Posts Tagged ‘kathy’

Why Did Kathy Fall Asleep in Class?

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Why did Kathy do it again; why did she fall asleep in class?

To find out why Kathy fell asleep in class, read along with Grandma Jean at:


Kathy is asleep

Did you ever fall asleep in class?


Spreading Christmas Cheer

Monday, December 12th, 2016


Christmas was getting close; just 13 days away, Mr. Dooley, the community center music teacher and choral director, came into the crafts class at the center and asked Miss Sue if he could speak to the class about a Christmas activity at the center.

Miss Sue nodded and Mr. Dooley said, ” The “Can Do” Kids Chorus was just asked to sing for the Seniors Christmas Party on December 23rd at 4 pm. I have permission slips for you to take home with you today and have a parent sign. Is there anyone here who cannot sing for the seniors on the 23rd”?

Hector raised his hand and said, “I’m in a basketball game that afternoon. The team needs me.” Kathy raised her hand and shared,”My cousin is coming to visit for Christmas. I need to be home to greet her when she comes.”

Jay raised his hand and said,” My parents and I are flying home to be with our family on the reservation for Christmas. Our plane leaves at 4 pm.”

Mr. Dooley said, “I can understand that Jay cannot change his plans, but Hector, I need to ask if this is a league game or just for fun”? Hector answered, “Just for fun.” Mr. Dooley smiled and reminded him, saying, “Hector, your grandma is in charge of the party. What will she tell her friends when you are not there to sing for her and the other seniors”? Hector gulped and said, “I’ll be there, Mr. Dooley. The team will just have to get along without me. I’ve got to be there for my grandma.”  “Good choice,” answered Mr. Dooley.

Before Mr. Dooley had a chance to ask her, Kathy announced that she would call her cousin and explain about the Christmas party for the seniors and that she would see her when she got home.

Kathy added, “The seniors are mostly all our grandmas. They are always there for us. We need to be there for them this Christmas.”


Where’s Maria?

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016


Maria’s  chair was empty. Hmmm, thought Kathy where is Maria?

Kathy went back to reading the story that Miss Pat gave them as an assignment in class. A little while later, Kathy looked over again  to see if Maria  was back in her seat…no Maria. Now she was worried that maybe something had happened to Maria . Did Miss Pat know where she was? Did Miss Pat even know that Maria was not in class?

“That’s funny,” said Kathy. Miss Pat looked up and said, “Kathy, are you talking when you are supposed to be reading?” Kathy looked up and answered,”Sorry Miss Pat, I was talking to myself.”  Miss Pat smiled and said, “Is it something you want to share?” Kathy shook her head no and said, “Can I come to your desk and ask you something in private?” Miss Pat shook her head yes and Kathy got up and went to Miss Pat’s desk.

In a low voice Kathy said, “I am worried about Maria. She hasn’t been in her seat since we got back from lunch. We ate lunch together and she didn’t say she was going anywhere after lunch. May I check the girls room to make sure she isn’t sick?” Miss Pat smiled at Kathy and said, “You are a good friend to worry about Maria  like that, but there is no need to worry. Maria is just fine. She had to go somewhere.”

“Where did she go,” asked Kathy. “That is something you will have to ask Maria,” answered Miss Pat.

Later, as Maria and Kathy walked home from school together, Kathy asked Maria  where she went after lunch. Maria got all red in the face and looked like she was about to cry. “What’s wrong?” asked Kathy. Maria started to cry and said,”If I tell you, do you promise not to tell anyone?”

Kathy nodded yes and Maria  said, “I am having trouble with reading, so I go out of our class to another room for extra help with reading.”

Kathy said, “Wow,  for a minute there you really had me scared. I thought something was really wrong, because you were crying and made me promise not to tell.”

Maria  answered, “I don’t like needing extra help. I’m afraid the other kids will make fun of me.” Kathy nodded that she understood. Then she said, “Maria, you are good at lots of things, you don’t need to feel bad about needing help with reading. Everybody needs help sometime with something. Besides, no one is going to make fun of you.

Remember Maria, we’re “Can Do” Kids and “Can Do” Kids don’t make fun of anyone!”


Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

responsibility Coach Campbell, Bobby and his sister, Kathy, and some other “Can Dos” are at the “Can Do” Center, working in the storage room, getting out the volleyballs and net to use in the summer camp.

 “OK now guys, let’s pay attention. Be careful, this is not that big a room and we have a lot of stuff to get out.”

 Suddenly, Coach Campbell hears a Can Do kid yell, “OUCH – Hey that hurt!” and then “Yeah, well it’s not my fault!!”

