Posts Tagged ‘manners’

School Manners

Saturday, November 11th, 2017

Even in school we need to practice good manners. For example, the other day Wendy did  not practice good manners and her classmates, especially Nellie, got really mad at her. Here’s what happened.

It was time to go outside in the school yard for recess. Miss Pat told the class that when everyone had lined up single file, with no talking, she would lead them outside for free play in the school yard.

Miss Pat said, “Remember your manners, class, and we will all get out into the yard quickly and have the most time we can have during recess.”

manners The “Can Dos” lined up, just as Miss Pat asked them to do, when all of a sudden Wendy jumped out of line and cut in front of Nellie, who was at the head of the line.

Nellie  said,”Hey, Get back in your spot! You were behind me line. I was hear first! You’re not supposed to cut in line.”

Wendy answered,  “So what. We’re all going to get there at the same time anyway. Who cares if I cut in line?”

Hector yelled, “Go back. No cutting in line”!

Nellie said,”I care and the  rest of the class cares too. You cut in front of all of us. That’s not fair and it’s selfish.”

Wendy answered, “Is not selfish.”

Nellie said, –”Is too”!

“That’s enough class,” said Miss Pat. “Wendy get back where you were in line. Line cutting is not good manners and it causes problems.

I think you owe your classmates and apology. Your classmates lost recess time as a  result of your cutting in line and the fuss it caused.”

Wendy looked embarrassed. She said, “I’m sorry everyone. I didn’t mean to cause a problem. I just thought it would be fun to be at the front of the line. I promise from now on to practice  good school manners”






Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

HabitsMiss Pat couldn’t help noticing that some of the “Can Do” kids were picking up habits that weren’t very nice. She decided it was time to say something about nice habits and not so nice habits.

Lately, Hector was picking his nose in class. Kathy was talking with her mouth full at snack time and snack crumbs were getting all over her and anyone sitting next to her. Just last week, Jay started to wipe his hands on his shirt.

Most of the class didn’t mind so much about Kathy talking with her mouth full, except the kids near her when stuff fell out of her mouth. Some of the kids were starting to call Jay Pig Pen after the character in Charlie Brown. Most of the girls avoided being seen with him unless he had his coat on. Hector’s nose picking was another story; it grossed everyone out who saw him doing it. No one wanted to shake his hand or touch his stuff after he picked his nose.

Miss Pat decided it was time for the good habits, not so good habits talk. She began, “Class, I can’t help noticing that some of you are doing some things that are considered habits that are not attractive or nice. These habits can lead to others not wanting to be around you.”

Jay took a big bite of an apple. The juice ran down his chin and he used the tail end of his shirt to wipe his face, saying as he wiped,”Like what , Miss Pat?” Miss Pat answered, “Like what you are doing right now, wiping your face with your shirt.” Bobby yelled out, “I can tell what you ate all day by looking at your shirt. Use a napkin, or a paper towel!” Jay turned bright red and asked if anyone had a tissue.

Miss Pat continued by talking about personal hygiene habits. All of a sudden everyone was staring at Hector, who said,” Why is everyone looking at me? What do I do that’s so gross?” before Miss Pat could answer, Bobby called out, “You pick your nose in public, yuck!” Hector shouted back, “Big deal!” Miss Pat said, “It is a big deal, Hector. Some of your classmates don’t want to sit next to you.  Others don’t want to take things from your hands after you pick your nose. I don’t blame them. Cleaning out your nose needs to be done with tissues, and is best done in private. When you sneeze or blow your nose, you also need to use a tissue.”

Kathy chimed in, ready to complain about Hector, when Nellie said, “Kathy, you shouldn’t say anything about Hector until you stop spraying everyone near you with food because you are talking with your mouth full. ” Kathy looked as if she were about to cry.

That’s when Miss Pat took over the conversation, saying,”Boys and girls, we all need to be aware of those habits that are not polite or may offend others. If you are not sure if you have any of those habits, ask your parents or ask me. If you have a not so good habit, give it up now.”

Hector raised his hand and said, “From now on I will clean out my nose in private, using a tissue and wash my hands when I am done. Kathy raised he hand and asked,”If you see me talking with my mouth full, please tell me.” Her classmates nodded that they would. Then it was Jay’s turn to raise his hand.  “I promise to carry tissue or paper towels and use them instead of my shirt.”

Miss Pat smiled. She was so glad the children saw the need to fix their not so good habits.



There is No Vacation from Good Manners

Thursday, July 21st, 2016

manners“Uh Oh,”said Bobby,”Did you see what Hector just did?” Willie shook his head no. Bobby said, “He closed the door in nurse Diane’s face! What happened to his manners?”

As The “Can Dos” were lining up for lunch, in the community center lunch room, Eulyn pushed in front of Nellie on line. “Hey,” said Nellie, “No cutting in line.”

Kathy stuck her finger in her sister’s pudding hoping that Annie wouldn’t want to eat it, and then she could have it.

Maria didn’t bother to empty her tray. She left it on the mannerstable for the lunch room staff to clean up after her. What happened to her manners?

Yundi met Miss Sue in the hallway, and  he didn’t answer her when she said good morning to him.

Miss Hattie gave Jay a pencil and paper when he forgot to bring any. He just took them, and didn’t even bother to say thank you.

