Posts Tagged ‘miss pat’

Santa Questions

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015

On the last day of school before santaChristmas recess, the “Can Dos”are having a hard time paying attention in class. All they can  think about is the long vacation ahead and, of course, Santa.

While most of the “Can Dos” are going to be home on Christmas day, some of them are  going to be spending the holidays with family who live far away.

Hector is worried that Santa won’t know where to bring his gifts on Christmas Eve. He is going to spend Christmas at his grandma’s in Puerto Rico.

Jay has the same worry. Will Santa know to come to the Indian reservation where he is visiting his grandparents?

Annie is afraid Santa won’t bring her the new basketball she wants. She hasn’t been doing her best in school the past few months. Lately, her mom is always having to remind her to put her toys away. Annie is not sure if Santa always knows when children are naughty or nice.

Eulyn isn’t sure if Santa got the letter she wrote him last month. She just has to get the two-wheel bike she wrote him about.

Bobby is hoping that Santa will bring a gift for his mom. He didn’t save up to buy her anything, so when Bobby visited Santa at the mall, he asked Santa to bring a gift for his mom that he could say was from him. Santa didn’t say yes. He said we’ll see. What does that mean?

What do you think boys and girls? Will Santa find Hector and Jay on Christmas Eve, even if they are not in their own homes?

Does Annie have anything to worry about?

Does Santa bring gifts for adults, or just for children? Does Bobby need to make his mom a gift?



Elves in the “Can Do” Diner Beat an Elf on a Shelf!

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015


Hector brought his skateboard to a quick stop. Did he see what he thought he saw? Was that an elf? Was there more than one elf? Were there elves eating breakfast in the “Can Do” Diner?

Hector got back on his skateboard and went as fast as he could back to the diner. He peered in the diner window. He didn’t imagine it; there they were, not just one elf, but 4 elves!

Hector yelled to the other “Can Do” kids walking with Grandpa Dooley and Grandpa John to the recreation center. “Come quick! Santa’s elves are having breakfast in the diner!”

The boys all began to run. Willie yelled out as they ran,”I’m going to ask the elves to remind Santa what I want for Christmas.”

The girls walked faster, but they didn’t run; they thought that Hector might just be playing a joke on them. Grandpa Dooley and Grandpa John also picked up their pace.

Orrie, who was wheeling his chair as fast as he could, spun it around and said, “Why are the elves here? I’m sure Santa didn’t send them just to have breakfast in the diner.”  Well that did it. All the “Can Dos” stopped running and started worrying.  Nellie added, “What if they’re here to check up on us, to find out if we deserve presents?”

Grandpa John had an idea, he said, “Since Hector was the one to spot the elves, Hector can go in to the diner and invite the elves out to speak with all of you. Kids aren’t allowed in the diner without an adult, so I’ll go in with Hector. And that is just what they did. The rest of the “Can Dos” watched through the window.

Grandpa introduced himself to the elves saying, “Hi, I’m Grandpa John. Hector, who was always the first one to talk in class, and just about anywhere, was speechless!  So, Grandpa John had to introduce him. The elves looked up from their breakfasts, smiled and each elf introduced himself in turn…

“I’m Nicky.”   “I’m Ricky.”  “I’m Micky.”  “I’m Picky.”

Before he could stopped himself, Hector found his voice and said, “Picky, how did you get that name!” The other elves chuckled and Picky’s face turn beet red. “Well,” he said, “When I was a little elf, I was a picky eater. The name just stuck. Besides it’s better than my real name, which is Percivile.” Hector nodded, saying, “Picky is definitely better.”

After breakfast, the elves met with the “Can Dos.” Orrie worked up the courage to ask why the elves were in the diner. “That’s easy said Elf Micky, we were hungry.” Everyone giggled. Annie couldn’t stand it anymore and called out, “No, why did you come to “Can Do” Street? Does Santa want you to check up on us?”

The elves looked at each other, and giggled. They could see that the “Can Dos’ were worried, so Elf Ricky answered, “No, Santa already knows whose been bad or good. We’re here to make sure of the new addresses that Santa got for kids who moved to “Can Do ” Street since last Christmas. He doesn’t want to miss any children on Christmas Eve.”

The “Can Dos” looked relieved. Then Elf Nicky said, We’ve got to run; we’ve got work to do here, and then it is back to Santa’s workshop to get the toys ready for Santa’s deliveries on Christmas Eve.”

“Merry Christmas,” shouted the “Can Do” Kids.  “Merry Christmas,” answered each elf as he walked away, turned the corner, and disappeared.



