Posts Tagged ‘hiking’

Willie and Nellie Learn About Hiking

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Coach Campbell is in the “Can Do” Center equipment closet, working on some things that Willie and Nellie do not recognize.

Hey Coach, what’s up…what-cha’ got there?

Oh, hey guys, this…this is my hiking gear.

Huh? Hiking gear – what is that?!?

It is what I take with me, what I wear, when I go out hiking in the woods. I was hiking this past weekend, and I am just cleaning it up a bit so it stays in good shape. I also want to make sure it is “good to go” when I hit the trails again this weekend for National Trails Day.

Hiking, you mean like walking around? Isn’t that…boring?

Well, not to me it isn’t. Yes, it is walking. But, there is so much to see, and hear, that is far from boring. Plus, it is nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, to go somewhere and be able to hear birds sing, and be able to hear the breeze rustle the leaves of a forest and to smell the clean, cool greenness of the air.


Sounds nice. Can anybody do it? I mean, can we do it?

You bet anyone can do it. That is one of the things that make hiking so great; you can start out young and do it for the rest of your life. It is timeless and ageless.

Cool, so what kind of stuff do you have in your “hiking gear”?

Well, let’s see. I have a first aid kit, some bug-spray and sun-block too. I also make sure I have two big bottles of water with me, especially since I am carrying water for both me and Delmar.

Delmar goes with you?!?!

Of course he does. He’s my hiking buddy.

Oh wow! Does he have fun?


He has a blast! He loves it.

How does he drink this water though? I mean, dogs can’t drink out of a bottle, can they?

Sure can’t, not without spilling about half the bottle anyway. No, Delmar has a little collapsible bowl I carry with me that he drinks out of.

Now, let’s see. Oh yeah, I also have a compass. I don’t really need that when I am hiking local parks, but when I go upstate and get out on some long day hike trails, the compass is important to have with me, along with the trail maps too. Last thing you want to do it to get lost, so making sure you know where you are on the trail is very important.

You know how to use a compass? You can read a map? Why not just GPS, like in a car?


Sure can, learned how to use a compass and read a map when I was in the Army. It is not that hard, and sometimes GPS doesn’t work, so you need to be able to take care of yourself without technology, just to be safe.

Cool, you think you can teach us? Yeah, you think we could go on a hike with you?

Well, sure. Why not. We will start out easy, with a walk through a local park one nice afternoon. Of course, we will have to have your parents/grandparents permission first, but I would love to take you guys out.

Even me Coach – says Nellie….

Yes, even you Nellie. Hiking is totally OK for both boys AND girls. No problems there at all.

COOL!! Anything else in your hiking gear?

One last thing, a rain jacket and rain pants. Sometimes the weather can change real fast, and I might be a few miles from my truck, so the rain gear is important. Getting soaking wet is no fun.

What about Delmar, what does he do when it rains?

Well, he gets wet.


National Trails Dayhiking






Story By:Ned Campbell, a coach and teacher in Brooklyn, NY.  He is the voice of  Coach Campbell in the “Can Do” Street programs.hiking

 Parent Note: Coach Campbell has a post for parents on this same subject at


Take a Hike!

Monday, August 8th, 2011

 coach campbell talking about a hike“Good Morning,” said Coach Campbell. “Good Morning, Coach,” answered the “Can Dos.”

Coach continued to talk, saying, “Camp will soon be over and we have to think about how we keep physically fit once the school year begins. I’m here to suggest an activity we can all do together outside and even include our families.

Let’s take a hike on the Saturday after school starts!”

Eulyn raised her hand and asked, “What’s a hike ?”

Coach Campbell answered, “A hike is a long walk in the countryside.

It’s a chance to enjoy being outdoors. While hiking  we can see birds and flowers we don’t usually see on “Can Do” Street.”

Coach noticed that Orrie and Mickey were looking kind of sad. “Orrie, Mickey you are going to enjoy this hike. We are going to be using a handicapped accessible trail.

Orrie, you can power your chair, and when you need a break, I will be there to help out,” said Coach. “Mickey, Muggins is going to love a walk in the country with you. He will be great on the trail. Once again, if you need anything, there will be lots of us there to help.”

“A hike sounds like fun! Count me in,” said Hector. Then all the other “Can Dos” chimed in that they wanted to be part of the hike.

“Great, said Coach,”Let’s go over what we need to know to have a good time on our hike.”

  • Weather – If it is raining hard, we will reschedule for the following Saturday.
  • Pack hooded rain jackets in your backpack,  just in case.
  • Dress in layers.
  • Wear comfortable shoes for walking and pack an  extra pair of socks just in case the pair you wear get wet. Who likes soggy socks?
  • Staff will carry water, but please help and bring along your water bottles. You need to drink plenty of water.
  • There are restrooms and porta johns along the way.
  • Pack a light snack that is easy to carry.

Coach reminded the “Can Dos” to be on time…10 am in front of the community center.

Then he said,”Remember …invite your families to join you and take a hike!”