Later that day, when the camp staff met to talk about the day, and the “Can Dos” behavior, they decided it was time to have a session on manners.

What should Hector have done?_______________________________

What would have been the right thing for Eulyn to do?________________

Why was it wrong for Kathy to stick her finger in Annie’s pudding?”__________________________________________________

What should Maria have done with her tray?_______________________

When someone say hello to you what do you do?_________________

When someone gives you something, what do you say? Why do you say it?________________________________________________

Remember boys and girls, you may be on vacation, but good manners never go on vacation!


Holiday Buffet Manners

Monday, December 30th, 2013

With New Year’s Eve coming, some of the “Can Dos”  were complaining to Miss Sue that all the New Year’s celebrations, at the recreation center,  were for teens and adults. Miss Sue thought about it for a day or so and then announced  that there would be a buffet lunch,  at the community center, on New Year’s eve for “Can Dos” 6-12 years old.

Parents and grandparents were invited to join the “Can Dos” for games, a sing-a-long and then the buffet.

Given what Miss Sue had seen in the past with “Can Dos” forgetting their manners, she thought it might be best to practice buffet manners before the actual buffet lunch. Good thing she did.  Wait till you hear what some of the “Can Dos’ did during the buffet rehearsal!

First of all, Miss Sue had a long table covered with a white cloth and had the cafeteria ladies set out several different dishes with serving spoons and forks  laid out next to them. She had napkins, plates, forks, knives and spoons at one end of the table. At the other end she had glasses and pitchers of juice and water.

Miss Sue instructed the children to start the buffet at the end of the table with the napkins, plates and utensils. They were to move down the table, in a single line, taking what foods they wanted. When they got to the beverage, an adult would serve then a drink. Then they were to find a table where they could sit down and eat with each other.

Well, the buffet practice all started off well, but then Nellie broke out of the line because she didn’t want some of the foods, and didn’t want to wait until others ahead of her took some of these foods.

Then others  broke out of line and soon it was a mess with “Can Dos” yelling,  “No fair, I was ahead of you and now I’m waiting for you to go.”

Then Miss Sue saw Hector take food put it on his plate and then put it back in the buffet bowl. As she walked over to him, she saw Kathy use her fingers to pick up fruit from the buffet and put it on her plate!

That did it! “Children, said Miss Sue, “Come away from the buffet table. we need to have a lesson in buffet manners right now!”

When the “Can Dos” gathered around her, Miss Sue said, “When you are at a buffet these are the things you must remember to do or other people at the buffet will thing you have bad manners and you will embarrass your family:

  • Go in the direction that everyone else is going. Don’t start your own separate line.
  • Be patient! Stay in line and wait your turn. If the buffet runs out of a food you like, the food preparers will more than likely replace it with more of the same food.
  • Use the spoons and forks next to each dish of food. Don’t use the same spoon or fork to take from more than one dish.
  • Don’t put food back on the buffet once you put it on your plate. People coming after you don’t want food that was on your plate. Only take what you think you want to eat.
  • Only use utensils to take food from the buffet, not your fingers. Would you want to eat from a plate where someone had used their fingers to grab food ?”

The “Can Dos” listened carefully and when Miss Sue was finished speaking Annie asked,”May we try again Miss Sue?Miss Sue thought a minute and answered, “I think that is a good idea.”

The “Can Dos” lined up and went through the buffet line remembering to stay in line and using utensils to take food. No one used their fingers and no one put food back on the buffet after putting it on his or her plate.

The “Can Dos” were ready for their first holiday buffet!


Kathy is a Butinsky!

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012

KathyKathy often buts in when other kids are talking. She doesn’t let other kids finish what they are saying; she just starts talking about what she wants to talk about.

Some kids say Kathy is rude; others just call her a butinsky.

Well, here is what happened the other day, that made Kathy promise to stop being a butinsky.

Kathy and Maria were walking down “Can Do” Street when they met Nellie. “Hi Nellie, how are you,” said Kathy. “I’m OK thanks,” answered Nellie. “Did you see the…” said Nellie, but before she could finish what she was saying, Kathy said, “Did you see the new Disney show on TV last night?”

“No I didn’t,” said Nellie, “But you should…”

“Oh it was so cool,” said Kathy. Again she didn’t let Nellie finish what she was saying.

Kathy talked on and on for a few minutes about the TV show. Then Nellie interrupted her saying, “I have to go home for dinner now. I will see you both in school tomorrow.”

Maria then asked,”Okay Nellie what was it you wanted to tell us?”

“Oh” said Nellie, “I just wanted to tell you that they were giving away free chocolate candies over at the store across the street. I guess they will be all gone by now.” With that she left her two friends and started for home.

“Bye,” said Maria. Then she turned and stared at Kathy.

“What?” said Kathy.

“It was rude of you to keep interrupting Nellie while she was speaking,” said Maria. “We missed out on getting free candy because you didn’t let her finish what she was trying to say.”

“I’m sorry,” said Kathy. She really was sorry.

“Oh, it’s OK,” said Maria. “Just remember that it is good manners to let others finish speaking before you start to talk.”

“I promise to do better. I promise to listen when someone else is speaking and wait until they finish before I begin to talk,” said Kathy.
