Posts Tagged ‘Maria’

Maria Needs to Listen Better

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

mariaSometimes Maria doesn’t listen carefully when her parents, grandma, teachers and friends speak with her.

When Maria doesn’t listen, she makes mistakes. Sometimes she misses out on fun; sometimes she makes others miss out on fun.

Last week, Maria was invited to join Kathy, Annie, and their grandma, Grandma Maureen, for the new movie opening at the “Can Do” Theater on Saturday. When Kathy invited her, she said, “Maria, we will meet you in front of the theater at 2 PM. The movie starts at 2:15 PM. Be sure to ask your mom if you can come and call me and let me know.”

Maria was so excited about being invited to the movies, that she only half listened to Kathy’s directions. When Maria got home, she asked her mom if she could go to the movies on Saturday. Her mom said yes and she called Kathy and gave her the good news.

When Saturday came, Maria reminded her mom that she needed a ride. She needed to meet Kathy and Annie and Grandma Maureen at 2PM. When they got in the car, Maria’s mom asked where Maria needed to meet everyone. Maria thought a minute. She wasn’t quite sure, but she told her mom they were meeting at Grandma Maureen’s house.

When they got to Grandma Maureen’s, Maria’s mom waited in the car while Maria went up to the house and rang the bell. Grandpa John answered and looked surprised to see Maria. “Why Maria, you are supposed to meet Grandma Maureen and the girls in front of the movie theater. It’s 2 PM now, and the movie starts at 2:15 PM. You are going to make everyone miss the opening of the movie. You better hurry. I will call Grandma Maureen on her cell phone and tell her you are on your way”

Maria ran back to the car and told her mom that she got the directions wrong. They drove to the theater and saw Grandma Maureen and the girls waiting for them.

As Maria kissed her mom goodbye, her mom told her they would have a talk about taking directions when she got home from the movies.

Maria ran up to everyone and apologized for being late. Kathy turned to her and said,”Maria, if you made us miss the opening of the movie, because you didn’t listen to my directions, I am going to be so mad at you!”

When they got into the movies, the coming attractions of other movies were still being shown. Lucky for Maria that she didn’t make everyone late for the opening scene of the movie they came to see.

When Maria got home, her mom sat her down and they went over what had happened that day because Maria hadn’t listened to directions. Her mom said,”To understand what people are telling you to do, you have to be a good listener. You must listen carefully to directions if you hope to remember them and use them successfully.”

Then Maria’s mom gave her these hints on being a careful listener:

  1. Don’t talk when you are supposed to be listening. Your ears work best when your mouth is closed

  2. Look at the person giving you directions. When your eyes and ears work together, it is easier to understand things.

  3. If you don’t understand what is being said to you, ask questions. It’s better to ask when being given directions than make a mistake later.

Maria listened carefully to her mom. She promised to practice careful listening and use the tips her mom gave her about listening to directions.


Some of the “Can Do” Kids Take a Writing Class

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

Wendy FrontWendy is the “Can Do Kid who loves to write. She writes every day. That is why Wendy is so good at writing.

Most of the other “Can Do” Kids do well with writing but…Bobby, Eulyn, Maria and Yundi, Wendy’s brother, need to get better at writing. When the community center announced that there would be a beginner writing class for young kids, in the early grades of elementary school, their moms enrolled them in the class.

Maria and Eulyn were willing to go every Saturday morning for 4 weeks. They knew they needed help with writing.

However, Bobby and Yundi were really unhappy about having to take the class. After all, it was baseball season, and they were on the team. How would the team get along without them?

Eulyn, Maria, Yundi and Bobby were thrilled to discover that their teacher was Miss Pat! Miss Pat was concerned that the “Can Dos” were having problems with identifying the main idea in stories. So she started the class with the following story to help them recognize the main idea . Read the story and see if you can pick out the main idea of the story

The Story:

Mark trys to be friendes with Jim, the new boi in school. First, Mark smils at Jim in the lunch room. Mark has a dog. Mark plaes with Jim after lunch.. Finalliy, he shares a seat with Jim on the school bus.

When the  “Can Dos” finished picking out the main idea of the story, Miss Pat gave them directions for doing other things with the story. Just follow the directions and correct the errors in each sentence.


Underline sentences that have details that say more about the main idea.

Cross out the sentence that does not belong to the main idea.

Circle the words that are misspelled or need to begin with a capital letter.

Why not get busy writing an ending for the story?

Be sure and have your parent or older brother or sister check your work to see how you did.

Have fun!


Kathy is a Butinsky!

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

KathyKathy often buts in when other kids are talking. She doesn’t let other kids finish what they are saying; she just starts talking about what she wants to talk about.

Some kids say Kathy is rude; others just call her a butinsky.

Well, here is what happened the other day, that made Kathy promise to stop being a butinsky.

