Posts Tagged ‘Mickey’

The Thanksgiving Bus Surprise

Saturday, November 18th, 2017

The “Can Dos” all gathered at the bus stop waiting for the Greyhound bus to arrive on Thanksgiving morning. They had all gotten up early to meet the bus. Mickey and his service dog, Muggins, were coming home for Thanksgiving on the Greyhound bus and they were all anxious to see their friend.

Mickey’s mom and dad were there, and his grandma, Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley.”We haven’t seen Mickey and Muggins since August when he went back to school,” said Willie, Mickey’s cousin. The rest of the “Can Dos” nodded in agreement. It had been months since they saw Mickey. They all understood that Mickey had to go to a special school for children who have visual disabilities, but that didn’t stop them from missing him.

When the bus came in sight, the “Can Dos’ all started jumping up and down and waving at the bus. When the bus came to a stop, they strained to see Mickey through the Thanksgiving tinted glass of the bus windows. Then the door opened and some people got out. And…there he was! Muggins led the way and Mickey followed.

A cheer went up. After Mickey’s mom and dad, and grandma and grandpa kissed and hugged Mickey and greeted Muggins, the “Can Dos” gathered round Mickey. The girls hugged him and the boys thumped him on the back. Grandma Hattie said, “Come on everyone, back to my house for a welcome home Thanksgiving Day breakfast for Mickey.”

Everyone started walking, but Mickey and Muggins just stood there, not moving. Mickey’s mom asked,”What’s wrong with you child? We are all waiting on you.” Mickey grinned and answered, “I have a surprise for Willie and Nellie and Grandma Hattie and Grandpa Dooley. With that Willie and Nellie’s mom got off the bus!

Willie yelled, Nellie started crying and Grandma Hattie said,”Daughter, I didn’t think you could get leave from the army to be home for Thanksgiving.”

It’s a good thing Muggins got Mickey out of the way in time, or Willie and Nellie would have run him over getting to their mama to hug her! What a wonderful surprise that bus held..their mama home for Thanksgiving!

After all the hugs, everyone headed to Grandma Hattie’s for a double celebration, Mickey and Muggins, and Willie and Nellie’s mom were home for Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving from “Can Do” Street!


Do You Have Safety Smarts

Monday, May 18th, 2015

It’s time for a safety smarts check!

Ask an adult to hear your answers and tell you if you have safety smarts.

safety smartsWhen Nellie got home from school, Grandma Hattie was sitting in her chair. She told Nellie she wasn’t feeling well and to call for help. What should Nellie do? Who can she call? What number should she dial? What should she say to the person on the phone?

Bobby’s apartment building with an elevator. Should he get on the elevator with a stranger?

Arthur J is playing in his fenced-in yard when a man he didn’t know leans on the fence and invites Arthur J to come over and see his new puppy. What should he do?

Annie is playing basketball in her driveway when a boy much older than her comes over and asks if he can shoot hoops with her. What can she say? What can she do?

Hector is hungry; his mom is napping in the living room. he goes onto the kitchen for a snack. He thinks about making popcorn in the microwave, or cutting an apple into slices to dip in peanut safety smartsbutter, or getting a yogurt from the refrigerator. Which choice shows good safety smarts?

Yundi’s helmet is tight on his head. Is it okay for him to go bike riding without his helmet?

Kathy is going to be in a jump rope competition. She is trying to decide what shoes to wear. Her sandals look nice with her dress. Her school shoes are sturdy. Her sneakers have good support. Which shoes do you think Kathy should wear and why?

Mickey and Muggins are taking a walk when a little boy breaks free of his mom’s safety smartshand and runs up in front of them. Mickey needs to practice safety smarts by telling the little boy not to pet Muggins as he is a service dog. Why does Mickey need to do this? What might happen if the little boy starts petting Muggins?


Children Who Read and Speak Differently

Friday, February 27th, 2015

childrenDo you know that some children read with their fingers and other children speak with their hands?

Mickey, one of the “Can Do” characters, can’t see. He is blind. We spoke about him and his dog, Muggins, in an earlier blog.

Mickey goes to a school where he learns all the things that you learn in your school. The big difference is Mickey reads with his fingers. As he moves his fingers over sets of raised dots on a page, he can read letters and numerals. This kind of reading is called Braille.

Deaf children are children who cannot hear. Since they cannot hear how others speak, it may be difficult for them to speak the way you do. Some deaf children may use their hands to speak.

Those who use their hands to speak often attend schools or classes where they learn to use sign language and finger spell the alphabet to talk with their friends and family.children

Blind or deaf children may need to learn different ways of reading or talking, but they are smart and love to do things other children do. Most importantly…they are good friends to have. Why you can even learn a new language or  a new way of reading!



Name That “Can Do”

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

How well do you know the “Can Do” Kids? Name that “Can Do”

____________is the “Can Do” usually seen dribbling a basketball.

____________and __________live with their grandma while their mom is in the Army.

____________ wears glasses.

____________is the smartest kid in class.

____________ is the school nurse.

____________is grandma of Kathy, Annie, Arthur Jay, Bobby and Orrie.

____________visits his grandparents on the Indian reservation every summer.

____________is the coach who helps the “Can Dos” with being good sports.

____________is director of the recreation center and grandma to Yundi and Wendy.

____________is good on a skateboard but has trouble sharing.

____________always carries a note pad and wants to be a writer when she grows up.

____________wins at jump rope.

____________rode in an ambulance when he fell off his bike.

____________got lost, but Grandpa John and Policewoman Paula helped her.

____________is Nellie and Willie’s grandpa.

____________is the “Can Do” kids teacher.

____________is Hector and Maria’s grandma and an EMT.

____________has a service dog.

____________is the service dog’s name.

