a group to a senior’s house to help with yard work chores during the spring and fall.

If you think you are interested in volunteering, please see me after class and I will tell you more about volunteer opportunities with seniors.” With that, Miss Sue thanked the children for paying attention and thanked Miss Pat for allowing her to speak with the class. Then she went outside the class to sit at a desk that had a big sign on it that read, “Sign up here for volunteering at the Community Center.”

Miss Pat gave the children some time to discuss the idea of volunteering. After class some of the “Can Dos” signed up for volunteering. Anne and Kathy, Nellie and Maria, Jay and Yundi signed up for friendly visiting at the senior residence.

Orrie signed up to teach seniors how to use computers and so did Arthur J. Hector, Willie, Eulyn and Bobby signed up to be on Mr. Dooley’s team and do yard work.

After their first volunteering session, the “Can Dos”who participated, gave a report to the class. It seems that each of the volunteers felt good about volunteering. The seniors really appreciated having them and the “Can Dos” got to see just how much they could help people by volunteering.


Pre-K Games for Spring Camp

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

 It was that time again. It was spring camp time with all the games that going to camp over spring break brings.

Miss Sue is the director of thev Community CenterGames are an important part of any camp, so Miss Sue went to see the “Can Do'”Kids to get ideas.”Hello boys and girls,” said Miss Sue. “I came to ask your help with games for the Pre-K group in spring camp.”

The crafts class all stopped working on their crafts class projects and listened to what Miss Sue had to say.

“Miss Hattie tells me you came up with wonderful crafts ideas for the young campers. I am hoping you can suggest some games that will be good to do with the boys and girls in the Pre-K group. There will be 10 of them.”

Jay raised his hand and when Miss Sue called on him, he said, “How about a few games of crunch and toss”?

Miss Sue looked puzzled and said, “I don’t know that game.” Jay said it was a beginner throwing game for points. It was safe to play indoors. Miss Sue asked Jay to bring in a sample of what was needed to play the game and give a demonstration. Jay agreed, saying, ” I’ll have it ready for our next crafts session. You can come by and see how it is played.”

Miss Sue thanked Jay and said, “Does anyone else have any suggestions”?

Maria raised her hand and said, “How about a few games of TIC TAC TOE Waffles? You’ve got to eat them to win”!

The class laughed and Miss Sue smiled and said, “That sounds wonderful Maria! Please bring in a sample and we can all see what it takes to play TIC TAC TOE Waffles.”

Just then the bell rang and crafts class was over.

Miss Sue said, “Thank you for your ideas. I am looking forward to seeing you in your next class and learning how to play the games you talked about today. “


The Can Do Kids Fund Raise

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

Miss Sue called a meeting of the “Can Do’ Kids Club at the Community Center to talk about ways to fund raise to help the kids in a town nearby that was hit by a flood.

fund raiseThe “Can Do” Kids knew about the flood from their parents  and their teacher, Miss Pat. They all agreed that everyone needed to help that could help because the kids who experienced the flood lost a lot of their belongings. Not only do they need clothes and food and housing, they need school supplies and books.

It was going to be a sad holiday season for many of the kids.

fund raiseMiss Sue opened the discussion by asking the kids to come up with ways they thought they could fund raise.

Kathy suggested that the Can Do Cooking Club bake and package holiday cookies with the help of the Seniors Club. They would sell the baked goods to everyone who frequented the events at the center, especially when parents came to watch their kids games. Miss Sue said, “That’s a great idea, Kathy.”

Let’s have a show of hands to see if everyone agrees that this is a good way to fund raise.” It was unanimous!

“OK, how else can we fund raise,” asked Miss Sue. Hector raised his hand, and when called on said,”We could have a games day here at the center and all the money we take in from kids and parents will go to help kids who lost their stuff in the flood.”

Miss Sue beamed at the group and said, “You are very generous to want to help the children in our neighboring town. I am very proud of you.”


The Last Week of Camp

Monday, August 10th, 2015


The last week of camp was fast approaching, and the “Can Dos” were sad to think it would soon be over. Miss Sue, the director of the “Can Do” Street Community Center, where the camp was being held, had promised them a surprise for the last week.

The Friday before the last week of camp, Miss Sue assembled all the campers in the auditorium. When everyone was seated, she asked, “Have you ever wanted to build a robot and tell it what to do? Well, during the last week of camp you will have a chance to do just that. Two science teachers from “Can Do” High School will help you to build a small robot, and program it to do simple tasks.

A cheer went up from most of the boys and some of the girls.

Annie looked very disappointed. She raised her hand, and when Miss Sue called on her she said, “What about those of us who don’t want to build a robot, what will we do next week?” Miss Sue smiled and answered, “Let me tell you about the other program you can participate in during your last week of camp this summer.

If you love animals and wonder how their bodies work, what they eat and how they grow, then this is a program for you! You will explore all kinds of animals and examine their structures, how they take care of themselves, spend their time and communicate with each other. There will be two field trips; you will be visiting an aquarium and a museum of natural history.

Annie beamed and said, “I want to do that. That’s the program for me!”

Then Miss Sue announced that on the last day of camp there would be a picnic on the back lawn. There would be games and contests and a prize for the best robot.

Walking out of the auditorium, after the assembly, Willie was heard to say, “Next week might be the last week of camp, but it sounds like it just might be the best week of camp.” All who heard him shook their heads in agreement.



Just for Fun…Mazes

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Another rainy day at summer camp. The “Can Dos” were getting bored with indoor games and activities. Miss Sue, the camp director,  thought…time for a contest!

Miss Sue distributed mazes to each of the kids at camp, announcing that the first one to finish the mazes correctly would win a prize…free admission to the Friday night movie, popcorn and a soft drink. You could have heard a pibn drop as the “Can Dos” worked hard at solving the mazes.

Here are two of the mazes…let’s see how you do.