Kathy and Maria were walking down “Can Do” Street when they met Nellie. “Hi Nellie, how are you,” said Kathy. “I’m OK thanks,” answered Nellie. “Did you see the…” said Nellie, but before she could finish what she was saying, Kathy said, “Did you see the new Disney show on TV last night?”

“No I didn’t,” said Nellie, “But you should…”

“Oh it was so cool,” said Kathy. Again she didn’t let Nellie finish what she was saying.

Kathy talked on and on for a few minutes about the TV show. Then Nellie interrupted her saying, “I have to go home for dinner now. I will see you both in school tomorrow.”

Maria then asked,”Okay Nellie what was it you wanted to tell us?”

“Oh” said Nellie, “I just wanted to tell you that they were giving away free chocolate candies over at the store across the street. I guess they will be all gone by now.” With that she left her two friends and started for home.

“Bye,” said Maria. Then she turned and stared at Kathy.

“What?” said Kathy.

“It was rude of you to keep interrupting Nellie while she was speaking,” said Maria. “We missed out on getting free candy because you didn’t let her finish what she was trying to say.”

“I’m sorry,” said Kathy. She really was sorry.

“Oh, it’s OK,” said Maria. “Just remember that it is good manners to let others finish speaking before you start to talk.”

“I promise to do better. I promise to listen when someone else is speaking and wait until they finish before I begin to talk,” said Kathy.


Footprints in Time

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

footprintsMiss Sue Came into the crafts class at camp and announced that a new path was going to be created from the back entrance of the community center to the lake, which is about a 1/2 mile distance. She asked that the “Can Dos” think about a way to make the path special. The “Can Dos” all nodded their heads yes, and Miss Hattie, who was leading the crafts session that day, smiled and said they would.

After Miss Sue left, the class got very quiet as they thought about ways of making the path special. Miss Hattie sat thinking to herself. All of a sudden she burst out with a big “AHA”and the kids all looked up hoping she had thought of something.

“Footprints, let’s make stones for the path with our footprints,” said Miss Hattie. “Huh?” answered some of the kids.

Hector wanted to know how they would get there footprints on stone. Maria was afraid it would cost a lot of money, and they were just kids and didn’t have any money. Willie wanted to know if he would have to take his socks off to make the footprint. He didn’t want to get clay or whatever material they would make the stones out of to get between his toes.

Miss Hattie said, “Not to worry, we can make the footprints stones out of baked dough, right here in crafts class.”

Another”Huh” from the class.

“It’s easy,” said Miss Hattie. “We just mix 1 cup of salt with 1 cup of flour and add 1/2 cup water for each stone. We knead it the mixture together then we roll out, with a rolling pin, on a piece of parchment paper on the floor. When it is the right size for a footprint, we take off our right shoe and sock and step right in the middle of the dough. Then we use a stick to carve our name and the year in the stone. Then it is ready for baking at 200 degrees for 2-3 hours, just until it is  hard, but not browned.”

The “Can Dos” loved the idea! Now they just had to convince Miss Sue that footprints stones would be a great way to decorate the new path.


Showing Up for Annie

Monday, July 9th, 2012

AnnieThe basketball traveling team tryouts were yesterday. Annie wanted to be on the team more than anything else she wanted to do all summer.

Annie had been practicing for weeks in the hopes of making the “Can Do” Street traveling team.

Anyone who knows Annie, knows that you never see her without out a basketball. If she is not shooting hoops, she is twirling her basketball on one finger.

Annie would rather play basketball than eat ice cream!

Tryouts were scheduled for 3PM following the end of the camp day.  Earlier in the day, over lunch, Kathy, Nellie, Eulyn and Maria were talking about attending the tryouts and cheering Annie on.

When Willie, Hector and Bobby sat down at their table, Kathy asked them if they were going to show up for Annie and cheer her on. Hector answered, ” Aw, she’s good, she doesn’t need me to cheer her on, besides I’ve got a play date with my cousin. We are going skateboarding in the park.”

Willie chimed in, “Yeah she’s a sure pick for the traveling team. I’m going home after camp, I’m tired.” Bobby said,” I’ll be there for Annie. Whenever I played a team sport, Annie showed up for me.

Kathy glared at Hector and said,”Annie was in the stands cheering for you when you were in the skate board races.” Then Kathy spun around and faced Willie saying, “Willie, Annie attended everyone of your baseball games this spring and you’re not going to show up for her? What kind of a friend are you, anyway?

Hector and Willie looked embarrassed. They both agreed to be there for Annie that afternoon.

Well, no surprise, Annie made the traveling team!

Afterwards, when her friends were congratulating Annie, she said,”Thanks guys, for showing up for me. When I walked out and saw you all in the stands, it really made me want to do my very best.”

Her friends smiled and nodded and then Annie gave the “Can Do” Kids shout out, “Can Do” Kids show up for each other and we are “Can Do” Kids!”
