Posts Tagged ‘helmets’

What Do You Know About Inline Skating?

Sunday, September 11th, 2016

responsibilityCoach Campbell was giving the “Can Dos’ a pop quiz about sports. They were doing fine until he asked about inline skating. So, he had the “Can Dos” take seats in the gym bleachers and he began to share what he knew.

“Inline skating is a form of roller skating. Skaters wear shoes with wheels set in a straight line on the bottom.

Inline skates were invented by a Minnesota hockey player so that he could skate during the off-season. California has the most inline skaters — 3.6 million residents regularly go inline skating. Many professional skiers use inline skating to train during the off-season, because some of the skills of each activity are the same.

There are several different types of inline skates, depending on the type of skating you do. Recreational skates have a plastic boot and 4 wheels. These skates are best for beginners.

No matter what kind of skates you wear, always wear a helmet, as well as wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads.

You can avoid getting hurt when inline skating by making sure your helmet and pads are on correctly. Your helmet should be tightly buckled, with the front coming down to right over your eyebrow, and your pads should be on tight, so they don’t slip while you are skating. It’s also important that your helmet is approved by one of the groups who test helmets to see which ones are the best: the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) or Snell B-95 standards are best for inline skating helmets.

Practice balancing on your skates by walking in them on a flat, grassy area. As you move to the pavement, balance yourself without trying to move. Gradually begin to skate by moving forward, but not too fast. Keep your knees bent and flexible when you skate — it will keep you more stable. And if you fall — fall forward. Then you will fall on your kneepads — they’re there to protect you!

If you try inline skating, make sure you are always in control of your speed, turns and stops, and be careful of cracks in the pavement where you are skating — they can be dangerous if your wheels get caught in them. It’s best to go skating out of the way of traffic and other people (skating rinks are great places to skate). As a beginner, it is best to skate with friends and family.”

Source: CDC,



Friday, January 3rd, 2014

The first day back to school after New Year’s Day held the promise of snow for sledding.

It started snowing early, before school started, and now it was snowing heavily. The “Can Do” kids were hoping that there would be an early dismissal from school.

Most of “Can Dos” had taken their sleds down from their attics or out of their garages just to be ready for a chance to go sledding.

Just then the door opened and in came Coach Campbell. “Hi boys and girls,” said Coach. “As you can see it is snowing very hard and there will be early dismissal.” Coach waited for the cheering to quiet down before he continued. “I want to remind everyone about the safety rules when it comes to sledding.

Before you start sledding, be sure you have the right kind of sled and helmets, dress warmly, and ask you parents or grandparents to pick out a perfect hill for you to sled down.

Then remember:

  • No sledding without a responsible adult present to supervise. If a child does get injured, there should always be an adult on hand to administer first aid and, if necessary, take the injured sledder to the emergency room.
  • Young kids (5 and under) should only sled with an adult, and kids under 12 should be actively watched at all times.
  • You should always sit face-forward on your sleds. Never sled down a hill backwards or while standing
  •  Don’t go down the hill face-first, as this greatly increases your risk of hurting your head.
  • You need to go down the hill one at a time and with only one person per sled (except for adults with young kids).
  • Don’t build an artificial jump or an obstacle on a sledding hill.
  • Keep your arms and legs within the sled at all times.
  • If you fall off the sled, move out of the way.
  • If you are on a sled that won’t stop, roll off it and get away from it.
  • Walk up the side of the hill and leave the middle open for other sledders.
  • Never ride a sled that is being pulled by a moving vehicle.”

The “Can Dos” nodded and promised Coach they would follow the sledding rules.

Coach smiled and said, “OK then, get out there and have fun sledding!”

