Posts Tagged ‘life skills’

Hector Wants to Know Why Grandmas Have Wrinkles

Thursday, May 4th, 2017

 Did you ever wonder why grandmas have wrinkles?

Well, Hector asked Grandma Hattie why she and all grandmas have wrinkles.

To hear her answer, read along with Grandma Jean and find out why Grandma Hattie believes she has wrinkles. Go to







Thursday, April 13th, 2017

choresThe boys were snacking with Grandma Hattie but she was wondering if Willie did his chores.

Then Willie asked, “Grandma, may I go to Orrie’s when we finish our snack? He has new computer games and he invited me to come see them.”

Grandma asked,”Did you finish your chores?”

Willie said,”No mam, but I will later, when I get back from Orrie’s.” Grandma Hattie answered, saying,”Willie that’s what you told me yesterday when I asked you to put your toys away, empty the waste paper basket in your room and hang your clothes up. You still haven’t done it  and your cousin is coming for a sleep over in your room tomorrow night.”

Willie got all red in the face and said, “I hate chores. Why do I have to do chores anyway? I bet Orrie doesn’t have to do chores!”

Then it was Orrie’s turn to get red in the face. Orrie sputtered and said, “Hey Willie, don’t think that just because I use a wheelchair I don’t do my fair share of chores at home because I do! I fold my laundry when it comes out of the wash and put it away. I dust my room with a big dusting wand. I empty my waste basket in the main trash can in the kitchen.”

Then Hector chimed in, saying, “I have to do chores every day. I have to keep my room neat. I even clean off the table after dinner at night.”

These were not the answers Willie wanted to hear.

Grandma used the time to talk about chores. “Hector, Orrie, do you think it is fair to have to do chores?”

Orrie answered, “My mom says that we are a family and everyone in the family needs to take responsibility for helping around the house.” Hector added, “My mom works outside of the house all day and then comes home and cooks for us. She needs some help.”

Grandma had another question,”What about your taking care of your rooms?”

“Oh, that’s an easy one,” said Hector, “It’s my room, I messed it, I should clean it up.” Orrie nodded yes. He feels the same way.

Willie was still fighting the idea of chores. He said,”I bet you both get an allowance for doing chores.”

Hector and Orrie shook their heads and Orrie answered,”Nope, I do chores because their my responsibility, because I live in the house, because doing my fair share is expected of me.”

Hector nodded and said, “I get an allowance for spending money. It has nothing to do with chores. I get it if I behave properly, do my homework as I am supposed to and get good grades. I can earn more money if I do extra chores.”

Willie asked to be excused. Grandma wanted to know where he was going. Willie answered, “To clean my room. Orrie, thanks for the invite, but my room is a mess. Can I see the game some other time?”

Grandma smiled. Hector turned to Orrie and said, “Can I see the game? I don’t have any chores until after dinner.” Orrie spun his chair around. He and Hector helped grandma clear the table. Then they each gave her a big hug and a thank you and off they went.

Do you do your chores when you are asked to do them?


Bike Riding is Fun When We Keep Safe

Sunday, March 26th, 2017

police woman pauls talks about bike riding It was that time again; time for Policewoman Paula to visit all the classes at “Can Do” Street Elementary School, and speak about bike safety.

It was officially spring, although it didn’t feel like spring. Summer couldn’t be far behind. With  warmer weather, the “Can Dos” were looking forward to bike riding every day. Some of them had two wheel bikes and were good at riding them.  Others were still learning to ride a two-wheel bike.

No matter, thought Policewoman Paula, they all need to to know how to be safe when bike riding.

After she thanked Miss Pat for having her, and greeted the “Can Dos” she talked to the children about how much fun bike riding can be if you follow the rules of bike riding and pay attention to what you are doing while riding.

