Posts Tagged ‘miss pat’

Bobby Needs to Practice Speaking with Respect

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

respectBobby is excited about visiting another class in school. He asks his teacher if the are going to Mary’s class.

Miss Pat, his teacher,  reminds him that we do not call teachers by their first name. Out of respect, what does Bobby need to call Mary, the teacher his class is going to visit?

Miss Mary                    Teacher Mary

Bobby plays sports. He has a coach named Ned. What should he call him?

Coach                     Mr. Ned                      Ned                     Sir

What can Bobby call men he meets in and out of school?_____________

What can Bobby call women he meets in and out of school?_________

What you would call a nurse, a doctor, a fireman, a policeman, a school crossing guard, the librarian, and the check out person in the supermarket?________________________________________________


Can you think of an other adults you call by a special name like aunt?



Report Cards

Friday, March 6th, 2015

All over “Can Do” Street parents were reviewing report cards as “Can Do” kids stood anxiously by waiting to hear what their parents had to say. While Orrie, Arthur Jay, Yundi, Wendy, Eulyn, and Annie didn’t have anything to worry about, others had some real worries.

Hector, Willie, and Jay got lower grades in reading and writing than they did on their last report cards. Kathy, did well in her grades for academic subjects, but didn’t do so well in the grades she got for classroom behavior.

report cardsKathy was still falling asleep in class, some days, because she didn’t eat breakfast and ran out of energy about 10 AM.

Bobby also got an unsatisfactory in classroom behavior for not paying attention when Miss Pat was teaching, and for bothering others when they were trying to pay attention.

Nellie’s problem, well, she has a hard time sharing supplies when she works on a project with others.

The next day, the class was unusually quiet. Those that didn’t do so well on their report cards were thinking about what their parents had to say, and they were worrying about what Miss Pat was going to say to their parents at the parent teacher meeting that night.

Miss Pat cleared her throat and everyone looked up from the match assignment they were doing.

“Those of you who didn’t do well in your subjects need to study more and harder. The best way to start…put away the Internet games you are so fond of and might be spending too much time on. If you are really having a problem understanding the work you are expected to docome see me, in private, and I will see that you get the extra help that you need.”

Nellie raised her hand and asked,”What if your problem is not with the subjects, but about behaving in class?” A few of the “Can Dos” nodded their heads, as if they had the same question about their report cards.

Miss Pat smiled her knowing smile and answered, “Sometimes those problems that led to receiving an unsatisfactory on our report cards are harder to fix than fixing our subject grades. First we have to admit that what we did to cause getting an unsatisfactory mark in classroom behavior; then we have to be willing to change our behavior. Then comes that hard part-trying every day to work on the behavior that is a problem.”

Miss Pat let that thought sink in for a while. She handed out some coloring pages to give the “Can Dos” a break from all their worrying. Then she called each one of the “Can Do” kids who had a problem up to her desk to meet with her privately.

She offered those with problems with reading and writing after school tutoring to help them catch up with the rest of the class.

Kathy promised to participate in the school breakfast program at school, or carry an energy bar to school, eating it on the way, or getting up earlier to eat breakfast at home.

Miss Pat gave Bobby a choice of either moving his seat away from his other classmates, so he wouldn’t bother them while they were trying to listen to Miss Pat teaching, or staying where he was and working on paying attention and allowing others to pay attention. He asked to be allowed to stay where he was, promising to pay attention.

Nellie was not sure what she should do to get better at sharing. Miss Pat suggests that Nellie allow others to take their share of the group supplies before she takes her share. Then Nellie came up with an idea, every day she would share at least one thing…a cookie, note paper, a pencil, crayons.

After everyone had met with Miss Pat, she said to the class, “I am certain that those of you who had a problem on your report cards, will do better next marking period. Those of you, who did well on your report cards, well, keep up the good work!”


Good Habits…Yucky Habits

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

Miss pat and good habitsMiss Pat came up with a quiz about good habits.

As she handed out the quiz she said, “I am handing out a quiz about good habits. In the left column there is a list of yucky habits and in the right column there is a list of good habits. Draw a line between the yucky habit to the good habit in the right column. Anyone who gets 10 or more answers correct will win a coloring book. I just got a shipment of brand new coloring books in yesterday “

The thought of winning a new coloring book caught everyone’s attention.

Eulyn raised her hand and when Miss Pat called on her she asked,”Miss Pat what are habits?”

Miss Pat smiled and said, “Good question. Can anyone tell Eulyn what a habit is?” Arthur J raised his hand and said, “I think it is something you do so often that sometimes you don’t even know your doing it, like drumming on the table with your fingers, or picking your nose.”

