Posts Tagged ‘matching games’

Things we See…

Monday, May 21st, 2012

seeMiss Pat decided it was time for some new computer games about vocabulary words. She made up two games on put them on every “Can Do” Kid’s computer.

Why not join the “Can Dos” and play the vocabulary games. Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, Choose games and then choose, “Things we See.”


Name that Sport

Saturday, May 12th, 2012

sportCoach Campbell visited the “Can Do” Kids classroom to encourage each “Can Do” to take up a sport if they didn’t already play a sport.

He began by going around the room and asking each “Can Do” what sport they played or would like to play. Then he talked about a sport they could play through the school athletics program and what sport they might like to try that the recreation center sponsored.

Some of the kids said they played softball. Others said they played soccer. Some didn’t play any sports, but said they would like to learn about different sports in the hopes they would learn about a sport that would interest them.

Coach Campbell put a matching game up on the computers and asked the “Can Dos” to each sit at his or her computer and see each one of them could match the picture to the name of the sport.

The “Can Dos” were so surprised to see that there was a sport or two, or three or four that they didn’t recognize.

Go see if there is a sport or two you don’t recognize. Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, choose sports and see how you do.


Those Pesky Punctuation Marks!

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

Miss Pat decided to make a matching game using punctuation marks after teaching punctuation for the past few weeks.

Most of the class knew the names of at least two of the marks, but were still having trouble with the names of the other punctuation marks.

Why don’t you go to the “Can Do” club house, choose games, choose punctuation game and see how you do matching the names of the punctuation marks to the marks?


Homophones Matching Games

Sunday, March 18th, 2012

homophonesMiss Pat was getting ready to teach the class about homophones, those words that sound alike, but have different meanings and different spellings.

She asked the class, “Can anyone tell me what homophones are?” The whole class stared at her with blank looks on their faces. Even Orrie was stumped!

Miss Pat continued, “Can anyone tell me what homonyms are?” Orrie’s hand went up like a shot. When called on, he answered, “Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings.” Miss Pat smiled and said, “Very good, Orrie.

Homophones are a type of homonyms that also sound alike and have different meanings, but they also have different spellings.”

“Huh,” said Hector, ” Can you give us a few examples of homophones?” The class nodded their agreement.

“Okay,” said Miss Pat here are two examples of homophones. I will even use them in a sentence.

Witch and Which

I am going to be a witch on Halloween.

Which one of you wants to write on the blackboard?

Break and Brake

Don’t break that glass, or you will have to pay for it.

Is the brake on your bike working properly?”

Miss Pat waited for her examples to sink in and then she announced, “Now we are going to play some computer matching games that use homophones. Be sure to pay close attention as tomorrow  I will give you a quiz on some of the homophones you match today.”

Then Miss Pat had the class go to their computers and play the Words that sound alike games.

Want to play along with the “Can Do”Kids? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House, choose games, then choose words That Sound Alike.


Christmas Matching Games

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

WChristmas matching gamesith only 10 days until Christmas, the “Can Do”s were not very interested in regular school work.

So, Miss Pat decided to make two Christmas matching games to use in the vocabulary and spelling lessons for the day.

Miss Pat announced that it was vocabulary time. After the class stopped moaning and groaning she said, “Class I have  a surprise for you. Today’s vocabulary building and spelling is going to be about Christmas words and Christmas things.”

Hector raised his hand and said, “This ought to be easy. I know all about Christmas stuff.” Miss Pat smiled and said,” We’ll see about that Hector.”

Then she asked everyone to go to their computers because the games were interactive matching games that could only be played on the computer.

Boys and Girls, why don’t you see how you would do playing the Christmas matching games? Just go to the “Can Do” Club House  choose games  and then choose Christmas games. The games are called. What is Santa Up To and Christmas Things.