Policewoman Paula spoke to the class about the following bike safety rules:

  • Use a practice track to get really good at bike riding before you ride in the street. A practice area is where you get to apply biking rules in a safe area. A gym or playground with a flat, concrete area works well as a practice biking area.
  • Obey traffic signs. Get to know what traffic signs mean, and have a parent test you before you go out in traffic.
  • Wear a helmet whenever you ride, no matter how short the ride, no matter how hot the day. Make sure your helmet fits well.  Your bike helmet should fit snugly without rocking from side to side. Helmet sizing pads help get the proper fit. The helmet should sit low on the forehead. It should only have about one to two finger-widths between the eyebrow and the helmet.
  • Make sure the bike seat and handlebars are a proper height. You should be able to straddle the bar with both feet flat on the ground with about 2 inches of clearance.
  • Check you bike each time before riding it for  loose chains, low tires, broken spokes and other possible bike dangers.
  • When riding a bike in traffic:
    • Ride in single file and in a straight line on the right-hand side of the road.
    • Make sure your hands are always within reach of the hand brakes.
    • Use hand signals when turning. For a left turn, put your left arm straight out and parallel to the road. For a right turn, bend the elbow of your left arm so that your forearm and biceps form a 90-degree angle.
    • Keep an eye out for potholes, sewer grates, uneven pavement, and soft shoulders. Warn riders behind you by calling out these dangers.
    • Never ride with both hands off the handlebars.
    • When biking, don’t wear headphones (they muffle the sound of approaching vehicles) or pants with flared cuffs (they can get caught in the bicycle’s chain).

      Remember, no night riding; you are 3x more at risk of having a bike  accident at night.


Be a Better Reader by Reading to the Dogs

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

readingCoach Campbell is cleaning up after a rec center intramural game, Bobby is helping. Coach Campbell asks, “So, how is school going? Passing all your classes?”

Bobby answers, “Yeah, but I am almost failing English. I am having a hard time reading out loud. I get all nervous, and I am afraid the other kids will readinglaugh at me. The out loud reading is a big part of the class grade. I want to get better, but I just get so nervous.”

Coach answers, “How about you practice reading out loud? Like part of your homework. Just something you do every day to get better, like practicing basketball made you a better player.”

Bobby asks,But where do I practice? There are always people around me. Plus, I also don’t like being all alone.”

Coach Campbell answers, “What if there was a place where I could guarantee not a single person would be around to hear you reading aloud, or laugh at you, and, you wouldn’t be lonely? Would that work?” Bobby says, “Yeah, sure – but, where is that place?”

Coach Campbell says, “The local animal shelter. You can sit and read to the dogs all day long if you want. You can read the same sentence again and again if you need to, the dogs won’t mind. They will be happy for the company.”

Bobby answers,Wow, that sounds cool. Yeah, let’s go THERE!”


Story by: Ned Campbell (voice of Coach Campbell, “Can Do” Street),  teacher and wrestling coach in Brooklyn, NY


Parent Note: For more information about children reading to dogs, check out:

  • Children read aloud to dogs

A growing number of libraries and some schools in the region are inviting volunteers to bring their dogs in to help children learn, hoping the pets will calm children who are struggling, excite those who are bored, and help kids equate reading with fun.

  • Children ‘Deck the Howls’ at shelter’s reading to dogs holiday event

This is open to children ages 5-11 who wanted to come to the shelter and read holiday stories to the adoptable dogs. According to the shelter’s YouTube page, the kids made toys, treats and pillows at the event, and helped tuck the dogs in for the night.


What Do You Give a Service Dog on His Birthday?

Wednesday, January 18th, 2017

A service dog's birthdayThe “Can Do” Kids are in a tizzy because they are invited to a birthday party for Muggins, Mickey’s service dog. 

Hector and Arthur J. have dogs and know what dogs like, but Muggins isn’t just any dog. He’s a service dog. He goes everywhere with Mickey. He is  specially trained to guide Mickey wherever he goes.

“Hector, said Arthur J., “We better not guess on this one. We better do our homework. I’m going to look up what service dogs are allowed to eat as treats or what toys they can have.” Hector thought a minute and said, ” Why don’t we just ask Mickey? He will know. It’s his dog”!

“Awe, what kind of a surprise will that be for Mickey? Besides, it looks like we couldn’t be bothered learning about a service dog,” said Arthur J.

So, Arthur looked up about service dogs on the Internet and he found out that service dogs are never allowed eat food from the table or food scraps. A service dog cannot be distracted by the smell of table food when he or she is working. They eat dog food. They can have dog biscuits as a treat. Arthur found a recipe for dog biscuits that is approved by a program that raises service dogs.

The next day, Arthur told Hector what he found. They took the recipe to the “Can Do” Kids Cooking Club and everyone helped make  Muggin’s birthday gift…a big basket of fresh baked dog  biscuits for the best service dog!