Miss Pat answered, “Good explanation, Arthur J. I will just add that some habits are good habits that we need to keep, like brushing our teeth after meals and before bedtime and other habits are yucky, like picking our noses, and we need to change those habits.”

Why don’t you see how you do in taking the habits quiz along with the “Can Dos”.  Ask a parent or other adult to check your answers.

Good luck on making good choices!

Picking your nose                                   clip them

Belching out loud                                   flush

Picking food up with hands             throw in trash

Biting nails                                             blow into tissue

Drinking milk from frig.                    put in garbage

Wiping nose on  sleeve                        use utensils

Coughing at someone                          cover mouth

Spitting in street                                     wash hands

Throwing food wrappers                   use a tissue

Not flushing the toilet                         use a glass

Throwing  paper on floor                   use a tissue

Not washing hands                           cough in sleeve


School Bus Safety

Monday, February 9th, 2015

The “Can Do” Kids all came to attention when Policewoman Paula came into the classroom.“Good afternoon Miss Pat,” said Policewoman Paula.

“Good afternoon Policewoman Paula,” answered Miss Pat.

“Thank you for coming to speak to the class about school bus safety, said Miss Pat.”We are taking a class trip tomorrow and I want the children to be on their best behavior on the school bus we rented for the trip. Not all of my class takes a bus to school. Many of them walk or come by car, with a parent. I am not sure everyone knows how to behave on a school bus.”

Policewoman Paula smiled and said, “I’m happy to speak to the class about school bus safety. Let me begin by saying that those of you who ride the school bus every day need to set an example for your classmates who don’t ride the school bus regularly. Everyone must follow the regular safety rules for bus riders. They are:

  • No talking at all near a railroad crossingbus
  • No loud talking
  • Keep feet under you and arms close to your body
  • Put books and book bags where they cannot fall
  • Avoid talking to the driver except when the bus is stopped or in an emergency
  • Sit quietly in your seat until the trip ends
  • NEVER stick anything out the bus window or throw things out of it.
  • Never lean on windows and never open them without permission from the driver

There are a few other things you all need to remember when taking a class trip:

  • Make sure you know when and where the bus will leave and be there in plenty of time.
  • Once you get where you are going, always stay with your group.
  • When you get where you are going remember to pay attention to the bus you arrived on in case there are many buses parked there when it is time to go home.

Class, if you remember to practice these school bus safety behaviors you will have a safe, fun trip”!

Miss Pat thanked Policewoman Paula for coming and the class thanked her too. As Policewoman Paula was leaving she turned and said, “Have a great time. I wish I were going with you.”

Source: School Bus Safety – Owen Sound Police Service, Ontario Canada bus


The Ring

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

ringWendy was washing her hands in the girls room when something caught her eye. There, on the glass shelf above the sink, was a beautiful pearl ring.

Wendy looked around. There was no one else in the girls room but her. She took the ring off the shelf and slipped it on her finger. It fit as if it were made for her! It looked so pretty on her finger. She had wanted a pearl ring for so long. Her sister had one that her grandma had brought back from a vacation in Japan.

Wendy wanted to keep the ring, but…she knew some one had left it there by accident and would soon miss it.

She thought for a minute, wondering if she should go down to the school office and turn it in or…should she hold on to it and see if there was an announcement about a lost ring on the loudspeaker. Maybe there would be a flyer up about it. Until then she could wear it and pretend it was hers.

Wendy went back to class with the ring on her finger. She couldn’t stop looking at it, playing with it. Miss Pat noticed her playing with the ring and called her outside to speak with her.

Miss Pat had heard about a missing ring in the teacher’s lounge during lunch break. She looked at Wendy and asked,”Where did you get that ring, Wendy?”

Wendy’s eyes got all watery and her voice quivered as she answered, “I was going to give it back, honest I was. I found it in the girls room and it is so beautiful I just wanted to wear it for awhile before I gave it back.”

“Wendy,” said Miss Pat, “That ring is not yours to keep even for a little while. It belongs to someone else. It belongs to a girl, your age, who loves it and feels terrible that it is missing.”

By now Wendy was crying and saying how sorry she was for holding on to the ring. Miss Pat asked, “What do you need to do , Wendy?”

Wendy took the ring off her finger and asked Miss Pat for permission to go to the office and turn in the ring.

Miss Pat helped Wendy dry her eyes and sent her on her way.

Questions for you:

  • Was Wendy wrong to keep the ring, even for a little while?
  • Have you ever kept anything that didn’t belong to you?