 Kathy comes up to Coach Campbell and lets him know that Bobby hit her, for no reason, just hit her with his fist.

 Coach Campbell takes Bobby aside to talk to him in private about what just happened.responsibility

 Before he can even ask the first question, Bobby says, “It is not my fault, I got mad and when I get mad, well, I just lose it. That’s just the way it is.”

 Really? asks Coach Campbell. Nothing you can do about it, huh?

 “Nope -nothing.”

 OK, let me ask you some questions then, and maybe we can get you to see this a bit differently. OK? Given that I was standing as close to you as I was, why did you hit her, and not me? I was there, and you just had to hit something, why not me?

 “You are big, and would probably crush me if I hit you.”

 So then, you chose to hit Kathy and not me. Right?


 So if you can make a decision, make a choice, then you really have not lost control, have you?

 “I guess not.”

 That’s right. You hit her because you could, because you though you could get away with it. That was a decision you made and that means you are responsible for hitting her.  Now, let me ask you another question. What if, just imagine, what if, I got mad and decided to haul off and hit you. Would that be OK, because, you know, I was mad.

 ’NO! No way Coach!”

 Well, why not?

 “Well, you are bigger than me, and stronger, it would hurt a lot.”

 That’s why you wouldn’t WANT me to hit you…but I asked you if it would be OK to hit you, because – like you said – I was mad.

 “No, it would not be OK for you to hit me.”

 Well, if it isn’t OK for me to hit you, then how can it be OK for you to hit Kathy… right?

 “Yeah, you’re right. What is wrong is wrong.”

 So, now what are you going to do?

 “I am going to say I am sorry to Kathy and tell her I will never do it again.

 We all get mad at times. But, hitting someone is not the way to deal with it. Most of the time, the anger can pass over quickly, other times you need to talk things out, but getting violent is not going to help. If you do get violent, remember – that was your choice and you have to take responsibility for it.


responsibility Story by: Ned Campbell, a coach and teacher in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the voice of  Coach Campbell in the “Can Do” Street programs.


Kathy is Going to Have a Room Mate over Thanksgiving Holiday

Wednesday, October 14th, 2015

KathyKathy has a cousin, Mimi, and she is coming all the way from Paris, France to spend Thanksgiving at Kathy’s house.

Her mom told Kathy and her younger sister, Annie and her brother, Orrie, at breakfast. Her mom said, “Kathy, since you have the largest bedroom, Mimi will stay in your room while she is here.” Kathy answered, “Orrie has a bigger room than I do. Why can’t she bunk with him?”

“Kathy, you know the answer to that,” said her mom. “Orrie uses a wheelchair and needs more space to turn and such.” Annie chimed in by saying. “Besides, Orrie’s a boy and Mimi’s a girl.”

Then Orrie joined the conversation by asking, “Kathy, why don’t you want Mimi in your room? She was here last year, for winter break and you two got along real well.”

Kathy answered, “I just  don’t want her touching my stuff. Do I have to share closet space and give one of my drawers for her clothes? If she messes up the room, do I have to clean up after her? Do I have to take her with me when I go out to play?”

“Just because you will share your room doesn’t mean you have to be responsible for Mimi while she is here.You weren’t last year. Why should this year be any different?” said her mom. Then she asked, “Orrie, Annie, how will you make your cousin feel welcome?” Orrie volunteered to take Mimi to the community center programs and to play computer games, and other board games with her. Annie offered to shoot hoops with her and be her partner when they went to cooking club.

‘Kathy,” said mom, “next year, when we visit with her family in France, what if she doesn’t want you in her room or touching her things; how will you feel?” Kathy thought a moment and said,  “I’ll feel like she doesn’t want me around. OK, I will clear out a a part of my closet where she can hang her clothes and store her shoes.”

Mom said, “Thank you Kathy, I know sharing space is hard to do when you are used to having a room to yourself, but it is only for a short time. So, Kathy what will make you feel better about Mimi staying in your room?” Kathy answered, “Can I put my new doll away for safekeeping? Can I ask Mimi to ask before she starts playing with my toys? “Can I ask her to put them back when she is finished playing?”

“Hmmm,” said Kathy’s mom. “I think it would be okay to put your new doll away for safekeeping. I also think it is also okay to ask Mimi to put toys away when she is finished playing with them, but, it doesn’t sound very sharing of you to make Mimi ask for permission every time she wants to play with one of your toys.”

What do you think boys and girls? What would you want to do if you had to share your room for a couple of days?