The Can Do Kids Fund Raise

Wednesday, December 9th, 2015

Miss Sue called a meeting of the “Can Do’ Kids Club at the Community Center to talk about ways to fund raise to help the kids in a town nearby that was hit by a flood.

fund raiseThe “Can Do” Kids knew about the flood from their parents  and their teacher, Miss Pat. They all agreed that everyone needed to help that could help because the kids who experienced the flood lost a lot of their belongings. Not only do they need clothes and food and housing, they need school supplies and books.

It was going to be a sad holiday season for many of the kids.

fund raiseMiss Sue opened the discussion by asking the kids to come up with ways they thought they could fund raise.

Kathy suggested that the Can Do Cooking Club bake and package holiday cookies with the help of the Seniors Club. They would sell the baked goods to everyone who frequented the events at the center, especially when parents came to watch their kids games. Miss Sue said, “That’s a great idea, Kathy.”

Let’s have a show of hands to see if everyone agrees that this is a good way to fund raise.” It was unanimous!

“OK, how else can we fund raise,” asked Miss Sue. Hector raised his hand, and when called on said,”We could have a games day here at the center and all the money we take in from kids and parents will go to help kids who lost their stuff in the flood.”

Miss Sue beamed at the group and said, “You are very generous to want to help the children in our neighboring town. I am very proud of you.”


Native Americans and Our First Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015

“Class, Jay is going to tell us about how Native Americans helped to make our first Thanksgiving possible,” said Miss Pat. “As you know,  Jay is a Native American.”

“Thanks Miss Pat,”  said Jay. He began, “The settlers, from Europe, that landed at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts were called Pilgrims. The natives that lived in this area were from tribes of the Wampanoag people who had lived there for 10,000 years before any explorers or settlers came from Europe.

After the Pilgrims built their settlement, they met Squanto, who spoke English. He was a member of the Pawtuxet tribe. He spoke English because he had been captured by explorers and taken to England. He escaped and came back to live with his tribe.

The first winter was very hard on the Pilgrims and many times they were very hungry. Squanto was a big help to the Pilgrims. He taught them to plant corn and other vegetables. He also taught them where to fish and how to hunt beaver and other animals for food.

In 1621, the Pilgrims invited their Native American neighbors to a feast of thanksgiving after they harvested what they had grown with Squanto’s help. That first Thanksgiving is why every year we celebrate Thanksgiving Day,” finished Jay.

The class all clapped and Jay smiled and took his seat. Miss Pat asked, “Does anyone have a question for Jay”?  Hector raised his hand and asked, “What did they eat at the feast”? Jay answered, “Can I talk about that tomorrow? I’m really tired of talking right now.”

Miss Pat smiled and said,”We will have to wait until tomorrow to hear more of Jay’s wonderful story about the first Thanksgiving. Thanks Jay.”



The Pumpkin Surprise

Monday, September 28th, 2015

pumpkin“Class, I have a pumpkin surprise for you,” said Miss Pat. “I love surprises,” said Kathy, but what kind of surprise is a pumpkin surprise?”

“Yeah, a surprise,” shouted Hector.

“Settle down children so I can introduce Mr. Dooley, Willlie and Nellie’s grandpa who is bringing the pumpkin  surprise,” said Miss Pat.

Just then Mr. Dooley rolled a big cart full of pumpkins into the room. All the “Can Do” Kids were jumping around in their seats and yelling,” I want a pumpkin.” Miss Pat said,”No one gets a pumpkin until there is quiet in the room so Mr. Dooley can tell you what we are going to do and how we are going to do it.”

Mr. Dooley smiled and waved to his grandchildren Willie and Nellie. “Hello boys and girls,” he said,  “I brought some pumpkins for us to decorate and some decorations. I  have markers to draw a nose and mouth and eyes right on the pumpkin or you can use these paints to decorate the pumpkin. Another way we can decorate is to draw eyes, a nose, a  mouth and hair and color them, cut them out and  glue them to the pumpkin.”

“I want to carve my pumpkin,” yelled Hector. Mr Dooley answered, “Your too young to use a knife by yourself to cut out a pumpkin and I can’t help everyone who would want to carve out a pumpkin. Besides, your pumpkin will last longer if you don’t carve it, but decorate it instead.”

“Alright children, form a line, no pushing or cutting in front of one another and go up to the cart and pick out your pumpkin and your decorations. When you get back to your seat you can start decorating your pumpkin. If you get started right away, you will be finished in time to take your pumpkin home with you today,” said Miss Pat.

The children were working on their pumpkins and Mr. Dooley was starting to leave. What did they need to do? That’s right they needed to all say,”Thank you Mr. Dooley for the wonderful pumpkin surprise!”pumpkin
